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September 23rd
Tobias's POV

I quickly wrap a towel around my waist, letting the now luke-warm water drip off my body. Turning around, I help Tris out of the tub, wrapping a towel around her body.

"Thank you," she whispers. I smile, kissing her nose. Since we've gotten home, Tris has just looked so utterly worn out, so beyond tired. I watched her a dinner, trying not to doze off. Again when she was sitting with River. In the past 24 hours, she has only been able to have quick power naps. I can't imagine how much she wants to go to bed.

"I'll get you clothes," I whisper. She nods, walking over to the toilet, putting the lid down, and sitting. I hurry into our bedroom, grabbing her some undergarments, shorts, and one of my t-shirts. I grab myself some shorts as well. When I walk back into the bathroom, Tris's head is falling as she tries not to let sleep take her. I smile at her sadly, helping her into pajamas. As she brushes her teeth, I run a comb through her hair.

The night feels surreal as I stand there, helping her get ready for bed.

I hold her hair back as she spits out her toothpaste. A grin spreads across my face when she turns around, having a little on her cheek. I take a washcloth, wiping it off for her. She lets out a weak laugh, resting her head on my bare chest; I still stand in my towel.

"Thank you," she whispers again. My arms snake around her body, holding her close.

"Go get in bed, I'll be in in a minute." She shakes her head against my body, pulling away. I quirk a brow at her as she hops onto the counter.

"I'll wait for you," she whispers. I smile, placing a kick kiss on her lips before I get ready for bed. Just as we leave the bathroom together, I hear Ivey cry. Tris sighs.

"I've got it. Go to bed."

"Are you sure?" she asks. I nod.

"I love you," she whispers, kissing me good night before crawling into bed. I smile as I walk over to Ivey's crib, picking up my crying baby.

September 25th
Tris's POV

I sit on the couch, nursing Ivey, while I listen to Tobias wrangling the kids upstairs, trying to get them dressed into something other than pajamas. Yesterday, we did absolutely nothing. We found that Ivey does NOT sleep through the night. She kept waking us up, but Tobias got her every time (against my protests, he made me stay in bed). I was still tired, and Tobias let me sleep most of the day. He somehow kept the kids entertained, along with taking care of a newborn. That man is amazing.

I feel a lot better today, more rested, but still in pain. I'm not able to walk around much. Though, I've had a lot of bonding time with my four kids. As a family, we all would sit on the couch, holding Ivey, passing her around. We even played a few games last night, which was a blast.

After having a relaxing day yesterday, we decided that we should have everyone over tonight to meet Ivey. After all, Christina has only seen a quick glimpse of her.

I got up an hour ago, at eight, and got ready with Tobias. The kids just woke up, so he's getting them ready now. The gang is coming over at 9:30, bringing breakfast. Hopefully, my feeding Ivey now will help her fall asleep.

Just then, the three kids, along with Tobias, burst down the stairs, all dressed in casual Dauntless attire. I smile at them.

"When are they getting here? When are they getting here?" the twins ask, jumping up and down. River jumps onto the couch next to me, immediately holding Ivey's little hand as she nurses. Tobias hushes them, making me laugh.

"Soon," I say, pulling each of the twins in to kiss them on the forehead.

"Why don't you guys go play, you'll know when they get here," Tobias suggests. They smile, running down the hall to the playroom. I laugh again, hugging River as we wait for the rest of our family to show up.

I smile at the knock on the door. Immediately after, as Tobias goes to open it, the twins run out of the playroom, greeting everyone at the door with River. From the couch, I watch Koda and Cherry burst in the door, their leashes trailing behind them. Everest followers, running to hug River. Christina comes in carrying Apollo, with Will, Uriah, and Marlene behind her. I smile as they say hi to Tobias, then walk into the living room.

"Hey, guys," I say, Ivey asleep in my arms. Chris and Mar both come over to me, hugging me and gushing over Ivey. Christina gives Apollo to Will, sitting next to me. The guys talk while I let Chris hold her. I listen to the kids giggle in the other room. Not long after they arrive, Zeke, Shauna, Avri, Lynn, and Sadie arrive. The room fills with laugher and the smell of breakfast.

I watch as Ivey gets passed around the room, my heart feeling full as Tobias's arm rests around my shoulders. Avri and Apollo sit in the middle of the room, playing with some toys. The older kids run around the house, chasing the dogs.

"Who's hungry?" Uriah asks after he hands Ivey to Lynn. She cradles the baby, Sadie resting her head on Lynn's shoulder, looking down at Ivey.

"I'm starving," I say. "What did you guys bring?"

"Oh," he says getting up. "So much food." I laugh as I watch Uri skip to the kitchen.

"What are you feeling, Tris?" he calls over the chatter. "Healthy? Or unhealthy." I shake my head, walking into the kitchen to help him set up the table.

"Uriah, I just pushed a nine-pound baby out of my body, give me unhealthy food." He laughs at my comment, but follows my order, serving me a plate with a variety of pastries, some eggs, bacon, and some fruit.

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