Ch 33: Burning Down The House

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Your P.O.V.

After what happened a few days ago, I was pissed. Not at just The Samedi, but also at Shaundi too. The Samedi had some balls to try and kill one of my lieutenants. And Shaundi shouldn't have easily let her guard down.

Right now, I was at the hideout trying to figure out our next move. I had told Shaundi that she needed to be careful right now. Because it turned out Veteran Child was not only hee ex, but also a Samedi lieutenant. That's when I saw Shaundi was trying to call me, but as I answered, I was met with music.

Shaundi: Hey boss!

Y/n: Shaundi?! Where are you?!

Shaundi: Come to this address, I'll explain once you get here!

I could barely make out what she said before she hung up. Then a moment later, she sent me some address that was near Lin's place. So I figured that Shaundi must of wanted to meet up to discuss The Sons of Samedi. So then I just decided to see what she wanted to talk about.

Once I arrived at the apartment building, I could hear lots of music from inside. So I figured that it must of been some sort of frat house for some college students. Once I got inside, the people inside were chanting Shaundi's name repeatedly. That's when I saw her drinking from a beer keg. Once she was done, she saw me and came over so we could talk.

Y/n: What the hell is going on?

Shaundi: Beer bong.

Y/n: No shit, I mean why are we at some guys frat party?

Shaundi: If I can drink for free, then I'll party anywhere. So my ex called a few days ago and he's got some intel that you'll be interested in.

Y/n: Didn't I kill your ex?

Shaundi: It's a different ex, come on.

So with that, Shaundi lead me to a door that lead downstairs. And I was starting to wonder how many ex-boyfriends that Shaundi had. Once we finally got downstairs, the music was finally getting tuned out. Then I noticed a few college students getting high on what I thought was Loa Dust.

Blake: Sup Shaundi.

Shaundi: Hey Blake, what do you got?

Blake: White Widow.

Shaundi: I was talking about the info you called about, but pass the piece.

So Blake gave Shaundi the pipe he was smoking from. And after a moment, I was starting to get annoyed. I didn't come here just to waste my time on getting high. So I cleared my throat and Blake realized I was in the room.

Y/n: So what info do you have?

Blake: Right, so a few days ago, I went to Shivington to buy party favors for the party. And while I was buying, I saw some Samedi wheeling some chemicals into a few different buildings.

Shaundi: You sure?

Blake: Hey, I know a drug lab when I see one guys.

Y/n: I'm gonna blow up some dust labs, you want to come?

Shaundi: No, I'm good here.

Y/n: Alright.

So Blake gave me the locations of where he saw The Samedi. So I made my way to the closest one, which was some old repair garage. Once I arrived, I saw a group of Samedi guards just outside the building. So I killed them and the all of the guards and found some of their drug making equipment.

Once I destroyed the equipment, I had made my way to the next one. And this one was some old apartment building. Once again, I cleared out The Sons that were inside and destroyed all of the drug equipment. Then I made my way to location three, which was an old parking garage beneath another old apartment building.

There were a few extra guards here, so it took some time to kill them. But I still had no problem, though a couple did try to barricade themselves in an old security office. Sadly, it was connected to some ventilation shafts. So all I had to do was turn off the ventilation and flush them out, which worked.

Once they were all dead, I destroyed the drug making equipment and then left. Now I only had one last location to look, which looked like some sort of old office building. Once I cleared out the guards outside, I had made my way inside to find a few chemists with the guards.

I figured that they were hired to make more Loa Dust. So I killed them and the guards that were protecting them too. Then I found a set of keys on one of the chemists bodies. After searching for a few minutes, I found a locked door and decided to try the keys. Fortunately, the keys worked and I was able to find the remaining Samedi and their drug making equipment too.

Once I cleared out The Sons, I then destroyed the last of the drug making equipment. That's when one last chemist started to make a run for it. And I started to chase him outside and I shot him in the back a few times. Once I knew he was dead, I saw that the old office building was on fire.

That's when I saw that a couple other buildings were on fire too. So I decided to make a quick call to the Stilwater fire department to deal with the fire. Once I did, I quickly made a run for it so that I could escape the blaze. After I was at a safe distance, I congratulated myself on a job well done.

Third P.O.V.

Meanwhile, both The General and Mr. Sunshine were meeting up at a building in the factory district. And while The General was unhappy, Sunshine was admiring the fire. After a moment, The General seemed to notice Mr. Sunshine was in deep thought.

General: What is it that are you thinking my friend?

Mr. Sunshine: It's beautiful.

General: And expensive.

Mr. Sunshine: More money will come.

General: You had best be right. Because between the farm and this fire we can not afford to have anything go wrong with our next shipment.

Mr. Sunshine: Don't worry General, the shipment will be safe.

General: These Saints are proving themselves to be quite the nuisance.

Mr Sunshine: Then prehaps it's time we speak to their leader.

Mr Sunshine: Then prehaps it's time we speak to their leader

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