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March 15th
Tobias's POV

I watch Tris walk into the kitchen with Ashton, bombarding him with questions, leaving me in the living room with River. She looks up at me, waiting for me to say something.

"How long?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"A year," she whispers, looking down.

"A year!" I exclaim. "You have been dating since you were fourteen!"

"Dad, calm down," she says, looking mortified as she looks back into the kitchen. Tris throws me a glare.

"Your mother knew, didn't she?" I ask, sitting down on the couch to try to ease my anger. The thought of any boy being involved with River this young makes my stomach churn. Especially before I could meet him.

"I only told her a few nights ago," she says, sitting down next to me, still looking down. "Dad, please don't be mad. Ashton is really nice. And he treats me right."

"Has he tried anything with you?" I ask, glaring. River quickly shakes her head. I sigh, relieved a little.

"He's not like that, I promise."

"Good." River smiles at me. "I can't believe you waited a year to tell us."

"How would you have reacted if I told you when I was fourteen?" she questions, raising her eyebrow. I laugh.

"Fair enough. I just don't want you to grow up too fast." River's smile turns sad.

"I'm not going anywhere, dad." I pull her into a hug, resting my chin on her head. "I love you," she says, muffled by my shirt.

"I love you too, princess." She pulls back, smiling.

"River!" Tris calls from the kitchen. "Will you and Ashton go get Ivey from Avri's and find the twins? I think they are in the Pit. Your dad and I will get ready fr dinner then we can all go to dinner." River nods, standing up to walk to the kitchen. I follow her, almost exploding when I see her grab onto Ashton's hand.

"We'll be back," she says, smiling as they walk out of the house.

"I'm going to murder than kid if he lays a hand on her-"

"You are so dramatic," Tris says, rolling her eyes. "He's sweet." I cringe.

"I'll show you sweet," I say, picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder. Tris shrieks, laughing as I make my way upstairs.

River's POV
"That wasn't that bad," Ashton whisper, leaning down to kiss my head. I laugh, pulling away. We walk through the Dauntells hallways, on our way to Zeke and Shauna's to get Ivey.

"Oh, it most definitely was. My dad was about ready to tear your face off.

"Well, I understand why," he says, wrapping his arm around my body to pull me close.

"What do you mean."

"I can tell he loves you, and your mom, and your siblings, more than life itself," he says. Ashton has always been very good at reading people. He can get so much out of the smallest conversations. "He loves you so much, Riv," my heart flutters at my nickname. He's the only one allowed to call me that. "He knows that no one could ever love you as much as he does, and he doesn't want anyone to try." I laugh a little.

"I think you're right. About the first part, at least."

"Oh really," he grins, turning a corner.

"Mmhm.," I say, smiling mischievously.

"Who could possibly love you that much?" I grin, playing along.

"Well, my mom, of course."

"Right, right," he says, holding back a laugh. I fail at holding in mine, looking up at Ashton as we walk. I admire his jaw, his side profile, his ears, his hair, everything.

"I love you," I whisper, my head just reaching his shoulder. Ashton stops walking and looks down at me with a smile plastered over his face.

"I love you," he whispers back, placing a kiss on my nose, then my lips.

"No way!" someone exclaims, making me jump. I hadn't even realized we had gotten to the apartment until Shauna burst through the door, pulling me away from Ashton.

"You have a boyfriend?!"

Tris's POV
Tobias keeps a firm hold on me, not letting me escape, as he walks into our closet with me still over his shoulder. I can tell that he's still angry. I was so glad to meet Ashton, finally, but I think River should have told Tobias about him first. He almost had an aneurysm in there.

"Tobias?" I whisper. He doesn't answer. "She's growing up, you know. She'll always be your daughter, but she's becoming a young woman. You have to let her experience things and learn from them." A moment passes before he answers.

"He's going to hurt her."

"Maybe," I say. I feel him go rigid under me as he sets me down. Looking up into his eyes, I find them dark and clouded with worry. "And if he does, she'll learn from it. And maybe he's the one. Maybe she'll get lucky like we did." His smile softens at that, leaning down to kiss me. I savor the warmth of my lips before he pulls away. "Now, get dressed."

"Okay," he whispers. We both change into black Dauntless clothes. I busy myself in the bathroom, fixing my hair when I hear the kids burst through the door downstairs. Tobias walks into the bathroom, placing a kiss on my shoulder.

"Can you make sure the kids are dressed nice enough?" I ask. He mumbles yes, walking out of the room. River walks in not a moment later.

"Hey, mom," she says, leaning against the counter.

"Hey, sweetheart."

"What did dad say?" I sigh.

"He doesn't want you to grow up too fast, Ri. You're his baby, and he wants you to stay his baby for as long as possible."

"But is he mad?"

"No." She sees through me.

"Will you talk to him?"

"I think you should. Later tonight."

"Okay," she whispers, looking down.

"He treats you right, right?" River smiles, the kind of smile you can only get from talking about someone you love.

"He's perfect, mom. I'm in love with him."

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