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March 16th
River's POV

Kayla and I giggle in hushed tones all the way to the Pit, to the tattoo parlor, to Tori. Excitement bubbles through me I feel as though I could burst.

Since we aren't technically members of Dauntless, getting tattoos isn't allowed. Somehow, Kayla convinced Tori to let us get one, along with Everest and Ashton who are supposed to meet us there.

"Do you know what you are getting?" Kayla asks eagerly, right before we enter. I nod smiling.

"River?" Tori calls in a hushed whisper.

"Hi," I say excitedly as she collects me in a hug. I haven't seen her since we have been in to get Ivey's name tattooed on Mom.

"You are so grown up!" she gushes. I hear the boys walk in behind us.

"You aren't telling my parents, right," I ask, nervously.

"Or mine?" Everest chimes in, giving me a quick side hug. Tori brushes us off.

"Of course not. I did this when I was your age too," she smiles, showing us a small snake on her wrist. We all smile. "Do y'all know what you are getting?" I nod, along with Kayla, when I feel Ashton's lips in my hair. "Okay, birthday girl, you're up first," Tori says, patting the chair. I squeeze Ash's hand, sitting down, lying on my side. I pull out a picture from my back pocket and hand it to Tori.

"That, right here. But kind of small." I point to my side, just under my left breast.

"This is sick," she smiles, getting to work. Ash sits with me, talking and laughing, while Kayla walks around with Everest, trying to help him decide.

"I don't think I'm going to get one," Everest says, dragging his words out.

"Come on, Ev," Kayla whines.

"My dad would freak."

"It's fine, Kay," Ash chimes in, saving Everest from his peer pressure. Just then, I feel Tori start the tattoo.

The pain isn't bad, nothing like I expected. I look at Ash the whole time, grinning wildly. In no time at all, she's done, leaving me with a Tiger imprinted on my body.

Ashton lies in the chair, not squirming at all, while Tori works on the tattoo on his forearm, on the other side of his elbow. I sit on the counter, dangling my feet anxiously, smiling as well.

"I found out he's dead," Everest whispers, sitting next to me. Kayla still wanders, looking at all the art lit up by dim purple and red lights.

"Who?" I ask, looking at him, shocked.

"My father."

"Will isn't dead."

"No, my real father."

"He's not your real father, Ever. You gotta stop saying that. He raped your mom! He's nothing but scum. It's a good thing he's dead."

"Ri," he says. I look at him, pain was written across his face.

"Look, Ever. It'd be different if Will was a terrible father, or if your mom had actually been with your bio dad. But she wasn't. And you love Will. So stop pretending otherwise."

"I know," he whispers weakly. I know I'm being harsh, but Ever and I have never sugar-coated anything with each other. We always give each other the hard truth. "It's just hard to know that you aren't actually related to your family." I roll my eyes. 

"You are! If anything, Apollo is your half brother. But you've grown up with them, Ever. You love them, and they love you." Everest sighs. "I can't imagine how hard it is, knowing the truth. But Will is still your dad." He just nods quietly.

"Okay, all done!" Tori announces. Ash stands up, looking at his arm, at the little doodle I drew for him. A small mushroom is tattooed, but the top part has angry eyes and fangs.

"Thanks, Tori, it looks great," he says, hugging her. 

"You're up, Kay," she calls, still smiling at Ash. He walks over to me and I lean into him as Kayla gets three little dragons tattooed behind her ear.

"Thank you so much, Tori," I whisper, hugging her once more.

"Anytime, River. Come see me whenever. And tell your parents to come to see me soon, too."

"I will," I laugh. Kayla, Ash, and Everest each hug Tori, too, before the four of us leave, wandering the Pit. Ash hugs me as we walk through the almost empty area, filled with only a few Dauntless. Dauntless is emptier than ever. Since the war twelve years ago, we have had record low initiate numbers. The leaders think it's because of the option to leave the city when you are sixteen, instead of joining a faction. Ninety percent of the people who leave are Dauntless.

"What are we doing tomorrow? Or today, I guess," I wonder out loud.

"I don't know," Everest shrugs to my left, his arm draped over Kayla's shoulder. She yawns, making me yawn.

"Let's hang out at the Ferris wheel," Kayla says through her yawn. I just nod.

"We should probably get back soon," Ash says, playing with my hair. I nod.

"Kay looks like she's about to pass out," I laugh.

"I'll walk her home," Everest pipes up, walking with Kayla. I quirk a brow.

"See you guys tomorrow then," I say, trying not to laugh. Ash fails to hold his laugh in, resulting in receiving the finger from Everest. I giggle as Ashton and I walk to my house.

"Won't you stay? Or at least until I fall asleep?" I ask, turning to face him as we stand near the chasm, allowing our voices to be lost to the white noise.

"Not tonight," he says, kissing my nose. "I want your dad to like me." I smile faintly. "I'll see you tomorrow."



"Sure. At the net?" He nods. Staring into his eyes, I get lost in them, like the sea, not being able to resurface, not wanting to resurface. I'm only brought back when I feel his soft lips on mine.

"I love you," he whispers against my lips. I smile, giving him one more quick kiss before hurrying back to my window.

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