Ch 7: Reunion Tour

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Your P.O.V.

After what had happened with Maero, I was pissed. That asshole thinks that he can just insult me like that? Well, I'm going to make sure that he pays and it's got to be good. I was waiting to see where Donnie would be, that's when I noticed Carlos walking over.

Y/n: You know where Donnie is?

Carlos: Yeah, he's over by the Cycle's motor buck shop bear the arena.

Y/n: Thanks Carlos, now go see what else you can get on her Brotherhood.

Carlos: On it boss.

With that, I made my way over to where Donnie was. I knew that he didn't have anything to do with the Rollerz and Lin, but he could still be useful to me. And since he was Maero's personal mechanic and knew lots about the Brotherhood, it would help out.

So I made my way to the Cycles shop near the arena. I had a feeling he was enjoying me being dead. But I was going to show Donnie that I wasn't dead at all. And once I arrived, I saw him smoking, so I pulled out a gun. As soon as he turned around, he was shocked to see me.

Y/n: Surprise Donnie.

Donnie: Oh shit.

Y/n: You haven't seen me since Sharp had shot me and stuffed me into the trunk if a car, and the best you got for me is "Oh shit?"

Donnie: You... You're surpost to be dead.

Y/n: That'll work, now walk to the car.

Donnie: How'd you know I'd be here?

Y/n: You're predictable.

Donnie: What do you want from me?

Y/n: You're going to do some pro bono mechanic work for me.

Donnie: What do you mean by "pro bono" work?

I was starting to get tired of him asking questions, so I slammed his head on his car to shut him up.

Y/n: I'm threw answering your questions, now get in the car.

With that, I then shove him into the passenger seat and got in. Then I took his keys and started the car before I started to drive.

Y/n: Alright, so you know where some of your new "friends" hang out.

Donnie: Yeah?

Y/n: Alright, here's the deal, you rig your friends trucks to explode and I don't put a bullet in your head.

With that, he har pointed me in the direction of a Brotherhood car. Then he went on and on yo say that he didn't have anything against me. I honestly didn't care in way or the other and just kept driving. Once I spotted the car, I forced Donnie to rig the bomb.

I obviously had to keep his ads safe from the Brotherhood, but they weren't a problem. Once the bomb was set, I forced him back to his car and blew up the truck. Then he told me about how a few other Brotherhood guys park behind a shop in Chinatown.

Once we arrived, I forced him to set the bombs on the trucks. While he did, he went on about how it was a baf idea to do this. I honestly didn't care about it and forced him to keep working. And as soon as he finished, I forced him to get back to his car and blew up all threw of the trucks.

Afterwards, he told me about one last truck that was at the nearby On Track nightclub. While I was driving, Donnie went on about how it's been years since he was with the Rollerz and had only wanted to fix cars. I knew Donnie wasn't the brightest tool sometimes, but I didn't care.

Once we got to the On Track nightclub, I spotted the truck instantly. So while Donnie rigged the bomb, I kept the Brotherhood away. Once the bomb was set, I got ready to blow it up, but for some reason it didn't.

Donnie: Shit, the detonators busted, but the timer shouldn't be.

So I had to drive around as the Brotherhood chased us on the rigged truck. After a minute or so, the truck has blown up and I was satisfied with the results. So I drive down to the docks and had stopped outside of the Brotherhood's hideout.

Y/n: Get out.

Donnie: What?

Y/n: Now!

Donnie: But they'll kill me.

Y/n: I don't care.

With that, I pushed Donnie out of his own cat and left. I didn't know if Maero would kill him or not, but if he didn't then I'll use Donnie again later.

Third P.O.V.

After You had forced Donnie out of his car and drove off, he became terrified. There was a high chance that Maero would kill him. So Donnie made his way to Maero's tattoo parlor. And when he arrived, he saw Jessica, Matt, and Maero all inside.

Jessica: Hey Donnie, where have you--

Donnie: Maero, I'm do sorry.

Maero: What did you fo, Donnie?

Donnie: It's The Saints, they--

Maero: What did you do, Donnie?!

Donnie: Their leader made me rig up some of our boys trucks and--

Maero: And you DID IT?!

Donnie: I didn't have a choice, I--

That's when Maero grabbed Donnie by the throat. He wasn't to happy with Donnie helping The Saints.

Maero: You had a choice Donnie, and you chose your life over the rest of us.

Donnie: I had a gun to my head man, what was I supposed to do?

Maero: Have a spine!

Donnie: I swear I didn't say anything about the shipment.

Maero: *sarcastically* Well, that makes it all better than, doesn't it?

Matt: Dude, you should be mad at that asshole running The Saints, not Donnie.

Maero: I didn't ask for your god damn opinion Matt.

Jessica: Maero, who's gonna fix my car?

Maero really wanted to kill Donnie right there. But he knew that Jessica was gonna bitch about killing their best mechanic. So, out of fury, Maero just threw Donnie into a cabernet before he stormed off. Maero knew that this was an act of war, and he was going to be the one who came out on top.

 Maero knew that this was an act of war, and he was going to be the one who came out on top

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