Stronghold: Bavogian Plaza Drug Lab

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Your P.O.V.

It's been a couple days since I busted Laura out of prison. She was doing a few tests on the Loa Dust I stole from The Samedi. Right now, I was with Lin and Anna at an apartment building over in Sommerset. Lin was able to find a new place to stay and I was just there to help with anything they had.

Lin: It's not much, but until we can find somewhere else, it'll do.

Anna: Mom, dad, why did the bald man burn down our home?

Lin: Uh... I don't know Anna.

I could tell Lin didn't like lying to Anna about what happened. I knew it was for her own protection, and I knew we'd have to tell her why one day. But for now, it was best to make sure that she was kept safe and wait until she's old enough to learn the truth.

Y/n: Look, Anna, I don't know why the bald man did that to our home. But I do know is that he won't be bothering us ever again.

Anna: Are you sure?

Y/n: Positive.

That's when Anna wrapped me in another hug, which I accepted. After a moment, my phone had started to ring. I took a look to see it was Shaundi, so I knew it had to do with The Sons.

Y/n: Hey, I've got to take this, it's a "work call." So I'll have to go and see what the problem is.

Anna: Alright.

Lin simply nods as she obviously knew what I meant. So I left the apartment and closed the door behind me. I didn't want Anna to accidentally overhear anything she should. Once I closed the door, I answered my phone.

Y/n: What's up Shaundi?

Shaundi: Hey boss, I just got a tip that The Samedi have converted the second floor of a sex shop in Bavogian Plaza into a drug lab.

Y/n: And I'm guessing it's due to me having killed a few of their dealers?

Shaundi: Yeah, it's what caused The General to be more discreet about how they move product. And once they cook up a new batch, they can just walk downstairs to sell it to the lonely guys getting lap dances from coke whore's.

Y/n: Send me the address and I'll go tear their drug lab apart.

So with that, I hung up and Shaundi sent me the address. So I got in my car and made my way to the sex shop. Once I was there, I made my way inside and found Samedi thugs all over. So I had started killing each and every thug that got in my way. I even killed several of drug addicts who were likely waiting to get their drugs.

Once the first floor was clear, I started to search for a way upstairs. Once I had found a staircase, I made my way up and was met by some more of the Samedi thugs. These guys had some SMG's and were shooting like crazy. Sadly, it didn't stop me from killing every single one of them.

Once they were dead, I found some C4 and the drug making equipment. So I then placed the C4 on the equipment, pressed the button, and blew up all of the equipment. That's when I heard a helicopter starting to power up. I had a feeling that whatever Samedi were left were trying to make a break for it.

So I found a fire escape and climbed up to the roof. Once I was on the roof, there were several Samedi trying to get on a helicopter. One of them saw me and was about to use an RPG. But I was able to shoot the bastard before he could fire. That's when the last few Samedi got on the helicopter and tried to escape.

But I quickly grabbed the RPG and aimed for the chopper. Once it was in my sights, I had fired the rocket at it. And it was a direct hit as the chopper went down into the river with the Samedi inside. Once it was said and done, I saw several purple cars pull up before I made my way back downstairs. Once I exited the sex shop, I was met by Shaundi and Carlos.

Carlos: Damn boss, you really don't mess around, do you?

Y/n: Not at all Carlos.

Shaundi: What about the dust labs?

Y/n: What dust labs?

Shaundi: You know, the ones that--

Carlos: Uh.... Shaundi, I'm pretty sure it's the boss' way of saying that they've been dealt with.

Y/n: Yeah.

Shaundi: Oh, sorry, I'm kind of high.

Y/n: Of course you are.

Carlos and I couldn't help but laugh at Shaundi's confusion. And I knew that The Samedi had now Just lost some important equipment. So all I had to do was keep up the pressure, and they'd be dealt with in no time.

 So all I had to do was keep up the pressure, and they'd be dealt with in no time

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