Ch 47: The Wedding

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Your P.O.V.

I couldn't believe that this was actually happening, me and Lin's wedding. After a few months of waiting, it was finally time to tie tha knot. I honestly never thought this is how I was going to get married. I figured it would've taken me a few more years before I married someone. At least, if I didn't come to Stilwater to begin with.

Everything was ready as we held the wedding at the church. And I started to think of what's been happening over the last few months. A week after killing Vogel, some guy called Eric Gryffin called for my help. He was the new chairman of Ultor and needed help dealing with Dex. Apparently, Dex was trying to take over Ultor in order to come after me.

So I agreed to help Gryffin in order to kill Dex. I started off by stopping Dex's Masako guards from killing Gryffin. Then I stopped Dex from stealing toxic waste from the nuke plant. Of course, Dex fled the city afterwards, so I had killed any and all of his associations. After that, I made a deal with Gryffin where if he left me alone, then I'd stop attacking Ultor.

After that, everything was back on track for the wedding. Johnny, Carlos, and Pierce were my best men. A few of Lin's friends and even Shaundi were her bridesmaids. And to top it all off, Anna was going to be the ring bearer. Right now, I was waiting for Lin and was feeling a bit nervous. And of course, Johnny decided to take the chance to screw with me.

Johnny: Nervous?

Y/n: Oviously.

Johnny: Don't worry man, everything will be fine.

Y/n: I know, I just wasn't expecting my wedding to be this nerve racking.

Carlos: Don't worry boss, you and Lin are perfect for each other.

Pierce: Yeah, in a way, you're both like the more psychotic version of Romeo and Juliet.

Y/n: What?

Pierce: You know, it was like a forbidden love?

I honestly had no idea what the hell Pierce was taking about. Before I could say anything, the doors opened as the organ music started. That's when I saw Lin in a beautiful dress walking down the aisle. Once she got to the altar, the priest started the ceremony. And I could tell Lin was just as nervous as I was, which was surprising since Lin didn't get nervous easily.

Of course, like all weddings, the priest explained why we were all here. And I looked to see tons of Saints and a lot of other people Lin and I knew. Then we saw Anna come down the aisle in a purple dress just as the priest finished. Then we exchanged our vows about how we'd always watch after each other. After that, we placed the rings on each other, and let's just say we were ready for the next part.

Priest: Then by the power vested in me, I now declare you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.

And just like that, I was about to lean in for the kiss. But Lin quickly beat me to the punch as we started making out. Then everyone started cheering as we were now officially married. After that, we made our way outside and started dancing, eating, and having fun. After a half an hour, a slow song came on and I knew what it was for.

Y/n: May I have this dance, Mrs. L/n?

Lin: Why yes you can, Mr. L/n.

And with that, we started dancing the night away. It wasn't long before tons of other people started joining in. After the dance, Lin and I were finally getting some food. And Anna was pretty much having fun the entire time. I was glad that nothing had gone wrong, because this was perfect. That's when I saw Anna was running up to me and quickly grabbed her.

Anna: Hi dad!

Y/n: Hey Anna, having fun?

Anna: Yeah, I'm so happy for you and mommy.

Y/n: Me too, sweetie, me too.

After a few hours, everyone had started to leave. I was glad that Lin and I were married and things calmed down. With Stilwater under my control and Ultor no longer a problem, things were great. And I knew that, things were going to only get better. I had a wife and daughter, money, respect, and power. Everything that a man could ever want in his lifetime.

We were getting back to Lin's place and just put Anna to bed before Lin grabbed me. And I could recognize that look in her eyes anywhere. So let's just say that the rest of the night was one for the memory books. And I was pretty sure I was the happiest man alive, because today was the day my life changed for the best. And I knew things could only get better from here.

A/n: And with that, Saints Row 2 is officially complete. I just want to say thanks for everyone's support for the whole story. But this isn't the end, because soon The Saints will be up against a new threat. And it'll put everyone Y/n cares about in danger. And the question is who will be the one to come out on top once again?

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