Ch 28: Hospital Hospitality

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Your P.O.V.

After what happened with Akuji, I was pissed off. I was able to secure most of the city at this point. But now I was in "police custody" at Stilwater Memorial to deal with my burns. Though I knew that I was going to get out of here sooner or later.

Right now, I was in a hospital room strapped to a bed. The doctor had come and gone a while ago after dealing with most of the burns. But there was still a bit of scaring on my fore arm due to the explosion. That's when a couple of cops came in and weren't to happy.

Cop #1: You're a tough man to take down, you know that?

Y/n: I've got no idea what you're talking about man.

Cop #2: Don't play dumb L/n, you're wanted for almost every crime in the book right now.

Y/n: Is that so?

Cop #1: Yeah, I've actually got a list on me somewhere. Here we are: "Wanted for murder, drug dealing, racketeering, destruction of property, vehicle theft, insurance fraud, and assassinations of public figures."

Cop #2: How many people have you killed since you first arrived here in Stilwater?

Y/n: The only time I'd kill is if was in self defense.

Cop #2: How many has he killed?

Cop #1: About eight hundred and sixty-two people, give or take. And a few of them had quite the reputation. Joseph Price and his uncle: William Sharp, Tanya Winters, Anthony Green, Warren Williams, Victor Rodriguez, and the Lopez brothers: Hector and Angelo.

Cop #2: And let's not forget Marshall Winslow, Chef Monroe, and Alderman Hughes too.

Cop #1: True, and there's some new ones here too. Matt, Jessica, and Maero of The Brotherhood and then there's Jyunichi, Shogo Akuji, and hus father.

Cop #2: We even have a picture of the burned remains of Kazuo Akuji.

Then he pulled out the picture and I had laughed a little. I honestly didn't expect him to have been burnt to a fucking crisp. That's when the second cop bunched me in the gut. But I didn't care since I'd probably kill him soon. That's when my mother of all people walked in.

Martha L/n: You two, out!

With that, the two other cops left and it was just the two of us. And I had nothing to say to her since she was dead to me. Kind of like my father, but in a less literal sense. And after a couple minutes of silence, she spoke up.

Martha L/n: What made you think it was a good idea to rebuild The Saints?

Y/n: Depends, what made you think it was a good idea to arrest me?

Martha L/n: You jumped off a boat that blew up and killed a man.

Y/n: First off, you have no proof that I killed anyone at all. And second, this guy you're talking about was a crime boss from what I've heard.

Martha L/n: Be that as it may, you still killed him and his son.

Y/n: As I told you five years ago, you can't stop crime, it's what you never understood, I'm controlling it. And if there's only one gang in Stilwater, than no more people will die.

Martha L/n: What would your father say if he could see you now?

Y/n: Who cares? I don't, especially after I had stabbed his fucking ass.

When those words left my mouth, my mother was shocked. And from the look on her face, I could tell she had no idea that I killed my father. Then we heard the door open and saw Troy enter. But I had nothing to say to his traitorous ass.

Troy: Could you give us a minute?

My mother said nothing as she had then left. My guess is that I had hit a nerve when I said that I killed my father. After a couple minutes, Troy and I said nothing to each other. He was probably going to try and reason with me about everything.

Troy: You know, after everything that happened, there's enough to sentence you to death.

Y/n: Would you really kill me Troy?

Troy: Trust me, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even be alive. But I used my connections to keep you alive while you were in a coma.

Y/n: That still doesn't change the fact that you betrayed The Saints. You and my mother are just another pair of cops as far as I'm concerned. You betrayed your friends, and you were like a brother to me Troy!

What I said really seemed to make him think about the past. And what he did next took me completely by surprise. He pulled out a knife and used it to cut off my restraints. I was shocked that he just let me loose as I got up. But I didn't care as I knocked him out and took his gun off him.

Then I saw a doctors outfit and thought of a way to escape. So then I put on the disguse and checked to see if there were any cops. And luckily, it looks like there were none in sight. I guess Troy just wanted to talk to me in private with no distractions. So I decided it was best to get the hell out of dodge.

So I made my way through the hospital quite easily. And as soon as I arrived to the elevator, I made my way to the first floor to get out of here. But once I saw the front entrance, it was blocked off by cops and reporters. So I know that I'm not going to get out that way.

Then I saw that there was a sign that pointed to a fire escape door. So I made my way to the door so I could go out through the back. Luckily, it looked like most of the cops were to busy trying to keep the press back. The few that were still inside didn't seem to notice that I wasn't a doctor.

Once I found the fire escape door, I ran out as fast as I could. And it seemed to have triggered the fire alarm too. But I was already running for the closest car I could get. And luckily, I was able to dotch the doctor clothes and spotted a Saint pulling up.

Saint member: Boss! Get in!

Y/n: Thanks man.

So I got in and we sped off to get away from the hospital. And then the Saint member explained what was going on. It turned out they finished off the remaining Ronin. The Saint member said the others saw the news about my arrest too. And they were in the process of coming up with a plan to get me out.

So then, we made our way back to the hideout to see the others. And when we arrived, I saw that there was a sign that said "Purgatory." And I was surprised to see a working elevator that was beyond the front door. So we made our way down to the hideout and I saw it was like a huge nightclub.

There was a bar, some music, fancy furniture, and even a couple of strippers. I even saw that I had my own office and fancy room too. Then I saw that Johnny, Carlos, Shaundi, and Pierce were there too. And it looked like that Johnny was completely pissed off.

Johnny: We're heading out to kill all those damn cops.

Pierce: Calm down Johnny, we need to find a way to get the boss out.

Shaundi: I'm with Pierce, the hospital is going to be crawling with cops. So we can't just go charging in there all guns blazing man.

Carlos:*sees you* Uh, guys.

Johnny: Why the fuck not?

Carlos: Guys.

Pierce: It's what the boss would do if one of use was there all locked up.

Carlos: Guys.

Johnny: If any of us were stuck in the hospital, the boss would just kill ever cop in there.

Shaundi: He has a point.

Carlos: GUYS!

Shaundi/Pierce/Johnny: What?!

Then Carlos had just pointed in my direction. When the others looked, they were shocked to see me. And I had made my way to them as they were all happy I was back. Then I explained what went on at Stilwater Memorial. And they explained that The Ronin were dealt with. Now we could focus on dealing with The Sons of Samedi.

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