Ch 30: File In The Cake

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Your P.O.V.

It's been almost a week since I stole the Loa Dust from The Sons. I had a feeling that Shaundi was getting close with their designer drug. But I was starting to get annoyed at how long it was taking to figure out. Then my phone had started to ring and it turned out to be Shaundi, so I answered.

Y/n: What's up Shaundi?

Shaundi: I have a bit of a lead on the Loa Dust, so you think you could meet me near Tee N' Aay?

Y/n: Sure, I'll be there shortly.

Shaundi: See ya boss.

So then I hung up and made my way over to Tee N' Aay. Luckily, I was at my crib over in Prawn Court, so I was just a few blocks away. Once I arrived, I had found Shaundi eating a hot dog near the small wharf.

Y/n: Honestly still can't believe what they've done here.

Shaundi: Classy, right?

Y/n: Hey, each to there own opinion. Now, did you figure out what was in The Sons stuff?

Shaundi: No.

Y/n: Seriously?

Shaundi: Hey, science is hard, but I know someone who can help us.

Y/n: Who?

Shaundi: It's a woman that I met while I was in prison. She knows more about this stuff then I ever will. But there's--

Y/n: What's the problem?

Shaundi: She's still in prison.

Once Shaundi said that, I had let out a frustrated groan. If this woman was over at Stilwater prison, getting her out would be a bitch. And I was really hoping that Shaundi had a plan on how to get this lady out.

Y/n: Do you have a plan?

Shaundi: Yeah. Samson, get over here.

That's when I noticed Samson was at a nearby table. And when Shaundi called him, he brought some sort of package with him too. That's when I saw that it was some sort of bomb. Once I noticed, I was seriously thinking that Shaundi was high as fuck while thinking of a plan that involved a bomb.

Samson: Hey Shaundi, I got the--

However, Samson had tripped over himself and dropped the bomb as it slid over to us. And then there was some odd beeping sound too. That's when Shaundi and I looked over to Samson. And he pulled out a detonator and saw that the bomb had been armed and it was going to explode.

Shaundi: Uh,....... you should probably hurry boss, like now.

With that, I grabbed the bomb and noticed a guy in a boat pull up. So then I stole the boat and started making my way to the prison. And as I got close, I remembered that I had no idea what I had to do. So I quickly called Shaundi to figure out what the hell to do.

Once she answered, she informed me what I had to do. It turned out that the prison was powered by a old generator under the island. And it turned out there was an underground entrance under the prison that would lead to it. So all I had to do was place the bomb by the generator and it's lights out for the entire island.

So after I found had the underground entrance, I parked the boat and then grabbed the bomb. I only had a couple minutes left, so I had to move quickly. After making my way inside, I found the generator and placed the bomb next to it. Then I got a safe distance away and got ready for the explosion.

Y/n: And three..... two..... one......

Then the bomb went off and destroyed the generator. Luckily, it also made a hole in the wall for me to go through. And once I was above ground, I made my way to the cell block. The prisoners were all trying to make a break for it and overpower the guards. But I was able to make my way past them as I went to find Shaundi's drug expert.

After searching for several minutes, I was on the third floor. The guards were trying to stop the riots, but were having little success. Then I noticed a female prisoner in a cell sitting on the bed. And as soon as I saw her, I instantly had realized who it was.

Y/n: Laura?

Laura: Y/n? Is it really you?

Y/n: It is, I'm guessing you know a hippie named Shaundi?

Laura: I do, I've met her before she got out of prison.

Y/n: Well, let's get you out of here then.

Laura: A jail break? How exciting!

So with that, I helped escort Laura out of the prison. Luckily, the guards were still dealing with the prisoners. So we were able to get out without a problem. Then we got over to the nearby helipad to escape. And as luck would have it, there was a helicopter there. So we got in and flew back to the city as more cops arrived to the prison.

Luara then explained that she had gotten married before she was arrested. I still couldn't believe how little she had changed since I last saw her. Especially since I helped her sell drugs when she had first started selling. After I landed the helicopter near the trailer park, I stole a car for us to escape.

Then I explained that The Saints were moving on the drug trade, but we needed help. I asked her to help figure out how to make The Samedi's drug, Loa Dust. She agreed to help since I had busted her out of jail. Then she asked me to take her to her house to lay low for a few days. Once we arrived, she wanted me to meet her husband, so I decided to agree.

Laura: I still can't get over that it's you, this is so exciting.

Y/n: So are you sure you can figure out what's in The Son's drugs?

Laura: *knocks on door* Trust me, when it comes to drugs or snicker doodles, I'm the best.

Toby: *answers* Ain't that the truth.

Laura: Toby!

Once Laura saw Toby, they immediately started making out. I was a little surprised to see Toby again after all these years. After they stopped, Toby had turned to me before locking me in a bro hug.

Toby: Thanks for bringing my pumpkin muffin back Y/n. So if you need anything, then you let me know.

Y/n: I actually already talked over that with Laura.

Toby: In that case, you mind giving me and the wife some quality time? I'd like to have a belated conjugal before the PTA meeting.

Y/n: Not at all.

With that, Toby picked up Laura and closed the door. And I knew they would be going all out after having been apart for so long. I knew that with Laura helping, The Sons were going to be in a real shit storm. And once they were dealt with, The Saints would finally be back on top of ruling Stilwater.

 And once they were dealt with, The Saints would finally be back on top of ruling Stilwater

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