Chapter 29: George.....?

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Dream POV

What George didn't expect was that I wouldn't let him go, so he was pulled back into the deep end with me.

He was talking as I pulled him in. Being submerged under water suddenly probably wasn't the best thing to do at that moment.

I pulled him up out the water with me but he wasn't breathing. George was drowning.


I brought him out the pool to the side. Sapnap was still laughing. I don't think he realised it yet.

"George??" I cupped his face. He wasn't responding. In any way.

I blew on his eyes and they didn't flutter so I knew he wasn't faking it. I couldnt breathe. I needed to calm down. What do I do?

"Dream..?" Sapnap sounded worried. He should be. George was unconscious and unresponsive.

"Call an ambulance." I said. I didn't know what else to do.

"Dream??" The panic in his voice was obvious now.

"Call an ambulance. NOW." I shouted at him. I didn't mean to. I was just scared. We both were.

He ran up the stairs, almost falling.

I just sat and watched Georges unconscious body as it stilled. This was terrifying. He looked...dead. And he fucking will be if I don't do something, right now.

I started chest compressions and mouth to mouth. I know that the beat to Say So by Doja Cat was the right rhythm so I kept to that pace. (THIS IS TRUE IF YOU EVER NEEDED THAT)

I know it sounds stupid but it was distracting from me the situation and the fact George was dyi- I can't say it. He's not. He'll be okay.

But anyway, the song also kept me focused on doing what I was doing.

Minutes past and Sapnap came back down.

"They are on their way, they'll be about 7 minutes."

That's two times through the song. That's too long. He threw me a hoodie. I couldn't put it on, I was busy. I was busy keeping George alive, that's all that mattered.

I thought those seven minutes were the slowest minutes of my life. I was wrong. The paramedics came and took over from me, sapnap pushed the hoodie into me and told me to put it on. I could barely hear him. My arms hurt. I was dizzy and I was tired and I was so fucking worried about George. I scrambled up the stairs, behind the paramedics. They were all saying things but I couldn't keep up. None of what they were saying sounded like words. My head was pounding.

I grabbed my keys and phone on the way out, scrambling to lock the door quickly. Sapnap helped me into the back of the ambulance with him and from then on, silence.

Everyone was quiet. There was a machine hooked up to George, which I guess was helping him breathe. There was the odd beep as the medics were taking tests and checking pressure and pulses. They were asking questions. Alcohol intake, last time he ate. I knew these one's. Any conditions they should know about. I don't know. We haven't had the time to talk about that yet. I need more time. 'What was your relationship with the patient?'

They need to stop using "was". Hes still alive. He's not dead. He's here and he'll be okay.

"I'm his boyfriend." She nodded, raising her eyebrows and scribbling things down.

The ride in the ambulance seemed to last hours, George was only breathing through this machine. He wasn't conscious but his heart was beating regularly which was a good sign.

I was so lost. How did this all go so wrong? We were just having fun. God, this was my fault. I shouldn't have dragged him into the water. None of this would've happened. And it's sapnaps last day. Fuck. Sapnap goes home tomorrow and we've spent his last day in an ambulance.

We got to the hospital and I've never been more thankful for how close my house was to it. Ten minutes we were in the ambulance - it felt like days.

They ushered george behind closed doors and that was it. Me and Sapnap were cut off. For hours. The first hour was pumping the water out of George's lungs. Apparently that wouldnt take as long normally but George has an underlying heart condition none of us knew about. So when they tried to operate on George initially, he seized and had a minor heart attack. They had to use defibrillators and the line went flat. Four times, they shocked him.

It was only in the fifth they heard a reassuring beep from the monitor.

They still don't understand how he took in so much water. I don't either. We were under the water three seconds max and I brought him dangerously close to death.

Now, George was resting. It has been two hours and that's all we'd been told. That he was resting and we almost lost him.

But we didn't.

He's going to be okay

It was around 2pm now. I was hungry so was sapnap but I didn't want to leave just in case we got called in. Just in case something happened.

"I'll go get us something, okay? I won't be long I promise. Ring me if anything happens."

I just nodded, resuming my position in the waiting room. Head in hands, knees bouncing. This was all so terrifying. I could've lost George. And it would've been my fault.

I watched as people walked past. Some with worried expressions, some faces were painted with joy. I was jealous. But good for them. The hospital was a place for many things. That includes life and death, but it also entails hope and opportunity.

I wasn't feeling very hopeful right now.

I know I should be. But even if George is okay, I've ruined sapnaps last day by being a prick. I don't know how to fix that.

Oh no. Oh fuck. What if George hates me? I almost killed him. I almost killed him.

I am a horrible person. I'm a horrible friend. And I am most definitely, a horrible boyfriend.

A nurse popped her head out from George's room. I stood up, worried yet weirdly elated.

"He's awake."


Hey again, reader.

In terms of new books...

There will be a sequel to this one. I know how this is going to end. But I simply don't want it to end there so I'll write a sequel. E Z

I'm not saying this one is ending any time soon, but sadly, it will eventually.


I have another idea for a book. A completely new style book. It's more emotional/told through feelings.

It's called "If Only You'll Let Me"

And it's where Clay is the only one in love.

Will that change?

Will George ever love him back?

Let me know if you'd read or if you think it'd be a good story:)

And urm ik this is a lot of notes but if you've read this far then drop a follow :) i want to start interacting with you guys more 😏😏

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