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September 2nd
Tris's POV

"Ri," I whisper, standing up and quickly walking over to her. A tear falls down her cheek as she buries her face into my neck. "It's going to be okay." Tobias's arms wrap around the two of us, enclosing us in a bubble of warmth. His head rests atop River's and I see the fear in his eyes.

"They are going to kill me."

"No, no, no," I coo, holding her tighter. "They don't do that anymore. Look and Dad and me. We're fine." River is silent for a moment before she pulls away, looking at both of us.

"Then why do I have to hide it?" I exchange a glance with Tobias, not knowing what to say.

"You can never be too careful, princess," he says, placing a kiss on her forehead. River nods, letting out a shaky breath.

"What did the test administrator say?"

"He said," she begins, trying to calm herself. "That he'd change the results to Dauntless and to not tell anybody. He said he wouldn't tell anyone either because it wasn't his place, and he knew the dangers. He said he used to be Dauntless. Tobias lets out a breath, as do I.
"Here, Ri. Go sit down on the couch." She nods and Tobias follows her while I run into the kitchen to grab her a glass of water. Walking back into the living room, River and Tobias sit on the couch, her in his arms. She rests her face on his shoulder, staring at the table in front of us.

"Here, baby. Drink some." I move to sit on the floor in front of them, resting my arm on Tobias's legs.

"What were your results?" Tobias asks in a hushed tone.

"Dauntless, mostly," she says quietly, looking into the empty water glass. "Then Erudite and Abnegation. And Amity."

River's POV
"Four factions?" Dad asks, pulling back from me a little. I look up at him, finding his face coated in confusion and worry. I turn to mom, her face white.

"Is that bad?" Neither of them answer. "Is it?" I ask again, worry jumping into my throat.

"No, no, not bad," Dad quickly says, holding me a bit tighter.

"Just very, very, rare."

"What do you mean. I thought you had three, mom?" She nods.

"I do, but that in itself is very rare. I've never met anyone who fit into more than two." A knot in my stomach grows.

"Am I... dangerous?"

"No, princess. Just special," Dad says, trying to mend the situation. I feel him kiss the top of my head as I lean into his shoulder, his arm wrapped protectively around my body.

We sit in silence for what feels like hours. The aura of the room is heavy like it would be if someone died. I feel like I can't breathe. I'm being suffocated by the choice I have to make tomorrow.

A choice that will transform my life.

A choice that could destroy me.

A choice that will define me. Forever.

"What do I do tomorrow?" My parents exchange glances between each other as if they are talking through their minds.

"You choose," Mom says. "You choose what fits you best. You choose where you can see yourself not only surviving, but living. You choose what will make you happy."

"But what is that-"

"Only you can know, princess," Dad cuts in. "You are the only one who can know. You know your mind." I let out a shaky breath.

"And if I choose wrong?" Neither of them say anything. Another shaky breath escapes me as I shut my eyes tight. My parents bring me into a hug once more.

That night, we had dinner in the dining hall with all of the other Dauntless families with 16-year-olds. It was tradition for it to be our last meal together. As we had walked through the halls, Blakelyn had held onto one of my hands tightly, with Ivey holding the other. At dinner, I sat next to Bellamy and Dad. No one said anything about the test or the ceremony tomorrow.
Ivey talked about school. Blakelyn talked about her friends. And Bellamy talked about his fascination with the world beyond the city. I stayed quiet, picking at my hamburger.
After dinner was over and cake was being served, our Dauntless leader, Jax, came onto the stage above, motioning for us to quiet down.

"Children of Dauntless," he began, which silenced the last of the murmuring crowd. "Tomorrow will be the day that will change your life. Forever."

I tense at the word. I've never been good with things including 'forever.' I always felt that it would be too permanent and I'd give up or get bored. Anything that lasts 'forever' should be a decision an older, wiser me should make. Not sixteen-year-old River who can hardly live on her own. No, not her. She cannot make life decisions yet.

Yet, I will. Tomorrow. At the Choosing Ceremony.

"Regardless of what you choose tomorrow," Jax continues, his voice booming through the hall. "Dauntless is proud to have raised you. We are proud to have helped shape you. We hope that you never forget what you learned here. Take value and pride in ordinary acts of bravery that drive you to stand up for others; defend those who cannot defend themselves.

"Remember who you are, tomorrow, when you choose." Goosebumps crawl through my arms as he finishes and the dining hall erupts in applause.

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