Ch 14: The Enemy of my Enemy

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Your P.O.V.

After what happened with the prison buses, Maero was hiding. He knew that I was coming for him, and he was right. And I was still waiting to find out what the shipment was. I was driving by the old Lopez mansion in the Barrio when my phone rang.

Shaundi: Hey Boss, come meet me and Carlos at Adam's Arcade. It's about the upcoming Brotherhood shipment.

Y/n: I'll be there soon.

So with that, I made my way over to the arcade in Chinatown. I was curious to find out what they found on Maero's little shipment. When I got there, I had found them both playing scree ball.

Y/n: Tell me you two didn't pick this place just so you could play this stupid game.

Carlos: I'm just here for the heck of it.

Shaundi: And no, I picked this place so we three could play this stupid game. All of this gang shit has got you stressed out and you need to have some fun.

Y/n: By playing skee-ball?

Carlos: Pretty much.

Shaundi: Yeah.

Y/n: You do know that most people just smoke pot, right?

Shaundi: Yeah, and then they go and play some skee-ball.

I was going to say something, but I couldn't think of anything. So I just decided to go for a quick round if it would shut them up.

Y/n: Fuck it. So did you guys look into the docks like I asked?

Shaundi: Wait, what?

Y/n: After the Fed Dogs concert, I called you to look into....

Shaundi: Look, I got to be honest with you, I was pretty stoned.

Y/n: You got to be fucking kidding me.

Carlos: Don't worry, she is. One of the dock workers just called saying that a big guy with tattoos came to the docks and started shaking people down trying to find out when a shipment was rescheduled to arrive.

Y/n: Why would Maero need to know the time of his own shipment?

Shaundi: Maybe it just got delayed?

Y/n: And you're sure that it was Maero and not some crazy biker guy?

Carlos: I'd bet my life on it.

Y/n: Alright, come on then.

So Carlos and I left while Shaundi stayed behind. I was curious as to what Maero' shipment really was. So we got into Carlos' car and I was ready to hear what he found out.

Y/n: Alright, lay it on me. So what did you find out about the shipment?

Carlos: It turns out that Maero's bought enough guns to take over the whole city. And it's full of all sorts of military grade weapons and explosives.

Y/n: So taking it will hit him where it hurts and give us all the guns we need.

Carlos: Pretty much, yeah.

So we made our way to the docks and found a boat there. So we took the boat and drove to where the the barge with the weapons were coming in. And It didn't take us that long to find the ship and get on board.

But for some reason, there were no Brotherhood on board. Instead, there were some security guards on board. And it didn't make sense why they were here, but it didn't matter.

So Carlos and I started to kill all of the guards on the boat. After about ten minutes, we were the only ones left on the ship. So we made our way down to the cargo hold to find the guns.

Once we were inside, there were all sorts of crates. So Carlos and I checked a fee to find assault rifles, RPG's, and tons of ammo. I was honestly surprised at how much The Brotherhood was bringing in.

Carlos: These are a lot of guns.

Y/n: You're damn right they are.

That's even my phone has started to ring for some reason. I saw that it was Shaundi that was calling, so I decided to see what's wrong.

Y/n: What's up?

Shaundi: Boss, are you and Carlos ok?

Y/n: We're fine, why?

Shaundi: Because I'm at the docks, and I'm seeing tons of Brotherhood coming your way.

That's when an explosion had rocked the boat and caused me and Carlos to fall over. Then a large crate almost fell on top of me due to the explosion. I was able to get out of the way as a couple of rockets fell out.

Shaundi: Boss, what's going on?!

Y/n: We're fine Shaundi, and I'm not so worried about The Brotherhood anymore. *hangs up*

Carlos: You got a plan?

Y/n: Yeah, we use this shit to kill all The Brotherhood that show up.

Carlos: Alright then.

So Carlos and I took as much ammo as we could. Then we made our way to the top to find The Brotherhood making their way to the ship. So Carlos and I had started destroying all of the boats ave Helicopters they had coming in.

It wasn't an easy fight since they were coming out in force. Luckily, after about four waves of goons and several dozen destroyed boats and helicopters, The Brotherhood stopped. So after we had cleared the remaining ones, I then decided to called Shaundi.

Y/n: Shaundi, I'm gonna need you to get the crew together to come and get our new toys.

Shaundi: On it boss.

So after about ten minutes, I saw some boats pulling up. Then the crew started to get as many gums as they could onto each boat. Once we had all of the guns, we got off the ship and made our way back to land. Then I saw Johnny there with several trucks waiting for us and the guns.

Johnny: Shit, these Brotherhood assholes weren't fucking around.

Y/n: And with all these guns, well have all we need to deal with them.

Johnny: Damn straight!

Then The Saints loaded up all of the guns and drove off. I knew that with the shipment ours, The Brotherhood wouldn't stand a chance. And now all that was left was to deal with Maero and the last of his men.

 And now all that was left was to deal with Maero and the last of his men

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A/n: Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. Just been busy with work and other stories. As always, leave a vote and comment and I'll be seeing you guys next time.

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