Chapter 40: Until Next Time

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Sapnap POV

I woke up. It was 9 am, just like me and Dream agreed. I was leaving in seven hours. I was going home. I'd miss dream and George but, after last night, I could not stay here any longer. With them together. No. No thank you.

I don't think they even try to be quiet. I had my airpods on full blast but I could still hear George in the other room. It's still traumatising. It was never not traumatising. I'm done. Never again. They couldn't wait just one more day?

Anyway, I'm not coming back for a long time if I can help it.

I got up and dressed, brushing my teeth. Dream was cooking breakfast today, then we are chilling for a bit. I'd probably pack then, and put my stuff in the car ready. After that, Dream and George  were thinking about going out for our last lunch together before we go to the airport. Before I go home.

I walked downstairs to find them at the hob, cooking. Dream was frying things and George was watching. I could barely look at them. How are they not embarrassed? I guess that's just the way they are. I know you aren't meant to wish change upon other people, you know, they are meant to be who they want to be...bla bla bla, but I really wish they weren't so.. loud? Sexually active? Outright awful to live with?

George came up to me saying good morning, asking how I am. I couldnt look at him. I didnt like the idea that they've... you know. It's weird thinking that your best friends fucked. Ew, ew, ew. Ew no. That's so... Ugh.

Dream served me some eggs and bacon and I nodded thanking him. The kitchen was filled with their laughter and it was comforting. I was glad that they were happy, but I, personally, wouldve been happier if they had done all of this tomorrow.

Dream POV

I finished clearing the plates after breakfast, George was getting dressed and sapnap was sat on his phone.

"You seem quiet." I said.

"You weren't last night." He shot back.

I felt my cheeks start to burn but couldn't help but laugh. If I didn't laugh I'd be embarrassed and that's just not fun.

"I'm sorry, Sapnap. Did you get enough sleep?"

"Definitely not. I was listening to music trying to drown you out."

"Again, I'm really sorry. But it is kind of funny."


"Well you won't have to deal with it soon. Four more hours."

"Don't remind me. I'm gonna miss you guys."

"Save the soppyness for the airport. Then I won't feel bad and guilt trip you into staying longer."

"Okay, okay. And I don't think I'll be up for that lunch we have planned, you know. This will fill me up, plus I don't want to eat too much before the flight."

"Fair enough, that's all fine. We'll go on a walk instead. A leisurely stroll up the beach maybe?"

"Yeah that'd be great if we were ninety."

"We're doing it anyway it's kind of close to the airport and it's pretty much empty."

"Okay okay. I'm going to go pack so enjoy cleaning."

"I will, I will."

He headed upstairs and I smiled. He was annoying, but I'll still miss him.

The next time I saw them both was two hours later. Sapnap was all packed and we were ready for our walk on the beach. He made a whole scene of saying goodbye to Patches and the house. We laughed but I knew we were all dying on the inside.

It wouldn't be the dream team without sapnap.

The car ride to the beach was full of laughter, love, and awful kareoke. Sapnap picked some of the worst kareoke songs but it was his last day so I just had to agree. He looked happy. George looked happy. Good. They were happy so I'm happy.

We obviously weren't going to the beach I ended up at that one night, that would be awful for George. Besides, the airport was the other side of town anyway.

When we got to the beach, it was empty, just like I said it would be. I told them to go down to the beach and wait. I reached into the back of the car and brought out buckets and spades that I'd hidden.

"The best sandcastle wins $1000. You have half an hour."

"GAME ON BITCH." Sapnap stole the biggest spade and a bucket and was off. You wouldn't think he was nineteen, that's for sure.

George just shrugged, and went to go collect shells and twigs to 'decorate' his sandcastle. He hadn't even picked up a spade so I think he'd teamed with Sapnap and had taken over the decorating. Sapnap, however, had really gotten into it. I've never seen him do so much physical work.

I spent the half an hour making a small, basic castle but Sapnap sent George out on a sabotage mission and he jumped on my beautiful pile of sand. I wasn't mad. Maybe a little. But I was glad they were having fun.

After the half an hour was up, Sapnap had a two tier sand castle with a reinforced moat and some shells around the top. Nice, George. Very nice. George knew he wouldn't get any of the money, he didn't need it, he just wanted to spend more time with sapnap.

Sapnap, being the obvious winner, celebrated by hugging and dancing with George. I just stood and sighed. I'm not a sore loser, I swear. Plus, I would only be winning my own money back. Not that the money was the main objective here. These were the last memories we'd make together for a while.

None of us wanted to leave because we knew that there would only be two of us coming back. But we had to. We were going to be late for sapnaps flight otherwise. We had an hour to get there and check him in.

This car ride was more silent. Just some music and the occasional, "stop skipping the songs Sapnap."

Arriving at the airport caused an unspoken sadness that was suffocating all of us. We all barely said anything. I got out and started taking his bags out the car. I heard two other doors open and shut and Sapnap was suddenly on my right side, George on my left.

We walked into the entrance, Sapnap going up to the desk sorting things out. We slowly made our way to his gate. We'd just got there on time, with three minutes spare until boarding.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." He admitted.


"What? I saved it for the airport."

"What?" George sounded confused.

"It doesn't matter, George, just a conversation we had. We're going to miss you too, sapnap."

"We are." George nodded.

We all went in for a group hug. It was needed. We didn't know when the next one would be.

"Until next time." I whispered.

"Until next time." Sapnap agreed.

He let go of us, turned around and walked to board his flight. He waved for the last time and George grabbed hold of me, and we waved back, smiling. We'd see eachother again. This was a goodbye for now, not a goodbye forever.


1234 words

The next chapter is the last one.

Be ready.

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