Chapter 31: Consciousness (Dreams POV)

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So this is the exact same time frame as the last chapter, just completely from dreams point of view. Everything will link up and I hope it won't be too confusing :)


Dreams POV

My heart dropped. I had to wait for sapnap. I couldn't go in alone. But I also don't want George waking up to an empty room.

I stood behind the door, hand on the doorknob. I looked around, the nurse gave me a reassuring nod and I went in.

His eyes widened at me walking through the door. He looked, small. Frail. Sick.


"George.." I closed the door behind me. I couldn't bear to look at him. I had done this to him.

He held his arms out, expecting a hug. I didn't move. His arms flopped back to his side and I started crying. Silently. This was all my fault. It hurt me to see him like this. I'd made him weak. I'd made him ill.

"What happened, Dream?" He sounded worried.

"You don't remember?" I don't want to explain. Then he'll know it was me. Then he'll hate me.

"I wouldn't be asking if I did."

I stood, biting my lip. I didn't know what to say.

"I'm so sorry George."

I looked away. I could hear his breathing speed increase.

"What happened?? You're scaring me." The anxiety in his voice was rising. He sounded so so scared. I wanted to comfort him but I felt like if I even laid a finger on him I'd hurt him. I'd break him. More than I already have.

I turned back to face him. I didn't want him to see I was scared. I felt so very guilty.

I saw him wiping his eyes viciously, trying not to cry.

"Tell me what happened."

"You don't remember the pool?"

Then it hit him.

I saw the realisation plaster itself into his face. His hands dropped to the bed and his eyes began to fill with tears. He suddenly looked up at me, eyes panicked.

"What time is it?"

I checked my phone.

"It's 2 pm."

"Okay." He turned onto his side, not wanting to face me. That was understandable. I'd done this. Not on purpose. But George was tired and angry and I understood.


"Yes?" He snapped at me.

I flinched. I'm not used to George being like this.

"What do you want me to do?"

I was begging now. Anything but silence. Please.

"Wheres sapnap?"

"Hes downstairs..."


Silence. Again.

"I want to see him."

"Okay. I'll go get him."

I shuffled out of the room. I was pacing the hallway, crying down the phone to sapnap. He was telling me to calm down. He's on his way. It'll be okay. Things like that. Sapnap ended the call.

Anything For You, George - {DNF} //BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now