Chapter 17: All Aboard {Part 1}

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"So where now?"

"Funny you ask that, sapnap. Ever been on a yacht before?"


George looked at me. Sorry, George stared at me. "You didn't..."

"Oh I most deifnetely did."


George POV

Dream hired a yacht.

For the whole day.

I was more shocked about the fact that I didn't even consider that yachts exist than the fact dream hired one. We drove back to the house to pick up a few things. He told us to pack for the night.

I packed as much as I could in my bag because I'd rather be over prepared then miss something. I can't remember the last time I even went on a boat, nevermind stay over night. I was scared but I knew dream would be there and somehow he'd make it all okay.

We arrived at the pier and I saw a whole line up of yachts. I was hoping it was one of the smaller ones at the beginning because they seemed less scary. But we kept walking. The further down we got, the bigger they appeared. Me and Sapnap kept our silence, purely out of shock. This couldn't have been cheap. It felt expensive to even look at some of these boats. We kept walking right to the end of the peer. Dream likes to go big. I should've known.

When we got to the yacht, dream stopped, turned around and smiled at us.

"Here we have it, our boat for today!"

He couldn't be serious.

It was a tall boat. I could barely see the top. It was lean, modern and well decorated. It was mostly glass windows wrapping around its sides but I saw a few railings on the second floor which I'm guessing we're balconies. It had a stretch at the front with two sun beds and a mini bar. A bar. A whole bar on a boat. Well not a whole one, considering its mini but it's a bar nonetheless. The control panel was way at the top, along with the wheel. Then it hit me, none of us knew how to drive a yacht.

"How are we going to drive that?"

"We aren't." He pointed to the boat. There was a guy already on it. He was in a perfect outfit and he was hot.

(the dood^^^^ we r going to pretend he's at least 21 for legal reasons)

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(the dood^^^^ we r going to pretend he's at least 21 for legal reasons)

Not my type, but still undeniably gorgeous. As he got closer I took in every detail I could.

He had luscious brown hair that flopped perfectly into his face, but not too much as it kept out of the way of his big brown eyes. He had not too obvious freckles and surprisingly big lips. They looked soft. He was taller than me, by at least a couple of inches, but he wasn't as tall as dream. He looked down at us and smiled. He had a gorgeous smile.

Maybe he was my type after all.

He sauntered up to us three. Dream smiled and he shook his head.

"Hey, Noah."

"Clayyy!" They hugged. That's fine. I don't mind.

"This is Nick, but he goes by Sapnap."

"New, interesting. Never heard that before. I like it though." He hugged Sapnap aswell. Oh, okay. So he was a hugger. That's fine.

"And you," he pointed at me and offered his hand, "must be George. I've heard a lot about you." He kissed my hand and I giggled. His lips were soft, gentle. I could see dreams smile fade in the corner of my eye and that just made it even more funny.

He turned to look at dream again, a smirk painted across his face.

"Dream, I know I know. I'll lay off your man. But you did forget to mention how cute he was.."

"That's fucking it." but dream was laughing.

Dream started chasing Noah, like he was his next victim. Noah knew the boat better so I'm guessing he ran to hide. Sapnap just chuckled and shook his head.

"George I can't take you anywhere." he sighed.

"How come?"

"Everyone in a two mile radius just starts simping for you."

I laughed and punched him lightly. He stepped up onto the boat and offered me a hand. "Shall we?"

I went to take his hand but he whipped it away. "YOU WON'T CATCH ME SIMPING FOR NO ONE GEORGE. FUCK YOU." He stuck his middle finger up at me and walked further into the boat triumphantly. I clambered onto the boat myself.

It was beautiful. The waves lapped against the pier and the sun shone down on the sea, making it shimmer in a way that filled me with joy. The water was clear so I could see right down to the bottom.

It was beautifully terrifying.

It was quiet but not in a way that scared me. It was peaceful. It was perfect.

I heard footsteps, but I didn't turn to see whose. I was too engrossed in the feeling of security the ocean now instilled on me.

I felt arms wrap around my torso and a head lean on my shoulder. The head was also breathless and was frantically breathing right in my ear.


"Hey, dream."

"Do you like it?"

"I love it. And I love you."

I turned around, kissed him lightly, peeling his arms off my body. The fact he wasn't expecting it was amusing to me, so when he looked at me, longing for more, I just sighed, "But we are supposed to be taking it slow so get your sweaty ass off me. Go breathe heavily somewhere else."

He let out a groan because he knew I was right. We couldn't do this now. Too many people. He stood thinking for a moment. Finally, he came out with, "How about I give you a tour?" He raised his eyebrows at me in a way that made me giggle.

"Fine, whatever." I rolled my eyes but took his hand and followed him up the steps, through the doors, and onto the first floor.


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