Ch 46: And A Better Life

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Your P.O.V.

It's been a couple days since I killed the Ultor directors. And I heard on the news that Dane Vogel was holding some press conference outside of the church. I knew that he was likely to still be a massive problem. So I came up with a plan to kill him and get Ultor off of my ass for good. Of course, Lin wanted to come to help me, which I accepted as I knew she'd come regardless.

Right now, we were making our way through the crowds. Johnny was on a nearby rooftop with a sniper to help deal with the guards. And Pierce, Shaundi, and Carlos were just a few blocks away. Lin and I were going to kill Vogel on send a message to Ultor from The Saints they'd never forget. And as we went through the crowd, Vogel was giving a speech about how Ultor was going to remodel Shivington.

That's when a gunshot was heard and people started panicking. We knew that Johnny's cover was blown and ran to the stage to kill Vogel. And with some help from Johnny, who I saw throw a guy off the roof, we dealt with the guards. Sadly, Vogel was able to get into a limo and started escaping. So Lin and I got into a cop car and started to chase after his ass.

Lin: Let's kill this bastard.

Y/n: You said it.

As we were chasing Vogel, we tried to kill his driver. Though we found out the limo had some extra armor on it. But Lin and I knew that it wasn't going to help for long. So we continued to chase Vogel and kept shooting while we also dealt with the cops. After a while, we were lead to the Phillips Building just before running out of gas. And I saw Vogel run inside before a gate shut in front of the doors.

So I gave Johnny a call, and he told me he heard Ultor had some security generators outside the building. And it turned out that was what was keeping the Phillips Building on its lock down. So Lin and I had to find a way to get to the generators and destroy them. Then I saw a helicopter nearby and instantly got an idea. So Lin and I got in, started it up, and got ready for a fight.

Once we were ready, I took control of the chopper as Lin got the guns. And we went up the building and destroyed all of the generators. Though it did take about twenty minutes to deal with too. Considering we had to destroy a few Ultor helicopters. After dealing with that, we made our way to the top floor of the Phillips Building.

Once we were there, Lin shot out the window to make an entrance. And then we both managed to jump from our helicopter and into the building. After that, the helicopter spun out of control and crashed. Luckily, neither of us were hurt and we went to find Vogel. And it didn't take us long as he had no guys to protect him. Plus we found him hiding like a bitch right by his desk.

Vogel: Okay, let's not be hasty. You're both upset, you're frustrated--

Of course, me and Lin both pulled out our guns. And it looked like Vogel was about to shit himself. He likely knew that he was dead and wanted to try and talk his way out.

Vogel: And you both have guns, which I'd really like if you both put away.

Y/n: You should have thought of that before you sent a team to kill me and wipe out my gang.

Vogel: I tried telling the board that going after The Saints was a big mistake.

Lin: They should have listened to you.

Vogel: Believe me, I'm agreeing with you both one hundred percent. But you have to look at the positives, you're alive, they're dead, and you have The Saints number one fan running Ul--

That's when we both had enough of his bullshit. Because we both shot him right in the face as he fell out of the window and hit the pavement. With Vogel out of the way, The Saints could run Stilwater unchallenged. But there was still just one last thing to deal with. And so I told Lin that after everything, I knew she was the one for me. And I knew that I'd want to spend the rest of my life with her. That's when I took out the ring I got her and asked the question.

Y/n: Lin, will you marry me?

Lin: Yes! Fucking yes!

With that, we started making out with one another. Though we stopped as we heard someone running in. Luckily, it was just Pierce, Shaundi, and Carlos. Though they were a little upset they had just missed us killing Vogel. And then we told them that Lin and I were now engaged. After congratulations, they informed us they would've been her earlier, but the roads were all closed off due to the chaos.

So I quickly called Johnny and told him Vogel was dead. And he agreed to meet us back home soon, after he was done killing cops. So then I called in our ride out of here, which was Tobias with his helicopter. I knew that with Vogel dead, Ultor wouldn't be fucking with us again. And I knew that now we all had a wedding to plan for.

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