Ch 20: An Unexpected Reunion

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Lin's P.O.V.

After what's been going on for the last few months, I was concerned about Y/n. He was trying to bring The Saints back, but at what cost? I'm sure he has some good intentions, but I still worry. And I usually don't get to worried about shit like this.

I was at the local tea house near my apartment in Chinatown with Anna. With those Brotherhood assholes gone, I don't have to worry about them harassing people. And I was just glad that Maero got a bullet in his head too.

I was getting my usual order for me and Anna while she was in the bathroom. That's when I saw Y/n's dumb ass batch mother. She was in her police uniform and started too lock around. Then when she saw me, she looked really pissed. I had a feeling she wanted me in jail as she approached.

Martha L/n: Lin.

Lin: Martha.

Martha L/n: Your under arrest.

Lin: For what?

Martha L/n; Murder, and for being a member of The Saints.

I was about to tell her that I wasn't part of The Saints. And I wasn't planning on letting her take Y/n in. But before I could say anything, Anna came running up to us. And when she saw Martha, she was slightly confused.

Anna: Mom, who's this?

Martha L/n: "Mom?"

Lin: Yeah, this is Anna, my daughter. And Anna, this is your dad's mom, your grandmother.

I could tell that she was in complete shock from what I said. I was honestly going to laugh, but I didn't since Anna was there. And so, Martha decided to spend the next few minutes getting to know Anna. After a while, we got our food and were about to leave, but Martha had stopped me.

Martha L/n: *whispers* Listen, I'll let you off the hook this time Lin. But the next time I see you, you're going to jail.

Lin: We'll see about that.

So with that, Anna and I left and got back to the apartment. I wasn't shaken up by Martha's stupid ass little threat. But I couldn't help but feel that she was off somehow. I didn't know what it was, but I just decided to ignored it. Then I heard a knock on the door and went to see it was Y/n and let him in.

Y/n: I just heard that you and Anna ran into my mother.

Lin: Yeah, she was going to try and arrest me too. But as soon as she saw Anna and I told her she was your daughter, she didn't.

Y/n: And I'm guessing that she made some dumb ass threat about getting you next time.

Lin: Yeah.

Then we heard another knock at the door for some reason. I didn't know who it was, and Y/n grabbed a gun just in case. Then once I opened the door, I just groaned at the sight of Donnie.

Lin: What do you want Donnie?

Donnie: I just came to talk, that's all.

Then as soon as he saw Y/n, he had froze in terror. And I couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face. And Y/n was a little hesitant, but he put his gun away, much to Donnie's relief.

Y/n: Why are you here Donnie?

Donnie: Uh, I was actually hoping to talk to you. I knew you and Lin were close after what happened with The Rollerz a few years back.

Lin: You're not here to try and recruit for a rival gang like you did with The Brotherhood, are you?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Lin: A few weeks before you woke up, he tried to get me to join up with those Brotherhood assholes.

Donnie: For the record, I held nothing against you for what happened. And I just thought that you could use a bit of extra money. And when I found out you had a kid, I thought you could use it for her sake.

Lin: Don't you talk about her.

Y/n: Enough! Donnie, why did you want to talk to me?

Donnie: Well, I thought you could use a expert mechanic in your crew. And I kinda need the work now that The Brotherhood is gone.

Y/n thought about it for a moment, not sure what to do. But I knew that he wasn't going to be a problem. I mean, Donnie is probably the only person I know who wouldn't want to cause any problems at all.

Y/n: Alright, we could use a mechanic. But if you think of betraying me, I will hunt you down.

Donnie: Noted.

So with that, Donnie left and we spent the next couple hours together. I didn't want to admit it, but it was just like we use to when we first started dating. And I started to feel the spark that I felt last time too. I'm not usually the soft one, but I could feel Y/n was the one who had changed my life.

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