Chapter 35: Company

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We stayed like this for a while, savouring each others company. Considering what happened in the past twenty four hours I was surprised I was still here.


Dream POV

George looked beautiful right now. He was sat in a towel, hair messy, skin flawless. We were still in the bathroom, currently waiting for sapnap to deliver fresh clothes and bring in whatever else he had brought. He was making his way up to the room according to our short phone call.

I sat on the floor, back to the wall. It was surprisingly comfy down here and the cool tiles contrasted with the overwhelming heat from our shower. The simple solution would be to open the door but I just didn't want my alone time with George to end. So we were just sat. Well, I was sat and George was looking at himself in the mirror. Not in an obnoxious way, he was just looking. He had wiped the steam off so he could see his face and he was pulling at his cheeks complaining about how they formed when he smiled. I loved it. I loved everything about his smile.

We were still waiting for the knock at the door. George stopped looking in the mirror and sat down next to me. He laced his fingers in mine and looked at me.

"Clay, I want to tell people. About us."

"You do?"

He nodded.

"Are you sure?"

I want this. But only if George wants it.

"Yes I'm sure."

"How do you want to do it?"

"We can tell friends first, then we'll deal with fans."

"Okay, okay. Let me know when and who. We'll do it together."

"Okay. Good. It feels like an unnecessary secret at the moment. It's a secret that almost got me killed. That sounds so ridiculous to say.."

"But that's exactly what happened George. And if us being a secret is a threat to you're life then we need to tell everyone. You being with me almost killed you. That's fucking insane. That's the last thing I ever wanted to happen. I don't know how to tell you that I'm certain it won't happen again because I'm not. I couldn't help you the first time George-

"Sapnap said your the one that gave me CPR. Meaning you kept me alive. You saved my life."

"That doesnt mean anything when I'm the one that put you in danger in the first place."

"Love is dangerous, clay, we both know that. If loving you is what gets me killed, well, I guess, what a way to die."

"I don't want you to die, George." my voice was breaking. The idea of George not being here was too close to not being just an idea. The emotional rollercoaster I'd been on in the past twenty four hours had really just influenced my ability to cry at everything now.

"I'm not going to. I'm here. I'm here now. We are both here. I love you. Nothing is ever going to change that."

"But if something ever happened to you..."

"It won't."

I let out an exasperated sigh. "George you don't know that."

"I'm not going to live my life in fear of loving you."

"I'll have to live mine in fear of losing you."


"Do you really still want this?"

"Of course I do."

"Then we are taking the risk. Together. We can expose our own secret, George."

I lifted my arm and placed it around his shoulders, pulling him closer to me. This is so fucking difficult. But he's so fucking worth it.

I wasn't worried about what other people would say. I know all our friends would be supportive and that's all that matters. As for fans, I think they all knew something was up anyway.

As if it was on cue, there was a knock at the door. Both doors were locked so I got up, taking George with me. I unlocked the bathroom door first, telling George to wait there. I unlocked the main door, letting sapnap in. He was carrying four bags that looked rammed full.

"What the fucks in there?"

He shoved one at me, "These, are clothes. I think you both need to put some on. I'll wait outside."

He dumped the other three bags and did exactly that, going outside and closing the door. It was about 10am now. I'm not sure where time went but here we are. I took the bag and went back into the bathroom, handing things to George. We'd previously cleaned and redressed his wound just like the nurse had told us to.

We got dressed eventually, there was alot of stumbling and giggling but we did it. We walked out and let sapnap back in. He went though everything he'd brought in his many many bags. Basically everything in my cupboards. There were snacks and blankets. He'd even brought pillows. George had to stay under supervision for 4 days so we'd be here a while. He'd bought my laptop and his too.

His great idea was to set up a "comfy corner". There's this bit in the room between the bed and the cupboards which would fit all three of us comfortably. We were in the process of making our "comfy corner" when a nurse walked in. She didn't say anything about the obvious destruction of the room, only raised her eyebrows. She took some readings off George, temperature, heart rate, blood pressure. She then checked the dressing and said it was put on really well. I asked her for advice on keeping things clean and on how to help recovery. She said rest and a lot of time. She gave us extra dressing just in case we needed it, reminding us to call them using the button if anything happened. She left, closing the door behind her.

We then got back to our den-making, taking the mattress off the hospital bed and putting that down first. Then the blankets and pillows were then layered on top. I closed the curtains and Sapnap and George sat down. I grabbed my laptop and slotted myself in-between the other two, wrapping one arm around George who was to my right, and giving an acknowledging nod to sapnap on my left.

I played a movie, I'm not sure what. It's something George had picked. He snuggled closer to me, his head resting on my chest. Sapnap did the same, resting his head on my shoulder, wanting to be included. I didn't mind. I love them both so much.

Georges breathing slowed and his arms went limp. He's fallen asleep. And it was adorable. Sapnap noticed and made an effort to be extra quiet during our conversation.

"George wants to tell people."

"He does? When?"

"As soon as possible."

"I'm happy for you guys."

"It nearly killed him Sapnap. I nearly killed him."

"You know it's not your fault."

"It sure as fuck feels like it. I can't keep him safe, Sap."

"We can try. We can sure as hell try."

"Of course I'll try. But what if it's not enough? I can't lose him. This.. this was too close. All of this was too close. I put him in these positions. It's been a week since we first met and he's almost died twice. TWICE. If I hadn't had pressured him into coming none of this would've happened. We would be okay. We would all be okay."

"We are all okay now dream. That's all that matters. It will be okay. It will get better. He'll recover. And if you tell everyone no one will have anything against you. George will be safe."

"Noah's still out there."

"I know. We'll deal with that when the time comes. For now, we focus on George. We focus on George getting better."


I looked down at George. I would do anything to keep him safe.


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