Ch 42: Picking A Fight

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Your P.O.V.

It's done, Julius and my mother are dead, and The Saints are running Stilwater again. It took a lot of hard work, but it was all worth it. The Ronin and Sons of Samedi were kicked out of town and The Brotherhood was all wiped out. So after everything, me and my lieutenants all decided to celebrate in our own ways.

Pierce was at some stripper party in the Projects district. Shaundi was hanging with a few friends at the suburbs. And I even heard Carlos was hosting a party at the crib. Johnny decided to go and properly pay his respects to Aisha with the gangs wiped out. And I decided to go to Club Kio, a massive night club in the Red Lights district.

There was another thing, I was going to propose to Lin. I already got a ring that I know she's going to love. But I wanted to wait a few days before asking her. After everything, I just wanted to think about how I would do it. I was also just really hoping that she wouldd say yes. And it was also why I was going to this club, to get a chance to think a little.

After arriving, I got a very fancy bottle of whisky. It was like three grand, but I had more than enough for it. And I was going to save some for Lin latter on for our own celebration. But after a few minutes, the door to the room I was in was shot off the hinges. Then I saw the same guys from the church rush in.

Y/n: SHIT!

I quickly took cover behind the bar as bullets started flying. Luckily, I had more than enough bullets to share with these bastards. After about ten minutes, I was able to get out of the night club. And I had a bad feeling and quickly called Johnny. Sadly, he revealed he was being chased by some APC's and it was likely these guys were going after the others too.

So I grabbed a car and quickly made my way to the Projects. Once I found the building Pierce was at, it was already being attacked. So I quickly jumped in and started killing all of these mother fuckers. Once they were dead, Pierce had quickly rushed out.

Pierce: Boss, you got good timin'.

Y/n: No problem, now let's go and get Shaundi before these assholes.

So acting quickly, Pierce and I went to get Shaundi in the suburbs. After a few minutes, we got to the apartment she was at. But these had guys just managed to beat us to her. Because we saw her get shoved into a car Just before it started to pull out. So we had to chase after these assholes for ten minutes before we managed to disable the car. And luckily, Shaundi didn't get hit by a stray bullet.

Shaundi: Thanks for getting me out of there boss.

Y/n: No problem. *phone rings* Yeah?

Carlos: Boss! We got a bunch of armed guys in body armor attacking the crib! We need your help and anyone that's with you.

Y/n: Don't worry Carlos, we're on our way right now.

With that, the three of us quickly made our way to the crib. And like Carlos said, there was a bunch of those fucking assholes attacking the crib. So we all started doing what we do best, we had started killing these bastards. After a few minutes, we were able to clear the outside of the crib and made our way down into the hideout.

Once inside, there was a bunch more of these guys. So we started fighting our way through them one by one. And it was a good thing that we got there when we did. Because half of The Saints there were dead and Carlos almost got killed too. After about twenty minutes, we had finally managed to kill all of these guys. That's when we noticed the Ultor logo on one of the uniforms.

Carlos: I'll be damned, Ultor sent them.

Shaundi: I liked Ultor a lot better when they just made clothes.

Peirce: What did you do to piss these guys off?

Y/n: Well fuck if I know.

Pierce: Man, I signed on for killing gangbangers, not fighting some swat team from hell!

Y/n: Don't worry Peirce, we'll take care of it.

Pierce: The fuck you mean "don't worry about it?" These guys are packing some fucking space age shit!

I knew Pierce was right about these guys and their weapons. We may have a lot of guns, but Ultor's got enough for a private army. That's when I noticed a badge on one of the bodies. And it was for a place that's called: The Pyramid.

Y/n: Hey Shaundi, you know anyone who works at a place called "The Pyramid?"

Shaundi: Hmm..... no.

Carlos: Seriously?

Pierce: For real?

Y/n: Alright, I want you three to find out everything you can about this place. Because I want to tear fucking these assholes apart.

These guys made a big mistake trying to attack me and my crew. So I was now going to tear down everything that Ultor built up. If these assholes want a war with me and The Saints, then they just fucking got one.

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