Stronghold: Stilwater Caverns

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Your P.O.V.

After we cleared out the old hotel yesterday, me and Johnny now had a hideout for The Saints. But some of the homeless bums that were living down there had managed to escape. It made me wonder if they were going to try and get back at us.

I decided to go for a walk to see if there was anything that I could do to get my mind off it. But then my phone started to ring and it turned out to be Johnny. We both agreed to meet up later to clean up the dead bodies, but I thought he would have called later. So I decided to see if he was ready to deal with the bodies now.

Y/n: Yeah Johnny?

Johnny: Hey Y/n, you know those homeless bums we evicted?

Y/n: Yeah, why?

Johnny: Well it turns out that the ones that escaped joined up with another group that's been living down in the Stilwater Caverns. And it turns out that they recently started mugging tourists.

Y/n: And you think that those bastards are going to use that money to try and get back at us?

Johnny: Yeah, so I was thinking that if you trash their little shanty town, then they wont try to step.

Y/n: Alright, I'll see you later.

So I grabbed a car and made my way to the caverns. It wasn't that hard to miss since there was a giant ass sign in the factories district that said where it was. My guess is that Ultor probably made it to make some easy money, I mean it's what I'd do.

So I made my way down deep into the caverns to find out where the homeless bums were. I was honestly surprised at how large the place was. I was a little turned around at one point, but I was able to find some shanties so I knew that I was close.

So I followed the shanties into the lower parts of the caverns to find the main shantytown. After a couple of minutes, I was able to find where those homeless bums were. And it looked like they had at least a dozen shanties that were down here.

So now that I found them, I started to clear out all of those damn bums. I was trying to kill as many as I could so they knew that I wasn't the type of man to be fucked with. As soon as I cleared out all the bums, I started to destroy all of the shanties they made.

It didn't take me long to destroy all of the shanties. And once they were all destroyed I got ready to leave, but I had noticed that there was still one last bum hiding behind a rock. He didn't notice me, so I grabbed him from his hiding spot before I slammed him against one of the walls.

Homeless bum: P-Please, don't kill me.

Y/n: Oh, I won't, but I want you to deliver a message to your other little homeless friends.

Homeless bum: S-Sure, anything.

Y/n: Tell them that if they want to keep on breathing, then they won't try to come after me, Johnny Gat, or the Third Street Saints.

Homeless bum: O-Okay, got it.

Then I punched him a few times until he was unconscious. Once I was finished, I made my way back above ground and out of the cave. I knew that with that little distraction out of the way, I could noe focus on bringing The Saints back. All I needed to do was get some new recruits to do it.

 All I needed to do was get some new recruits to do it

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