124 6 0

September 25th
Tris's POV

"Come on, Ri," I say, taking her small hand in mine. I feel so much tension release at her small touch. Everest laughs as Tobias sets him on his shoulders, pretending to fly.

"Are we going home?" River asks. I nod.

"I'm tired," I lie. She nods in understanding, running off with Everest back into the ice cream shop.

"Do you think we are overthinking this?" I ask, turning to Tobias. I rest my hands on the back of Ivey's small body, hugging her.

"I don't know. Probably, maybe not," he sighs, running his hands through his hair in exasperation.

"What are we supposed to tell everyone?" I ask in a whisper. Tobias stays silent, staring off into the distance. I run my hands through my own hair now. Carefully, I undo Ivey's swaddle from my body. "Here, hold your daughter. I'm going to get the twins." I hand him Ivey, watching him visibly relax.

I roll my eyes, walking back inside, finding the twins in the same spot, River, and Everest sitting with Uri and Zeke.

"Tris," Christina says, grabbing my arm. I tear my gaze away from the kids, looking her in the eyes. "What the hell was that?" I shake my head.

"I'll tell you later. Sorry, we gotta go. Come on, Ri," I say, taking her hand again. She takes ahold of Bellamy's hand, waving goodbye to everyone staring at us with confused looks, while I set Blakelyn on my hip. I sigh once we reunite with Tobias, feeling relief when my family is back together.

No one says anything as we walk home, down the Dauntless hallways. The blue glow is familiar, but eerie today. My mind plays tricks on me, thinking I see things in the shadows.

"What time is it?" I say to Tobias, nervous about getting home.


We get to the house, Tobias fumbling with the keys before opening it. Cool air runs out, making me shiver. The kids run inside, emersed in their own little game. I almost run into the three of them when they stop abruptly in the hall. I look up, finding a face I wish I'd never known, sitting on our couch.

Marcus sits with his legs crossed, his hands in his lap, staring at us. I immediately push the kids behind me. I feel Tobias shift his weight, moving in front of me. I quickly take Ivey from him, holding her tight.

"Hello, Tobias," Marcus says calmly. Tobias takes a threatening step towards him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Didn't you get my note?"

I turn to the kids squatting down to be eye level with them.

"Who is that, mommy?" River whispers, clearly aware of the tension in the air.

"A very bad man," I whisper. I hold Ivey with one arm while placing Blakelyn's hand in Bellamy's. I then place Bellamy's hand in River's. "Listen, Ri. I need you to take your brother and sister upstairs. The three of you go play in your room and shut the door. Don't leave until daddy or I come to get you. Ok?" River and the twins nod in understanding. "Ok. Be brave." I kiss them each on the head before standing up, blocking Marcus's view of them as they run upstairs.

"Oh, Beatrice, why'd you send them away?" Marcus asks, chilling me to the bone. "I was just about to introduce myself."

"Get out of my house," I sneer, taking a step forward. Marcus stands up, stepping toward us. Despite holding my newborn, I don't retreat. My anger boils just as much as Tobias's. I watch his fists clench as Marcus comes even closer.

"You know, Tobias, when she gets sick of you," he says, gesturing to me. "She'll leave you. And you'll turn out just like me. And your little kids will be just as much of a disappointment as you," he spits at Tobias. Before I can stop him, or convince myself that he should be stopped, Tobias punches Marcus, making him fall backward, holding his nose.

"Go upstairs, Tris," Tobias says through gritted teeth.


"Just go!" he shouts. His anger shocks me, but I listen, hurrying upstairs to protect my kids.

Horrid sounds come from downstairs, even through all the doors I have closed, separating my bedroom from the stairs.

"Try not to think about it," I whisper to the twins, pulling the blankets of Tobias and my's bed up to their chin. River lies on the other side, already asleep.

"Who was that, mommy?" Blakelyn asks again.

"Don't worry about it, baby. You're safe with me." I kiss each of them on the tops of their head, telling them to go to sleep. I feed Koda, putting his food next to his bed so he stays in the room. I walk over to Ivey's crib, quickly checking to make sure she is asleep, before walking into the hall. I grab a pillow and a blanket from the closet, setting in on the floor outside the door.

Tobias crossed a line tonight. I know his past with his father, I know the anger he feels, but that is not an excuse for treating me the way he did. We are supposed to get through tough times together, not shut each other out. We got past that a long time ago.
Tonight, he let his anger take over. He let his fury and pain control him. God knows what he's doing to Marcus right now, in our own living room, with our children sleeping upstairs. I feel my own anger course through my veins.

I take one last look at the pitiful pile of blankets and pillows before shutting the bedroom door and locking it. I blink away the sting of tears in my eyes and walk back into the room, quickly changing and brushing my teeth before climbing into bed with my babies. I hold them as if they could disappear at any moment. I let sleep overtake me, forgetting my fear and anger, going into the abyss gratefully.

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