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~One year later~

September 2nd
River's POV

"Calm down, Ri," Dad says, pressing his lips to my hair. My leg jitters as I hold Ashton's hand, standing at the door to the house. My parents look at us and Everest--who came to get us before school. A small, small, part of me relaxes at the fact that Ashton and Everest are just as nervous as I am for the Aptitude test. "You'll be okay."

"I know," I breathe out, hugging him and Mom one last time before we leave for the train.

"Lighten up, sweetheart," my mom says to Everest, cupping his face. "You look like you are about to hurl." Ever and I choke out a laugh. Ashton's palm is sweaty in mine, but he doesn't say any, hasn't said anything all morning.

"I'll see you guys in a few hours."

"We love you Ri," Dad says again, kissing my forehead.

"All of you," Mom finishes, hugging Ashton. In the past year, she has become a Mom of sorts to him. "Good luck." She smiles at us as we turn to walk to the train where we are supposed to meet Kayla.

The three of us walk in utter silence. I don't know why I am so nervous. I know where I belong. It's probably the fact that my test results are completely out of my control, but I know where I belong. But if I get another faction... No. I know where I am supposed to be. I have a choice.
I worry more for my friends and for Ash. We don't talk about this kind of stuff; we're not supposed to. My biggest fear is that the four of us will be separated. Which, in reality, is not too far off from what could happen.

A shiver crawls down my spine when Kayla comes into our view, standing by the tracks, surrounded by other 16-year-olds, waiting to find out their fate today.

My hands shake as we walk toward the school, away from the train. The four of us stand solemnly in front of the school for a moment before Kayla speaks up.

"We aren't dying, you guys," she says. I look up at her, knowing she has no idea what could happen, what I could be. She has no idea. "Ever, I don't know why you look like you're going to hurl. Ri, you haven't stopped shaking. And Ash hasn't said a word all morning."

"You do realize that our whole future could be decided today, right?" I snap back, a little too rudely. Kids usher around us to get inside the building. The four of us walk inside slowly.

"Exactly," she says. "Our future. Our lives aren't ending."

"They kind of are," Everest whispers. "We could all end up in different factions."

"So?" Kayla questions. "It's not like we're never going to see each other again." Suddenly, the bell rings, pulling us out of our bubble of depression. "I'll see you guys tonight. The net, after dinner." We all nod, Kayla and Everest go their separate ways as Ash and I head off to our first class.

"My parents," Ash whispers, clearing his throat when we make it to the door of the classroom.

"Told me, that even if I get Dauntless, to choose a different faction."

"Ash," I whisper, squeezing his hand, pulling me closer. He just shakes his head, blinking tears from his eyes, and walks into the room.


The rest of the day passes by in a blur, just like Mom said it was. An image of her, sitting in grey clothes, in the same place I am now, flashes through my mind. I sit at the Dauntless table with the other kids from my faction, letting fake laughs and shouts echo from my body, just like Mom said they did when she was taking the test.

It's not long before I am called in. A feeling of dread settles in my stomach as I follow the Abnegation man to the testing room.

Tobias's POV
After I finished cleaning the bathroom, I moved onto the kitchen, then the game room, then the living room. Cleaning was all I could do to keep my hands busy since the training room was closed to set up for tomorrow's initiation.

Though cleaning kept my hands busy, it didn't keep my mind occupied. A million different scenarios ran through my head. Each beginning with River choosing a different faction or... leaving. When I thought about her joining another faction, thoughts of rejection and separation clouded my mind.

But for the scenarios where she stays in Dauntless, worse outcomes occur. Images of Ri jumping from the train and missing the building or not being to jump into the net. Thoughts of her being beaten to a pulp during training like Tris was. Even her being in the same situation that Tris was with Al and Peter a lifetime ago.

The thought of her failing initiation, too, makes me nervous.

"Tobias, you need to stop," Tris barks at me. "You are making me nervous." Tris sits on the couch, bundled in a blanket as she had been for the past few hours.

"It's better than sitting around," I say. She glares at me.

Another hour passes, and another, before I quit cleaning and retire to the couch with Tris. Not long after I sit down, I hear the doorknob rattle, then turn to open. Tris and I bolt upright.
Ivey walks in first, followed by Blakelyn then Bellamy. The three of them smile at us before heading upstairs. No one says anything.

A moment later, River walks in, her bag on her shoulder and her face as white as a sheet. She closes the door behind her and then turns to us.

"I'm Divergent."

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