Ch 8: Waste Not, Want Not

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Your P.O.V.

After what had happened with Donnie a few days ago, things have been quiet. I was a little curious as to what they could be up too. I was waiting for a call from Carlos to get me any Intel that he could dig up. After a few minutes, my phone went off and it was Carlos.

Carlos: Hey Boss, can you meet me on the L-train in the Barrio district?

Y/n: Sure, I'll be their shortly.

So I made my way over to the L-Train station in the Barrio. I honestly didn't know what Carlos got, I was hoping it was something good. Once the train had arrived, I got on and saw Carlos right away and went up to him.

Y/n: Why are we meeting on the L-Trains Carlos?

Carlos: I wanted to get out of the god damn sewers.

Y/n: Why are you facing away?

Carlos: In case you're - you know - being followed.

Y/n: This isn't a god damn spy movie Carlos, so can you turn around?

I wasn't sure why Carlos was acting so weird right now. I was hoping that he has something on The Brotherhood.

Y/n: What do you got?

Carlos: Nothing.

Y/ n: Are you shitting me?!

Carlos: Look, I tried everything I could. What was I supposed to do?

Y/n: Try harder!

Carlos: After that shit you pulled with Donnie, the Brotherhood is keeping a tight lid on what they got cooking. I did hear one guy mention a shipment, but beyond that we're back to square one.

Y/n: Which is?

Carlos: That we know they like trucks and tattoos.

Y/n: You were on my short list and you're giving me tattoos and trucks?

Carlos: And the shipment.

Y/n: Which you know nothing about. Look Carlos, I like you, really I do. But you've still got a lot to learn about being a lieutenant.

Carlos: I wish I had more to give you.

Y/n: Believe me, so do I. But fuck it, we'll figure something out.

That's when I had noticed the new nuclear power plant off in the distance. That's when I remembered what Maero said about his tattoos. And that gave me an idea on how we could fuck with him.

Carlos: What is it?

Y/n: I think I've got an idea.

Carlos: Really?

Y/n: Yeah, Maero said he had a lot of canvas left, so I'm going to splatter paint all over it.

That's when the train cane to a stop by the arena. So I got off and turned back to Carlos, who was still on the train.

Y/n: Don't worry Carlos, I'm going to make a banger out of you if it kills me.

Then the train pulled out of the station and I went to fund a car. Once I found one, I made my way over to the nearby Friendly Fire and bought a toxic waste detector. Once I bought it, I made my way to the nearby docks and grabbed a boat before calling Carlos.

Y/n: Carlos, I'm heading over to the new nuclear plant. I don't think the cops will be to happy about it, so I'm going to need you to pull me out when I'm done.

Carlos: Don't worry boss, I'll get a helicopter ready.

With that, I took the boat and made my way to the nuke plant. I knew I had to be careful when I arrived since it was going to be crawling with cops. Once I arrived, I used the toxic waste detector to find some toxic waste.

I knew that since Maero loved his little tattoos, I'd give him a new one as my gift to him. Once I found some toxic waste, I called Carlos and told him to get to the nuke plant. Once I got to the helipad, I cleared our the guards there as Carlos arrived.

Carlos: Get in boss!

Y/n: Who's your new friend?

Carlos: What? You think I know how to fly a helicopter? I had to pull a gun on the guy to get him to fly here.

Y/n: Fair point.

With that, the helicopter took off and I had to defend it from police boats that were chasing us. When we got back to the city, Carlos forced the pilot to land and knocked the pilot out. Then we got in a car and made our way to the tattoo parlor at the docks.

Carlos: So you going to tell me what the plan is boss?

Y/n: Lets just say that Maero's next tattoo isn't going to be made of ink.

Carlos: Oh, now I get it.

Once we got to the tattoo parlor, we broke in. Once we found the ink used for the tattoos and poured toxic waste in all of them. Then we made our escape and I was laughing up a storm the whole time. I knew that once Maero got a new tattoo, it wouldn't be pretty.

Third P.O.V.

The next day, Matt was giving Maero a new tattoo on his face. And while Matt did so, Maero and Jessica were trying to come up with a way to stop you.

Matt: Dude, you are going to look like a bad mother fucker.

Maero: Good, because I was beginning to think I looked like an investment banker.

Jessica: I'm glad you two are having fun, because God forbid we do something about The Saints.

Maero: I'm gonna take care of them.

Jessica: Sure you are.

Maero: What, you think I'm afraid?!

Matt: No, she doesn't. Now can you sit still man, I'm almost done.

With that, Matt added the few final touches on Maero's tattoo. Once he did, he gave Maero a mirror to have a look.

Maero: I think you should stick to tattooing and drop the guitar.

Matt: Whatever man, The Fed Dogs fucking rock.

A moment later, Maero started to feel a slight burning in his face. And Jessica had taken notice of the strange and unknown discomfort.

Jessica: Babe?

That's when the toxic waste in the ink started to take effect. And it started to burn and leave a vicious scar on Maero ad he screamed in pain. And neither Matt or Jessica knew what was going on until it was too late.

A/n: Hey guys, sorry about the long wait, I've been busy with work and updating other stories. And of you enjoyed this chapter, then don't forget to leave a vote and a comment, and I'll see you next time.

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