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September 25th
Tobias's POV

Clearing the table with Zeke, I watch Tris, emersed in conversations with her best friends. She looks the most alive she has in the past two days. I love seeing her in her element, surrounded by people she loves.

I watch as she and Shauna try to get Avri to say hi to Ivey. I almost laugh at the sight of the two moms trying to get the babies to be best friends.

"You see it two?" I look up at Zeke who is laughing at the sight as well. I shake my head, smiling.

We quickly finish cleaning up the kitchen and head back into the living room to sit with everyone.

"I think she wants her dad," Tris whispers as I sit down next to her. She hands me Ivey, who looks like she is on the verge of tears.

"Hey, baby girl, come here," I whisper, pulling her into my chest. I hold her small body, immediately feeling her relax. Tris sighs loudly, smiling a little.

"All three of my girls," she complains. "I carried them for nine months, just for the three of them to be daddy's girls." Everyone laughs.

"At least you got Bells?" Christina suggests. As if on cue, Bellamy runs in, jumping into his mom's lap. I continue rocking Ivey, trying to hide my laugh.

"Can we have ice cream?" he asks innocently, sitting, looking up at Tris with puppy dog eyes. Before Tris can respond, the rest of the kids, and the dogs, run into the room.

"Yeah," River shouts over their laughs and squeals. "Let's go get ice cream. All the adults look dumbfounded as they run around, chanting for ice cream.

"Okay, okay," Zeke shouts, quieting them down. "We'll take you to get ice cream, but on one condition..." He smirks, making me groan.

"All you kids have to wear these," Shauna finished, pulling out neon-colored onesies for each of the kids.

Tris's POV
In no time, all the kids are dressed in different neon onesies, even the babies. I try my hardest to stifle a laugh as the big kids stand there, pulling on their shoes, with Apollo and Avri crawling, looking at the bright colors. They look so out of place in our black, Dauntless, home. In my peripheral, I watch Christina snap photos of them.

"Ri," I call to River, motioning her to come over. She waddles over to me, the onesie a little too big for her. "Hold your sister so Auntie Chris can take a picture of all of you." She smiles, nodding in understanding. I gently place Ivey, who is awake but not fussy, in River's arms.
I smile, leaning against the back of the couch as I watch her bring Ivey over to Everest, showing off her baby sister. Once my eyes connect with Christina's, she starts snapping away.

"I don't even remember what we got them dressed up for," I laugh quietly to Tobias. He stands next to me, his arms crossed across his body. I lean my head on his arm, feeling his body tense. I look up into his eyes, finding them misty.

"What's wrong?" I whisper, moving in front of him, standing between his legs. I place my hands on his strong arms, feeling him tense again. "Tobias?' I ask again, a little sterner this time.

"My father is here," he says through gritted teeth. I feel my body tense.

"I thought he... In the war?" I whisper even quieter. Tobias shakes his head. "How do you know he's here?" Tobias reaches into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out a small piece of paper.

I was quite hurt, finding out that another one of my grandchildren had been born. I didn't even know you were expecting. It was very selfish of you to keep this to yourself. I taught you better. I hope to meet her soon, along with my other- what is it now, three- grandchildren.
I'll be seeing you soon.

Tobias's POV
The sounds around me dissipate as Tris looks up at me with all the same emotions plastered across her face, in her eyes, that I feel deep in my soul. Anger and confusion, but most of all, fear. I hold her gaze, thankful for the few moments of relief I feel as I look into them, the eyes I love most in the world. But then everything crashes back down when Tris moves her eyes away from mine to look at the kids, almost as if they will disappear at any moment. And with Marcus around, that possibility doesn't seem too far off.

It's been years since we have heard from Marcus. Years. He sent a letter when Tris and I were married, but nothing since then. We assumed he had died in the war or left the city afterward. I don't think anyone has seen him since he no longer works in the government.

"What do we do?" she whispers, turning back to me. The kids are still laughing, taking pictures while looking at Ivey. My chest burns knowing Marcus is so close to my kids, to Tris.

I just shake my head, not knowing what else to do. Marcus has tormented me for most of my life, taking over my body and mind. It was only when I met Tris that my nightmares subsided and my fears changed. I'd gotten him out of my head, taking back my life and building it for myself.

Now he is back, to take everything from me. The thought of him laying a hand on Tris or any of my kids is enough to make my blood boil. I will do everything to stop him from reaching them. I will do everything to keep him from hurting them the way he hurt me, the way he made me suffer. He will not get my family. He will not get my life.

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