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March 15th
Tobias's POV

"Birthday's suck," I whisper to Tris as the door closes. Tris just laughs. "What! She's only got one more birthday here."

"You don't know that, Tobias," she says, rolling her eyes, walking into the kitchen to clean up. I follow after her.

After breakfast, everyone stayed a while, giving River her gifts and such. Then, River begged us to let her go hang out with Everest and some other friends from school, even though we were supposed to have a family day.

It seems to get harder every year, watching my kids grow up. But, it's the hardest with River. She's my oldest. She's the one who made me a father.

"You know," Tris laughs. "I've been saying it since she was born, but River has made you soft." I scoff, ruffing up her hair, before slumping upstairs.

"Bells!" I call, walking down the hall.

"In my room!" he calls back, his voice cracking from the early stages of puberty. I swallow my laugh.

"Hey bubs, want to go to the training room?" I ask, peeking into his bedroom. Bellamy lays sprawled on his bed, occupied by something in his hand.

"Sure," he says, sitting up.

"I'll meet you downstairs." Smiling, I walk out of his room, into Tris and mine's to change into my training clothes. Ten minutes later, Bellamy and I are walking down the hallway to the training room.

"Do you think Ri and Ever are dating?" he asks out of the blue. I almost choke on air.

"They better not be." Bellamy laughs, shrugging. I try to get the images he just put in my head out of my mind.

"Dad," he says tugging on my arm.


"Can we see if Uncle Zeke and Uriah can come?"

"Why not," I say smiling. Bellamy smiles too, leading the way to Zeke's apartment first.

River's POV
"How does fifteen feel?" Everest asks me as we walk toward the chasm.

"Old," I laugh. "We've only got a year until the Choosing Ceremony."

"I know," he sighs. Laughter from the rocks fills the air as we get closer to our secret spot. Our friends must already be there.

"How long?" I ask, grinning.

"Until four," he says, rolling his eyes. "You've got four hours." I smile.

"You're the best."

"Yeah, I know. You just better cover for me when I get a girlfriend." I laugh.

"I pinky promise."

Excitement bubbles in me when I hear him call my name. My face lights up as I run into his open arms, burying my face in his neck.

"Happy birthday, Ri," he whispers, kissing me on the cheek. He sets me down and brushes a stray piece of hair behind my ear. His tall figure towers over me as I look into his brown eyes. His black, curly, puffy hair sticks out of his black hoodie. I reach up to pull his hood off.

"Oh, so you can give your boyfriend a hug but not your best friend?" I hear Kayla say behind me. I turn around to face her, smiling at my best friend who devours me into a hug. I pull back from her, grinning madly. "Ashton, I'm stealing your girl for a minute," she says, pulling me away from Ash.

I met Kayla two years ago, and we have been best friends since. Her hair is dyed silver on the left side and hot pink on the other. I get a lot of my fashion inspiration from her. I met Ashton a year later. Kayla was the one who introduced me to him. We hit it off and have been dating for a little over a year. Kayla loves us as a couple.

"Okay," she smiles, sitting me on a rock.

People pass by us, saying happy birthday to me as they do, all kids from school. I watch Ash and Everest talking and smile a little. Ash has no problem with him, but Everest is a little protective over me.

"Here is your birthday present." I grin, taking the black box from her.

Tris's POV
"Blake!" I call from downstairs as I shut the front door.


"Ivey is going to Avri's. Do you want to do something?" Thudding sounds come from upstairs, making me laugh. This isn't how I imagined today would go, but I think it's good for Ri to be with her friends and Ashton. I smile just at the thought. River told me about him two nights ago. I was a little angry that they had been together for a year and I haven't met him, but I understand why she didn't tell us. Tobias is very protective over his little girls, River especially.

"Can we watch a movie?" Blakelyn asks, peeking around the corner of the staircase.

"Why don't we go somewhere? We'll probably watch a movie tonight when Ri gets home."

"That girl is not coming home," she says under her breath with a smirk.

"Actually?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm kidding, mom. Kind of."

"That girl is going to kill your father," I say, plopping down on the couch. Blakelyn runs to sit with me.

"Who is going to kill me?" Tobias asks from behind us, coming in the door with Bellamy. They are both sweaty.

"Nothing," Blakelyn and I say at the same time.


"You'll live," I smile, standing up to kiss him, then Bellamy one on the head. "You both stink. Go shower." Bellamy laughs, running upstairs to beat his dad to the good shower in our bedroom.

"What is it?" Tobias asks again, snaking his arm around my waist. I scrunch my nose at him.

"You smell." He grins, kissing me again, nuzzling his sweaty head into my shoulder. I laugh. "Go shower, we'll talk later."

"When is Ri coming back?'

"Five. Then we'll go get dinner in the dining all," I say, standing on my tiptoes, kissing his nose.

"Come on, mom!" Blakelyn calls. As Tobias heads upstairs to shower, I plop down next to Blakey on the couch to watch a movie.

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