Ch 13: Jail Bait

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Your P.O.V.

After The Brotherhood tried to lay an all out attack on my turf, I was hunting all of them down. Now I was going for a walk around the apartment district. However, while I was walking past a department store, the news had caught my attention.

Jane Valderama: In a shocking turn of events, several members of The Brotherhood are being released today. In what was thought to be an open-shut case turned into a fierce legal battle as several high powered attorneys fought tooth and nail for their clients freedom.

I honestly couldn't believe the shit that I was hearing. I don't know why some jackass lawyer would care about those Brotherhood assholes. As it continued, Troy and some guy named Dane Vogel made an appearance to comment on the trial.

It didn't take me long to figure that Maero was behind it. He must of been getting really nervous and threatened that Vogel guy. If Vogel ran Ultor, then he would have connections, so it did make sense to me.

I knew that there must of been at least several dozen Brotherhood having been released. So I knew that I had to be quick to deal with them. So I called Carlos to get him to track them down. And it was a good thing that he was also watching the news too.

Carlos: Alright, so it looks like there are a few busses near you that are loaded up with Brotherhood.

Y/n: Alright, and keep an ear out and see if there are more prison transports with more Brotherhood.

Carlos: On it boss.

So I made my way over to where the prison busses were. I knew that if they got free, it would make things a whole lot harder for me. Luckily, I was able to get a lot of heavy ammo in case a scenario like this happened.

So I started to shoot at each bus one at a time and blew them up. I knew that I had to kill them before they could get to Maero's hideout. Once all of the busses were destroyed, I decided to go to Forgive and Forget to lose the cops and the Brotherhood. Once I did, I then immediately called Carlos.

Y/n: Carlos, tell me, are there anymore Brotherhood coming in?

Carlos: Yeah, there are about four police boats coming in from the prison loaded up with Brotherhood.

Y/n: Have any idea how I can get to them then? I can't exactly shoot at them from a far distance.

Carlos: Yeah, there's a boat at a small dock near the airport. No one really uses it, so no one should miss it.

Y/n: Good job Carlos.

So acting quickly, I made my way over to the dock to get the boat. It was a good thing whoever it use to own it left the keys inside. So I started it and made my way to the prison to catch the boats.

After driving for several minutes, I was able to find the boats. Once I did, I saw it had a couple of helicopters protecting them too. So I quickly made short work of them and turned my attention to the prison boats.

It was a good thing that I had some grenades with me. So I used them up blow up each and every boat. Once all of the boats were destroyed, I made my way back to land. I knew that the cops would be all over, so I would have to pay low for a fee days.

So I made my way back to the crib to stay low for the moment. It was a good thing we were able to start renovating the hotel too. It had more of a modern look then run down shit hole. It had a couple of tables, some new furniture, and more sturdy support.

Carlos: I take it that The Brotherhood got the message?

Y/n; Yeah, let's just say Maero is going to be very pissed off with me about killing all his friends.

He knew I was right, Maero was losing more ground against me. At the rate I was going, The Brotherhood wouldn't be a problem much longer. All I had to do was keep pushing against them and we'd finish them all.

Third P.O.V.

Back at Ultor, Vogel was looking at some paperwork for Shivington. He had some big plans for Stilwater, and he was going to see it through. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Jamie called him through the Inter com again.

Jamie: Mr. Vogel, Mr. Maero is here to...

But before she could finish, Maero had burst through the doors again. And this time, he was looking even more pissed then before.

Jamie: See....... you......

Vogel: Thanks for the heads up Jamie. *to Maero* Is there something that I can help you with?

Maero: *angrily* They hit my boys when they were on the prison bus!

Vogel: Between your girlfriend and your gang, I'd say that you're a magnet for tragedy Maero.

Maero: You think this is fucking funny?

Vogel: No, but I do think that it's your problem.

Maero, out of fury, nearly smashed Vogel's new desk. He clearly was pissed that The Saints were beating him.

Maero: My problems are your problems, or do you need some fresh air to remind you?

Vogel: No, see my problem is that there is a side show freak is messing up my paperwork. And your problem is that there's a group of security guards with assault rifles pointed at your back.

Maero looked to see several Ultor security guards were there. But with the weapons and armor, they weren't the regular type of security.

Maero: Your "security guards" look more like a private army.

Vogel: Call them whatever you want, the point is they have big guns. Look, I am sorry about your friends, really I am, but Ultor is done found you favors. So of you come back here again, then I'll have you shot on sight.

Maero: Go fuck yourself Vogel.

Vogel: I've enjoyed our little chat too, but I think it's time to move on. Gentlemen, could you please escort our guest out?

All of the guards were ready to kill Maero in a given moment. So having no choice, Maero got ready to leave Ultor. But he was planning to deal with Vogel when he could get his shipment.

Vogel: Oh, and Maero, don't worry about your shipment, Ultor has already appropriated it.

Maero: What did you say?

Vogel: Ultor security has already taken possession of the boat carrying your little toys. It only seemed fair we get paid for letting your friends out, you can go now.

Maero: That boat is never going to make it to shore.

Vogel: Goodbye Maero.

With that, Maero left and was already planning to get his boat back. He was not going to go down without a fight. And he wasn't going to be pushed around by a guy in a suit.

 And he wasn't going to be pushed around by a guy in a suit

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