Chapter 12: This Wasn't my Intention

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Dream POV

Listen to: The Night We Met - Lord Huron

If you want lololol I just think it matches well.


He looked scared, but not of the guys writhing in pain on the floor.

No no, George looked scared of me.


"George I-"

"Save it. Get in the car."

So I did. Sapnap came running over and saw me with the bruises and the blood. I guess that would be pretty scary. By that, i mean he looked terrified. We drove home in silence. I could barely see straight. Everywhere ached and my head was pounding. I was bleeding somewhere because it was dripping down my face. I was sat in the back and every now and then George would turn to check on me. He'd throw me a weak smile but I knew he was worried.

The neighbourhood had now turned a bleak grey colour and I couldn't help but feel alone. Yes, i was in a car with two other people, but when both of them hate you, you do tend to feel lonely.

I completely overreacted. I don't know why. I've never been that pissed off. That confused. And I've never drank like that before either. Fuck.

We got in and Sapnap hunted for some first aid. Anything to stop the bleeding I guess. George sat me down on the couch and he climbed onto my lap. He was facing me, his knees either side of my thighs. He looked me straight in the eyes, they were filling with tears.

"I'm so sorry, dream." He croaked. I don't understand why he's apologising, it's not his fault. None of this is his fault. I didn't say anything and he just threw his arms around my neck. I hugged him back, my arms settling round his lower back. We stayed like this a while. I wanted to pull him in tighter. I never wanted to let go.

I wouldn't have let go but sapnap came back with a box and a cloth. When he placed it down, George took charge of the first aid. He took my chin in his hand and he dabbed my face with a damp cloth. His face crumpled when I lifted up my shirt. There were so many bruises. They were everywhere.

"George it's not your fault. I shouldn't have left and I definitely shouldn't have drank. I'm so sorry."

"If I hadnt had kissed you-"

"You what?" Sapnap whispered.
He continued, "that explains why he's pissed."

"Sapnap don't say anything,  it's okay. It's not George's fault."

George looked confused. "Sapnap what are you talking about? What are you not telling me?"

"Where do I even start? Oh I know! How about when I had a go at dream in that fucking shop because you told me you didn't want to push any feelings you may or may not have. That would all be fine if you hadn't have KISSED HIM. I told him not to make a move because you weren't ready. I told him just friends. You fucked it all up George."

"Sapnap, chill out I'm okay. We are all okay that's all that matters."

George was looking at me. He looked heartbroken.

"It's not okay dream, you don't drink. You never have. And you haven't been in a fight since like the 6th grade. George is messing with your head. You're both bad for eachother."

"Alright sapnap, that's enough." I slid George off my lap and I stood up. That was a lot more difficult than I thought, but I did it.

"Yes I haven't fought since the 6th grade. That's because no ones provoked me in a way I felt I needed to fight. That was until today. Do you even know the things they were saying to George?? You weren't even there. Yet you just assumed I was on a drunk rampage. I have morals sapnap, I'm not a fucking animal."

I paused. Sapnap hung his head. He knew I was right.

"I didn't need to fight but I hated seeing George so scared. So small. So yes I fought, but it was my decision as George even begged me not to. I drunk on my own accord because I was pissed off and confused. Which we've all established is fair considering what's happened in the last 12 hours. That's the confusion part, the drinking is inexcusable. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to shower and sleep as I feel like shit and I can't deal with this right now. I'm sorry this meetup isn't going how we planned. If you wanted to leave tomorrow I'd understand. I'd also pay for both your flights."

I don't know how I managed to string a sentence together, nevermind a whole essay. I just looked to the floor. I could barely see straight but I know George was breaking right now. They were both disappointed with me, I could tell. I am too.

"Dream we aren't going to leave you, you obviously need us right now." Sapnap admitted. "But yeah I think sleep is a good idea."

"Right okay, sapnap I know we are meant to be sleeping in the same room but I think I'll take the couch. George? Are you alright?"

"Yeah no I'm good." he wasn't.

"Okay good. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

He wasn't alright but I couldn't really do much about that right now.

Sapnap and George both trailed out the living room and I heard their doors shut. What an awful start.

I showered quickly, there were three showers in the house so no one was waiting. I just felt like getting it done with. Various cuts started stinging as I did so, and I was reminded of what an ass I'd been. I quickly put on some clothes and I scraped together any blankets and pillows for my so-called bed.

Despite it not being very comfy, I fell asleep rather quickly. I didnt sleep long considering how tired I felt. I woke up to small, george-sized footsteps.



1040 Words


Also sorry if the songs not long enough for the chapter 😔 just pretend it works.

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