Stronghold: Amberbrook Museum Peir

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Your P.O.V.

After what had happened with The Ronin, things were heating up. I could tell that they weren't to happy with me right now. With The Saints moving in on their turf, they were trying harder to get rid of us.

But I knew that they were going to have a tough time doing so. I knew their ego was going to be their downfall. And I was just wondering about over in the museum district. I was just waiting for Pierce to get any new information. And after a few minutes, my phone started to ring and it was Pierce.

Y/n: What's up Pierce?

Pierce: Hey boss, are you anywhere near the museum pier in Amberbrook right now?

Y/n: Yeah, why?

Pierce: 'Cause The Ronin got a big ass deal going on there. Now I don't know who or what they're moving. But I'd say that judging by the amount of security, it's something big.

Y/n: What's the security like?

Pierce: They've got to sets of heavily armed guards nearby. So you'll have to take them out before you can get a visual of the pier. And fter that you should have no problem making things go "Boom!"

Y/n: Thanks Pierce, send me the location for their security.

Pierce: Got it.

Once I got the locations for both groups of security, I made my way to thr first group. When I found them, there were a few with RPG launchers. So I guess that they did have a big shipment they needed very badly. So I knew that if I destroyed it, they'd probably lose around a few million.

So I started to clear out the first group of security. Luckily, I had a McManus sniper rifle with me. So I was able to take out the guys with the RPG'S in just a few seconds. After they were down, I cleared out the rest of the guards that were close by.

After they were taken care of, I saw one had a radio. I figured the other group would be calling in any second. So I took the radio and waited for one of The Ronin to call. After a moment of silence, I heard the radio go off.

Ronin: Hey guys, what the hell is going on down there?!

Y/n: It's The Saints, they're here for the shipment. Where are you guys?

Ronin: We're up by the Greek ruins that Ultor placed on the hill.

Y/n: Thanks for the tip dumbasses.

Ronin: Oh shit! Get ready guys!

I honestly couldn't believe that this guy was so dumb. So I made my way up the hill to clear the second security group. Once I arrived, The Ronin started to shoot at me. Luckily, they were in a scramble, so I was able to take them all out with ease.

Once I cleared them out, I could see where the pier was. And it looked like The Ronin had five boats full of who knows what. So I made my way down there to deal with them and their shipment too. Once I got to the pier, I started clearing out The Ronin.

It took a few minutes, but I was able to clear them out. Afterwards, I took a look at each of the boats they had over by the docks. Each one had guns, ammo, and explosives in it. I figured that they were going to try and out gun me and my crew.

So I placed some C4 in each boat to destroy the goods. Once they were all set, I got to a safe distance in order to destroy the guns. And when I flipped the switch, the boats and guns blew up. So with The Ronin losing there guns, I'd say today was a good day. And now it would send them a large "fuck you" too.

 And now it would send them a large "fuck you" too

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