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September 23rd
Tobias's POV

I walk out of the hospital, holding the hands of each of the twins, walking behind Tris. She carries Ivey in a carrier, holding River's hand. We all climb into a car, out hospital bags loaded into the back, and drive back to the Dauntless compound.

When we get home, everyone falls onto the couch, exhausted. It's seven o'clock at night. We were allowed to leave the hospital until six since Tris's epidural hadn't fully worn off at two.

"I can go get dinner from the dining hall," I whisper, helping Tris get situated on the couch. She holds Ivey with River peering over her shoulder to look at her baby sister.

"Can you take the twins?" I nod, kissing her on the head. She looks so worn out.

"Come on guys," I whisper, taking the twins and heading out of the house.

"Where are we going?" Blakelyn asks.

"To go get dinner," I say, picking her up, placing her on my shoulders. She laughs while Bellamy runs ahead, jumping over cracks and downstairs. I smile as we walk to the dining hall, finding it full of people and food. Bellamy and Blakelyn both help me pick out what to get for dinner, packing it into bags to take home. Just before we leave, I hear someone call out my name. I turn around, smiling at Zeke, Shauna, and little Avri in her mom's arms.

"When did you guys get back from the hospital?" Zeke asks, pulling me into a hug. I watch the kids run to Shauna, greeting Avri.

"Just now," I tell him.

"When can we come to meet her?" he smiles.

"Probably tomorrow, Tris is pretty beat." He nods his head in understanding. "I gotta get back to Tris, we'll see you soon, bye Shauna," I smile. "Come on, guys." I take Bellamy's hand while he holds Blakelyn's, waving goodbye to Zeke and Shauna. A happy feeling sits in my chest as we make our way back home.

Tris's POV
The rest of the night passes in a blur. We ate dinner as soon as Tobias got home. The kids were super hungry since they hadn't eaten since lunch. The twins were also grumpy because they missed their nap. After dinner, Tobias helped me settle on the couch so I could nurse Ivey. She'd woken up at the end of dinner, needing a diaper change. She has been such a good baby so far, but tonight will tell if she's a sleeper or not.

After Tobias helped me get my feet up, he took the twins upstairs to get ready for bed. River took a quick shower, wanting to come back downstairs and sit with Ivey and me. She's obsessed, and it's the cutest thing in the world. Tobias came back downstairs soon after, saying the twins fell right to sleep. He heads into the kitchen to finish cleaning up from dinner while River and I hold Ivey.

"Have you brushed your teeth, Ri?" he asks, coming back into the living room. He sits down on the couch next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. River leans into me on my other side, looking down at Ivey in her arms.

"Yeah," she whispers.

"You ready to go to bed soon?"

"No," she frowns.

"Mommy's tired," he says.

"You can spend all day with her tomorrow," I say, kissing the top of River's head. She nods, handing Ivey back to me. I pass her onto Tobias, winching at the pain in between my legs as I stand up.

"Go get in bed," I whisper. "I'll be up in a minute." She nods, running up the stairs already in her pajamas. I sit back on the couch, sighing.

"That bad, huh?" Tobias asks, sitting next to me. I nod. Ivey was my first natural birth since I had a c-section with River and the twins. Little did I know I would have to get stitches down there.

"I'm going to go tuck River in," I say, standing up. Tobias does as well, holding Ivey in one arm, giving me his other to help me up the stairs. I smile at him gratefully.

"I love you, Ri. Good night," I say, kissing her head for the millionth time. Every time I've tried to say good night, River comes up with a reason for me to stay.


"No buts, River. I'm tired," I whisper, standing up. She sighs, saying good night as I walk out of her room, turning off the light and closing the door. I press my head to my temple, trying to soothe the headache. I instantly regret leaving the hospital so early. Since it's flu season, Erudite is trying to keep the hospital open, so they discharged me early. I hold onto my lower abdomen as I walk back to my room. I smile when I find Tobias sitting in the rocking chair, without a shirt, holding a sleeping Ivey in his arms. I walk over, kissing them both on the head.
"I made you a bath," he whispers. I smile, sighing. Thank you, I mouth, making my way into the bathroom. I smile at the candle-lit room, showing off the steaming bubble bath. I throw my hair into a bun, slipping off my grimy clothes. Slowly, as to not hurt my sore body, I slip into the hot bath, letting the warmth encapture me. It feels so good.

I don't know how long I lay there with my head back, letting the water soothe me before Tobias walks in.

"Hey," he whispers, putting his hand on mine, pulling me out of my trance.

"Hi." I sit up, listening to the water splash against my body as I look at Tobias in the candlelight. His features seem more pronounced; his hooked nose, his deep blue eyes, his muscles in his bare chest, everything.

"Ivey's asleep." I smile.

"Thank you." He smiles as well, squeezing my hand. "Want to join me?" I ask, quirking a brow. He laughs quietly, joining me in an instant. I smile as he gets in behind me, hugging me to his chest. We sit there, enjoying each other, for who knows how long.

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