Stronghold: Sommerset Apartments

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Your P.O.V.

With what I made Donnie do, I had a feeling Maero would be pissed. And it was just the beginning for what I was going to do. I decided to take a walk around the arena when my phone started to ring. I thought it was Carlos, but it turned out to be Shaundi.

Shaundi: Hey Boss, are you anywhere near the apartments district?

Y/n: Yeah, why?

Shaundi: Well, I just got some pretty big Intel about the Brotherhood's operating over there.

Y/n: Shaundi, I told you to be looking into The Sons of Samedi.

Shaundi: I know, but it's good, trust me.

Y/n: Alright, what do you got?

Shaundi: Alright, so a while back, the Samedi had tried to take over the apartments district. You know, since some of the buildings house some of the students attending.

Y/n: And I'm guessing The Brotherhood had already taken the area before the Samedi had a chance?

Shaundi: Yeah, and there's all sorts of drugs, gambling, and sex here too. So if it's a vice that college students want, the Brotherhood is pushing it here.

Y/n: And I'm guessing that I'm going to have to evict these assholes if we want to take over the neighborhood?

Shaundi: Yeah.

Y/n: Alright, I'll deal with them.

So with that, I made my way over to the apartments district. The neighborhood was pretty much the same, except it now lead to the new university. I was still surprised they cleared out all of the nature reserve to build it.

So I decided to start looking around to see where The Brotherhood had set up their operations. After a few minutes, I found a building with Brotherhood guarding it.

So I easily took care of the guards and made may way upstairs. I found out it was a small drug lab and decided to destroy the equipment. After that, I had made my way over to the other two apartments, which were right next to each other.

Once I killed the guards at each one, I destroyed the casino games and the pork tapes. With all The Brotherhoods screwed, I knew it would make it easy to take over the area. Then I got a call, and it was Shaundi again.

Shaundi: Hey Boss, you take care of The Brotherhood yet?

Y/n: Yeah, why?

Shaundi: Cause I just found out that they got a mobile drug lab in a van patrolling nearby.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll take care of it, and when I do, have the crew ready to move into the neighborhood.

Shaundi: Got it boss.

So I got in one of The Brotherhood cars and went to look for their mobile drug lab. After a couple minutes, I had spotted it and started to chase after the guy driving it. And It didn't take me long to cause it to crash either.

Once I knew that the driver was dead, I took out a grenade I grabbed from a body. Once I pulled the pin, I threw it and ran as fast as I could. Once the mobile drug lab blew up, I pulled out my phone to call Shaundi.

Y/n: Shaundi it's done, send in the crew.

Shaundi: On it boss.

And within a good twenty minutes, The Saints were in control. Now that the neighborhood was under my control, it could help bring in a few new recruits. But I knew that The Brotherhood wasn't going to be happy. Now I just had to wait for Carlos to get some Intel.

 Now I just had to wait for Carlos to get some Intel

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