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April 6th
Tobias's POV
The day went by fast, too fast. Tris and I spent hours walking around Dauntless, visiting old spots, saying hi to old friends, and goofing around like we were teenagers fresh out of initiation. From shooting paintballs at unsuspecting members to putting buckets of water above doors for people to walk through, we set off pranks that would make Zeke and Uriah look like amateurs. When that got old, we took the train to the spot where I proposed to have a picnic for lunch. We lounged around, listening to the wind rustling in the grass, stealing kisses. When we headed back to headquarters, we ran into River, Kayla, Everest, and Ashton zip lining from the Hancock building. Tris begged me to go, but I refused. She eventually gave up as I pestered her face with kisses, suddenly eager to get back home before our dinner tonight.

The day was perfect.

"What do you think?" Tris asks, standing in front of me in her outfit. I shrug on my black jacket over my black jeans and shirt, drinking her it.

Tris wears black ripped jeans, with black mesh tights under. Atop that, she wears a black tank top with lace around the edges and silver jewelry decorating her hands and neck. Her black, platform, combat boots give her about a half-inch of height, bringing the top of her head to my nose.

"You look amazing," I say, kissing her deeply.

"You don't look so bad yourself," she smiles, pulling away from the kiss, her arms still around my neck.

"Are you almost ready to go?"

"Yep," she says, letting me go but intertwining her fingers.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going yet?"

"Nope," she grins, kissing my lips quickly before pulling me downstairs and out the door.

Tris's POV
Tobias and I take the train, per usual, but the destination tonight is different than any place we have gone before. We ride it into the city, jumping off where the kids get off to go to school, running in the grass. Tobias's confuses face only grows as I lead him away from the school, into the part of the city where the buildings reach for the sky. Absentmindedly, my fingers rub small circles over the back of Tobias's hand as we walk down the street, passing people in all colors. On the distant horizon, the sun sets, making the sky swirl in pink and orange and purple. A breeze flows through the streets, but it's not cold enough to make me shiver.

"Did you see that?" Tobias asks, his hand shooting up toward the sky in between the buildings. My eyes dark away from our intertwined hands to where he is pointing.

"No, what was it?" I ask, looking up at him.

"A shooting star," he grins. I smile, leaning into him as we keep walking.

Soon, the large silver bean comes into view, sitting in the middle of Millennium. The new restaurant run by Amity and Abnegation sits nicely behind it, chairs and tables spread over the grassy area. A small building sits at the very end of the lawn with a few indoor tables and the kitchen.

"Oh, I heard about this project," Tobias, says, smiling. People in reds, black, white, and blue all sit at the tables, eating and talking. The city decided to make this restaurant to bring people together.

"It opened last week," I say, tugging him toward it. We find a table, secluded off to the side. It's not long before a young Abnegation girl brings us water and menus. I smile at Tobias across the table, met with his smile, my favorite smile.

Tobias's POV
Tris's head rests on my shoulder, her arms around my body, and mine around hers. After dinner, we waited until the restaurant closed and everyone left before climbing the giant, reflective, bean. Stars twinkle in the sky above us, some masked by clouds or drowned out by the full moon's radiant light. Tris is the only warmth against my body as I gave my jacket to her about halfway through the night. Goosebumps creep into my skin as I press my face into Tris's hair.

"Let's go home," she whispers, sensing my movements.

"We don't have to," I tell her.

"Come on." She sits up, taking my hand. "You still owe me for leaving me this morning." I smile, my eyes growing dark as we make our way back to the train.

"You know," I whisper to tris on the train who huddles next to me, desperate to get out of the wind. I feel my blood already boiling before the words even leave my mouth. "You should take a power nap since I don't think you'll be getting much sleep tonight." Tris stiffens next to me and my breath caresses the skin on her neck.

"Tobias," she whispers, her voice trying to sound strong but it comes out weak. "You better make this train move much faster than it is right now." I let out a low laugh. Tris leans away from me, closing her eyes, resting her head on the train car. I watch her all the way back to Dauntless, back to the apartment. We walk with quiet, hurried steps until we reach the house and fight with the keys to open the door.

When it finally opens, Tris shuts it just as fast, kicking off her shoes, and pinning me to the door. Her lips collide with mine, taking over my body as my hands move over her, tugging at the barriers between us. She pulls back for just a moment, asking me a silent question. Without a word, her legs wrap around my body and I carry us upstairs.

Tris's shirt is off before I even reach the stairs and she begins working on getting mine off. My hands move over her back, down to them hem of her pants, toying with them. I kiss her neck and shoulder as I walk upstairs, finding my way in the dark. Tris's lips are on my skin just below my ear, making my blood boil. Her nails dig into my now bare back.

"Tobias," she whispers as I set her back onto our bed. I move over her, a smile on both off our faces, and kiss her roughly. Her legs and arms wrap around me again, desperate to feel every part of my body. Lowering myself onto her ever so lightly, my arms create a cage around us.

Tris's hands move down my back, toward my pants, tugging at them. Breaking away from our kiss, my lips move down her body, pausing at her breasts for only a moment, before reaching her pants. I slowly remove them, leaving her in only lacy, black underwear. I stand back off the bed and drink her in.

I could look at her for hours, days, years, and never ever get tired of her. I'm convinced that we were perfectly made for each other, our souls mounded out of one, creating two halves.

Tris sits up, moving across the bed to the edge, and pull on my pants. She look up at me with fire in her eyes and begins pleasuring me. My hands move into her hair, applying the slightest pit of pressure.

Before I can reach my climax, Tris stops, lying back on the bed. She looks at me with dark eyes, waiting. With a smirk on my face I move onto the bed, grabbing her legs. She lets out a yelp, turning into a laugh as I pull her down the bed so that she is directly under me.

"Let's see how you like being teased," I whisper roughly in her ear. Tris latches her arms around my neck as I rip her underwear off.

"Come here," she says roughly, pulling my face to hers. My mouth presses against hers, out tongues intertwined as I push into her, taking her over and over that night, swimming in our cloud of ecstasy.

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