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March 15th
River's POV

I quickly wipe my tears away, sniffling back my cries when Blakelyn runs out of my room to get Dad. 

"Ri, it's going to be fine," Mom says, making me look at her. "You know he loves your more than life itself. He just wants you to be happy."

"I just don't want to disappoint him," I say weakly.

"Princess, you could never disappoint me," I hear Dad say from the door. I look up, tears instantly returning to my eyes. Mom slowly moves off my bed, Dad replacing her.

"I just wanted you to like him," I say, not meeting his eyes. I hear him sigh. 

"River, I overreacted. There is nothing wrong with Ashton. I was the one who made this a whole big deal. I'm sorry." I find sincerity in his eyes when I finally find the courage to look up.

"I'm sorry I didn't warn you," I whisper. He laughs.

"Yeah, I could've used a bit of a heads up." I laugh, pushing him. "Come here," he says, pulling me into a hug. My body relaxed in my dad's warm embrace. I've always done that, being able to calm down just with a hug from him. He wipes my tears away when I lean back. "No crying on your birthday," he smiles, his eyes warm, creased with wrinkles.

"Sorry," I laugh. "I forgot."

"Are you still mad at me?" I shake my head.

"Are you?"

"Not at you, just your little boyfriend. I don't like it when he touches you." I glare.

"Like you don't touch Mom."

"I'm married to Mom."

"So are you saying I should marry Ashton?" I grin. Dad looks mortified, making me laugh. "I love him, you know," I say, looking down, blush filling my cheeks.

"Does he treat you right. Like how I treat Mom?" I nod, smiling. "Good."

Tobias's POV
"I love you, Ri," I say, closing her bedroom door as I walk out into the hall. Blakelyn, Bellamy, and Ivey's bedroom doors are all closed. They must already be asleep. I sat in River's room for about two hours. We talked mostly about Ashton, about their relationship, about him. I think she spared me most of the gory details, though.

I creep down the hall to Bellamy's room first, creaking the door open, finding him asleep. I also find that it's just past eleven o'clock. I close the door, peeking into the girls' room too, finding them also asleep.

"How'd it go?" Tris whispers when I open our bedroom door. She lays on our bed, snuggles in the covers, watching something on the TV. The lights are off, the room only lit by the glow from the show that is on.

"Good," I whisper, kissing her atop the head before I go into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

"Don't take too long," she calls. I stick my head out of the bathroom.

"Everything okay?" She nods, smiling a sad smile.

"I just want to hold you." My heart melts as I hurry to get into bed, quickly changing into sweats and brushing my teeth. When I make my way back into the room, the TV is off and Tris is curled up in the middle of the bed. I crawl over to her, taking her into my arms as I realize she's crying. She sits in my lap, her head in the crook of my neck.

"What's wrong?"

"She's growing up too fast. They all are," she whispers, her voice cracking. I feel tears prick my own eyes.

"I know."

March 16th
River's POV

I ignore the soft cries coming from my parent's room as I watch the clock turn to one in the morning. I throw on black clothes, crawling out my bedroom window, onto the small ledge overlooking the chasm. The height is dizzying. I slide along the back wall of the house, around to the front, running down the Dauntless hallways. I've done this countless times before, but the thrill never goes away, sending jolts of adrenaline through my veins. I love it. I run to the net, making it there in less than five minutes. It's empty as I crawl onto the massive cradle, looking up at the hole in the ceiling, out to the stars.

Thoughts swirl through my head. I'm glad Dad and I were able to talk, work this out a little. I understand where he is coming from, but I don't agree. I love him, but I wish he loved my choices.

My mind also wanders to the choosing ceremony in a little over a year. I'm not nervous. My parents told me about divergence, and that I probably am Divergent. It's said that Divergents are safe now, but they don't 100% believe that. If I am, I'm not to tell anyone but them. And if I'm not? I don't know what I'll do. I can't imagine leaving Dauntless; this is my home.
I let out an audible sigh, immediately followed by a scream when the net dips. Kayla's face peeks over the net, smiling in the moonlight.

"You scared me," I scold in a hushed tone. She laughs.

"You knew I was coming." I roll my eyes. "Are you ready?" I nod, excitedly.

"Are you sure she's there?" She nods.

"I stopped to check on my way here."

"And she's not going to tell my parents?"


"Awesome," I smile, climbing out of the net, toward the Pit, my arm linked with Kayla's.

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