Stronghold: Imperial Square Pagoda

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Your P.O.V.

After what happened at the nuke plant, I decided to laying low for a couple of days. I was wondering what would happen next with our campaign against The Brotherhood. After I knew that the heat had finally died down, I decided to head to Chinatown. That's when my phone started to ring and I noticed that it was Pierce.

Y/n: What's up Pierce?

Pierce: Hey Boss, I've got something on The Brotherhood protection rackets.

Y/n: Pierce, I told you that you should look into The Ronin.

Pierce: I know, but can you just please hear me out boss?

Y/n: Alright, what do you got?

Pierce: Alright, so the Brotherhood ain't exactly tactitions. But they do have one thing right, getting paid to do nothing is the dream. So if we want to be some major players, then we have to get some protection rackets going.

Y/n: So where do you think we should start than Pierce?

Pierce: Well, what better place than the district that just loves to pay out: Chinatown.

Y/n: Luckily, I'm in Chinatown now, so I can get started right away.

So with that, I started to make my way around Chinatown. I knew that Pierce was right in a way about starting our own protection rackets. Since it was one of The Brotherhoods main money makers, we needed to take it over.

So I started to go to some of the shops around the district. A couple of them were willing to pay up to me, but a few others weren't so willing. So I knew that I had to persuade them to pay me.

So I started to smash up some of the booths they had. And I had even broken a few people's legs too. And let's just say that it was enough to convince them I was serious.

After about half an hour, I managed to convince half the shop owners in Chinatown to pay me. It was a real easy job, then I heard my phone ring and it was Shaundi.

Y/n: What's up Shaundi?

Shaundi: Hey Boss, I just got a tip that the guy running The Brotherhood's protection rackets also runs the pagoda hotel.

Y/n: And let me guess, if I convince him to work for me, then all the others will follow him.

Shaundi: Pretty much.

Y/n: Thanks Shaundi.

With that, I made my way over to the pagoda hotel. When I arrived, there was some Brotherhood waiting for me outside and inside the hotel. But I was able to deal with them easily and went to find the manager. And let's just say that when I found him, he was about to cry like a baby.

Manager: P-Please, don't hurt me.

Y/n: Oh, I wont, just as long as you pay up all the protection money to me.

Manager: O-Okay, you got it.

With that, The Saints were able to move into part of Chinatown. I knew that it was only a matter of time before I would take out Maero. All I had to do was keep up the pressure and then The Brotherhood would fall.

 All I had to do was keep up the pressure and then The Brotherhood would fall

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