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March 15th
Tobias's POV

I walk down the stairs with Ivey, holding her hand after helping her change into something other than her clothes covered in mud from hanging out at Avri's house.

"Are we going to the dining hall for dinner? For Ri's birthday?"

"If she wants," I shrug. "She might want to go to a restaurant."

As I turn the corner to head into the living room, I find Ashton with Blakelyn thrown over his shoulder, shaking her.

"You were supposed to tell Riv that was from me," he laughs. Blakelyn giggles hysterically.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I forgot to get her a present!" she says through laughs. River sits on the couch, watching the interaction, laughing to herself, and playing with a chain around her neck. As soon I put the pieces together, Ashton sees me and puts Blakelyn down, clearing his throat. When Ivey sees him, she runs over to him, hugging Ashton.

"So everyone knew but me?" I growl to River.

"Sorry?" she says as a question, smiling. I roll my eyes, walking over to her, sitting next to River. She leans into me as I wrap my arm around her.

"Where are we eating tonight?" I ask, my anger already fading as I hug my daughter.

"Dining hall?"

"Sure. Mom should be ready soon. Bellamy is changing." She nods, motioning Ashton to sit down. I glare. He sits uncomfortably.

"So Ashton," I say, calmly as possible. "Tell me about yourself."

"Dad," River whispers, drawing on the word.

"What?" Before Ashton can answer, Bellamy and Tris, make their way down the stairs.

"You guys ready to go?" she asks, smiling.

"Yep!" River exclaims, jumping up and taking Ashton's hand. He smiles. I growl, walking over and taking Tris's hand.

"Okay then," she says, smiling.

Tris's POV
"It was so nice meeting you," I say, smiling at Ashton at the front door.

"You too," he smiles, pulling away from my hug. Dinner wasn't too bad. Tobias didn't speak very much, only really to the twins and Ivey. On the other hand, I really like Ashton. I can tell how respectful he is to River, and myself, and even Tobias, who gave him death glares throughout dinner.

I honestly don't understand his problem. I get the anger, in the beginning, River not telling us for a year, but clearly, Ashton is a good guy. Tobias has to know that his kids are growing up and there is nothing he can do about it. It hurts me, too, watching Ri grow, but I'm glad she has someone as good as Ashton with her.

"I'll walk you out," River whispers, taking Ashton's hand.

"You are welcome here anytime," I say. "Maybe we can do dinner with your family sometime."

"Definitely," he smiles. "Bye Blake, bye Bells, bye Ivey." I smile at how good he is with our other kids. "It was nice to meet you, Mr-, um, Four," he stammers towards Tobias who sits on the couch. The kids wave as River pulls him out the front door. Tobias lets out an audible breath.

"Okay, guys. Why don't you go get ready for bed?" I say, making my way to Tobias while the three of them run upstairs. I sit next to Tobias, glaring. "You are so determined to hate him."

"River is too good for him," he states simply.

"You don't get to make that decision."

"Tris, she's-" River cuts him off, walking in the door with tears in her eyes.

"Why couldn't you just be nice," she glares at Tobias, her voice almost cracking. I see the immediate hurt written on his face as I look back and forth between them. Before he can respond, River runs upstairs. I glare at Tobias one last time before following after her.

Tobias's POV
Hours pass before Tris emerges from River's bedroom. By the time she has, Ivey is already asleep while the twins are settled in bed. I've done all I could to distract myself from the cries and shouts coming from my teenager's bedroom. Tris warned me not to come in, not to make things already worse. Naturally, guilt overtook me as I tried to get ready for bed, every mundane task allowing thoughts to crowd my head. 

Had I overreacted? Had I only seen the bad in him? Was he really an okay person? Should I be less overprotective of my oldest daughter?

No, of course not. I was completely rational.

Then why did your daughter have tears in her eyes?

Because you overreacted.

I groan, audibly. 

What is taking Tris so long?

Pacing around the room, aimlessly picking up clothes off the floor, I hear a bedroom door close. A moment later, Blakelyn walks into the room.

"Hey, dad," she says, plopping onto the bed. 

"Hi, Blake," I sigh, sitting next to her. 

"Why don't you like Ashton?"

"It's complicated, Blake."

"It's really not," she sighs. "Ash is a good kid. And River is happy. What more do you want?" I stare at her. 

"When did you get all Erudite?" Blake laughs.

"I didn't. Kayla told me to say that." I smile.
"Of course." I like Kayla, but she can be a little pretentious. Tris loves her, of course. She loves all of our kids' friends. 

"He's nice to me too," she adds. I smile.

"Will you do me a favor?" she nods. "Can you go ask mom if I can come into Ri's room?" She's off the bed in an instant, coming back not a moment later, nodding. "Thanks, Blake. Why don't you go get in bed?" I smile, kissing her head.

"Night, dad," she runs off again. I follow, making my way to River's room.

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