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September 26th
Tris's POV

Soft cries wake me up around three that morning. I quickly slide out of bed, careful not to wake River or the twins. I walk over to Ivey's crib, picking her up to rock her back to sleep. I cradle her in my arms, calming her down, I quietly tip-toe around the room, hoping the motion will put her back to sleep. I walk around the whole room but stop next to the door. I hear Tobias's soft breathing just outside. I look down into my arms at Ivey sleeping and curse myself for being weak. Taking Ivey back to her crib, I try to talk myself out of opening the door. But I fail. Pressing my ear against the locked door, I can hear his shallow breathing. Maybe he's asleep? I wonder why he didn't go to the couch or the spare bedroom.

I creek open the door, nervous to find what is behind it. I don't know why I'm nervous. It's my husband. When the door opens fully, my eyes meet his. His red, puffy eyes, like he's been crying. I look down to the rest of his body, curled up against the wall, the blood splatters only visible from the dim hallway night light.

"Tris," he whispers. I notice the cut on his lip. "I'm so sorry." I drop to my knees, sitting in front of him. I gather him in my arms, holding his as he sobs into my shoulder. I rub his back, feeling rips in his shirt and scratches forming into wounds on his back. He holds onto me, curling into a ball in my lap. I lean against the wall, coving him with the blanket. I stay awake until his sobs subside and I feel him fall asleep. Then, I let sleep overtake me.

Loud crying wakes me up this time. My eyes slowly flutter open. My head rests against the wall with Tobias's head in my lap. He's still sleeping. The light from the early morning reveals him looking worse than last night. A large bruise rests around his left eyes and one on his right jaw. He has blood smeared over his face with dried tears streaking down his cheeks.
I slowly pull myself out from under him, putting his head on the pillow. I hurry into the bedroom, picking up Ivey out of her crib. I make my way into her room, changing her diaper before putting her back to sleep. I rub my tired eyes as I pull the blankets over River, Blakelyn, and Bellamy. I smile at the sight of the twins holding each other's hand as they sleep. Glancing at the clock, I realize it's six in the morning. There is no point in going back to bed now. I sigh as walk back into the hallway. I stop in my tracks when I see Tobias's eyes open, staring at the floor. For a moment I stand there, looking at Tobias, who looks like he's in a trance. I crouch next to him, putting my arms around his shoulders.

"You need a shower; I don't want the kids seeing you covered in blood. It'll freak them out," I whisper. He stands up, leaning on me as we walk into the bathroom. Tobias sits on the edge of the bathtub, still not saying anything. I let the shower warm-up and help Tobias out of his shredded clothes. I gasp at the bruises and cuts on his toned body.

"I'm okay," he whispers, removing my hand from his arm that I didn't realize I put there. I immediately put my hand back. He looks up at me.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere," I promise him.

"Well, you haven't been downstairs yet."

I stare at him. "I swear to God Tobias, if-" I start, rage boiling in me.

"I'm so sorry," he whispers. "I messed up."

"Is there a dead body in my house?" I whisper through gritted teeth. Tobias looks up at me.

"No. Oh my God, no."

"Take your shower," I spit, walking out of the bathroom. I close the bathroom door behind me and run into the bedroom, checking on the kids. A small bit of my anger subsides when I see the four of them sleeping peacefully. But that moment doesn't last. I quietly creep out of the room, stopping at the top of the stairs. I don't want to see what is down there. What if Marcus is still there? I take a deep breath, swallow my fear, and slowly walk down the stairs. My heart stops at the sight of our living room.

My eyes move from the broken picture frames, lamps, accessories, and toys, to the flipped over side tables, the askew couch pillows, until they finally land on the pool of blood near the fireplace mantel, right by the sharp edge. Everything becomes surreal. I feel my heart beating in my ears, my blood pounding in my head. I drop to the floor, hugging my knees at the murder scene in front of me.

My husband did this.

I let sobs rack my body, trying to stifle them with my arm. I bite down on my hand until I feel blood, still sobbing. I can't handle this. My body shakes as I am thrown into the worst nightmare of my life. I cannot escape the darkness. I cannot escape the pain, the fury, and death.

A scream escapes my mouth. I quickly slap my hand over it, blood smearing over my face.
This can't be happening, this can't be happening, this cannot be happening to me.

"Mommy?" a voice asks from behind me. Time stops.

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