Ch 11: Thank You And Goodnight!

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Your P.O.V.

After what had happened with Jessica the other day, I was happy. But then I had remembered that she was the only other person who knew what Maero's shipment was. I was at the hideout with Pierce, Shaundi, and Carlos sitting at an old table.

We were all trying to figure out what Maero was planning. But since we didn't know what the shipment was, it was proving to be hard.

Shaundi: Honestly, I think you're being to hard on yourself.

Pierce: Yeah, that car crushing thing was pretty tight.

Carlos: And if you ask me, Jessica got what she deserved.

Y/n: Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of my work and all. It's just that I've gotten so wrapped up in sending Maero a message, I never asked Jessica what the shipment was.

Pierce: The bitch is dead, who cares about the shipment?

Y/n: I do! It's something that Maero wants, and that means I'm going to take it from him.

Shaundi: Alright, well there has to be someone that you can pump for info. What about Donnie?

Y/n: I manhandled him twice, so I'm pretty sure that he's out of the loop if he isn't dead.

Carlos: What about Matt?

Y/n: The Brotherhood tattoo artist?

Carlos: Yeah, he's the lead guitarist for that band of his: The Fed Dogs.

Y/n: So?

Carlos: Well, they're having a concert later tonight, so it shouldn't be to hard to crash the show.

Y/n: Great idea Carlos.

Pierce: Man, I'm starting to really like this kid.

Y/n: Alright, let's go Carlos.

Carlos: On it boss.

Y/n: So what do you say we "borrow" the Fed Dogs pyro truck.

Carlos: They should have it at a warehouse nearby.

So with that, Carlos and I went over to the truck yard to find the pyro truck. And once we got there, we had to deal with several Brotherhood goons that were guarding the place. It was a good thing we were able to deal with them quite easily.

Y/n: Alright, there's the truck.

Carlos: You think they left the keys in the ignition?

Y/n: Most likely.

So we got into the truck and, sure enough, some idiot left the keys inside. So we took the truck and started to make our way to the concert. And then I saw that some Brotherhood were all chasing after us.

Y/n: Well, shit.

Carlos: Any ideas boss?

That's when I got the idea to use the fireworks in the back to hold them off. So I grabbed a lighter I found off a dead guy and started lighting and throwing the fireworks. And one by one, each Brotherhood car was blown up.

Sadly, all the explosions have also got the attention of the cops. So I had to start throwing more fireworks to keep them away to. After about a good ten minutes, a couple of police cars had caused a car crash.

It was a good thing too, because I was almost out of fireworks. So it was good that the car crash had stopped both the cops and Brotherhood from chasing us. Once they were gone, I climbed back into the front to rejoin Carlos.

carlos: You think that's all of them?

Y/n: Hopefully. I don't want to have to waste all the fireworks back there.

After a few minutes, we were able to get where the concert was. I was just hoping that it wasn't to late to get my hands on Matt.

Carlos: Alright, Matt should still be in there right now. So I'll keep watch while you two have your little "chat."

Y/n: Good, now get out of here.

Carlos: You sure boss?

Y/n: I'm sure.

Carlos: Alright.

So I was able to sneak my way inside and made my way to the stage. And it turned out they were finishing up the last song too. So I got up on stage, grabbed a guitar, and hit Matt in the head with it. Then his band tried to grab me, but I pulled a gun on them.

Y/n: Back off!

Then I shot a couple times in the air and everyone ran. At least now I could have some alone time with Matt. So I grabbed him and threw him into his drum set.

Y/n: What's the shipment?

Matt: The hell are you talking about?

I grabbed him again and threw him across the stage. I didn't really want to waste my time, so I needed to make him talk fast.

Y/n: Don't fuck with me Matt, you have a lot of gear on this stage that I haven't played with yet.

Matt: You got to believe me, I just tattoo the gang. They don't tell me anything.

Y/n: All that time you inked up Maero age you never heard him talk about a shipment with Jessica?

Matt: Look, all I heard is that it's coming in by boat. They keep me out of the loop in purpose to keep me from getting all mixed up in their shit.

Y/n: Well, your friends should of tried a lot harder than.

Then I used one foot to hold down Matt's arm on some flame pipe. He had already figured out what I was about to do to him.

Y/n: Enjoy your retirement Matt.

Then I slammed on a switch to activate the flames on stage. And when the last one activated, it started to burn Matt's arm badly. When it was done, his arm was all burnt up like toast. So then I got off stage and then I called Shaundi.

Y/n: Hey Shaundi, you know anyone who works at the docks?

Shaundi: Not really.

Y/n: Well it looks like you get to make some new friends. Maero has a shipment coming in by boat, and I want to get it before he does. And get Carlos to help you with it too, alright?

Shaundi: On it boss

With that, I hung up and left before the cops arrived. I knew it was only a matter of time before I would take the shipment. I just had to wait for Shaundi to find out what it was and even it would arrive.

 I just had to wait for Shaundi to find out what it was and even it would arrive

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