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March 24th
Tris's POV

Tobias and I both dress in our casual black clothes for the date that I have planned today. 

"We could just stay home," he whines, brushing his teeth. I throw him a glare.

"You need to get out of this slump, Tobias. Believe me, I'm not happy with our daughter either, but this could be our last year with her," I say, feeling a wrench in my heart. "I don't plan to waste it fighting with her. I want to let her make mistakes, let her learn from them. We can't shield her anymore, Tobias. She's going off on her own in a year."

"It's my job to protect her, Tris. Why don't you understand that?" We've been having this conversation for a week now, and I gro more irritated by the second. 

"She needs to make mistakes now, Tobias. When we are still with her, still in charge; wouldn't you rather her make mistakes with us to help her rather than on her own?" He just shakes his head, knowing I'm right. I huff, pulling on my combat boots.

"Meet me at the train," I say, walking out of the room, leaving him to finish getting ready. I need to cool down a bit before I say something harsh. Tobias doesn't handle our kids growing up well. Or the thought of them switching factions.

It doesn't take me long to escape the heat of the Dauntless compound into the fresh air. The city is mostly quiet, just a normal day. All of Chicago's kids are at school, most adults at work. I lean my back against a building near the tracks, waiting for Tobias. The cold prickles at my skin. It's not long before Tobias is standing next to me.

"I'm out of my mood," we both say at the same time. I look up at him, my grin matching his.

My head rests on Tobias's shoulder as we sit slumped against the train car, riding it to the fence, unbeknownst to him. I gaze at our feet while he gazes at the passing scenery.

This past week has been hard. I know River is upset about how everything happened, so I've been trying to be understanding. I've been trying to let her live her life, but it's hard. Ash is a good kid; I know his parents. They were a year older than Tobias, his mom transferring from Candor, and his father Dauntless born. They are good people.

But River lied to us. For a year. And yet, I can't find the anger to be mad at her. Or the guilt to be disappointed in her. It hurts that she felt like she couldn't tell us, but she's happy. Being happy is all I want for any of my kids. Ashton makes River happy.

"Where are we going?" Tobias asks again, looking at me. I move to sit atop him, looking him in the eyes. His hands rest on my hips, pulling me close.

"I told you it was a surprise," I whisper in his ear, nipping at his playfully. Tobias smirks, pulling me closer and kissing my neck. My hands immediately move to his hair, coming them through and pulling on strands. Tobias's lips move down my throat, making me sigh. I pull his face to mine, looking into his blue eyes before crashing my lips to his. I savor his smell, his taste like I do every time we kiss as if it could be our last.

When I feel the train turn under us, I pull back, kissing Tobias's nose before standing up. I help him to his feet, too, and then jump. The split second of weightlessness calms me before I hit the ground running.

Tobias's POV
I walk alongside Tris, holding her hand, while she carries a bag with the other. We walk through the tall grass towards the fence, but not the exit or entrance, just a part of the fence, completely unguarded. My eyes scan the grey wall, my head slowly tilting up as we get closer.

"What are we-" I start, but Tris cuts me off.

"Just follow me, will you? Stop ruining all my surprises." I give her a grin, walking behind her in silence when we reach the fence. She begins climbing a ladder that hangs from the platform above us. I sigh, following after her, not looking down.

In no time, we stand on the large cement platform where the wall ends and the old electric fence begins. Tris pulls a blanket out of her bag and sets it on the cold floor. Pulling me down, she sits crisscrossed whilst taking two pieces of cake out of the bag. A wicked smile grows on her face, as well as mine. She knows me so well.

We eat in silence for a moment, looking out over the Amity fields, and beyond, to the people coming and leaving the city.

"You're right, you know," I sigh, eating my last bite, savoring every second of the chocolate.


"About letting them make mistakes while they are still with us."

"Of course I was right," she teases, pushing me. I smile at her. I love these moments with her.
After Tris finishes her cake, she snuggles up against me, and we talk about everything but our kids until we fall into a comfortable silence.

"Are you actually going to take that poor kid with you and Bells to the fence?" she asks. I nod.

"You got your alone time with him, now I get mine," I say, referring to last week when Tris "borrowed" Ashton to help her clean out the attic in our house. "Bellamy is simply there to make sure I don't kill the kid."

Tris rolls her eyes at me, sighing as we watch the outskirts of the city.

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