Chapter 30

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Warning: language, violence, etc.


After I was ruthlessly dragged out of Jacob and I's cabin by the hair on my head, they threw me in the moist grass, forcing my head to collide rather brutally against the hard soil. Dirt and grime covered me, but at that moment, that was the least of my worries. One of the resistance members decked me in the back of my head with his AR-15, causing everything to turn to darkness in an instant...

Waking up a few hours later, I realized that I was duct taped to a wooden chair in the center of a prison cell. My theory is that they brought me here to the Hope County Jail to either punish me, finish me off, hold me hostage, get information out of me, or all four; I began to ponder about what they wanted from me.

I just wanted them to leave me and my family alone. I attempted to leave them in peace, but they don't understand... They never will... We're going to have to end them.

Around thirty minutes after I woke up, the door unexpectedly opened, the individual not yet disclosed. They looked up and I was incredibly shocked to see that it was Tracey... She definitely wasn't happy as she strolled closer to me and once she was a few feet away from me, she began yelling.

"You betrayed us, Rook! How could you?!" Tracey scoffed as she spat on my face. "You left us for this fucking crazy cult! You left us for that psychopath Jacob! Oh! And Jacob killed Eric, our new leader! And now here we are! We've captured you and now we're going to have to kill you, you bitch!"

I didn't do anything... I just sat in that hard chair, staring at her... Not saying a word... Feeling emotionless. Nothing. Nothing at all. "I had it coming." Was all I could say as I continued to gaze at the woman with no expression. "Do you know how many times I've come close to death, hmm, Tracey? This doesn't faze me in the slightest. You don't faze me in the slightest. In fact, if you're going to fucking kill me, Just. Get. It. Over. With. I'm not afraid of dying. Only a pussy would be. And everybody knows I'm not a damn pussy."

"We're going to make Jacob watch you die... I've been planning this for however fucking long you were in a coma. You should know... I'm going to feel so much pleasure from this."

"Glad I could please you, baby." I playfully smirked and winked at her.

Tracey glowered at me from that comment and raised her hand high in the air and slapped me across the face, the force snapped my head to the side, making me look at the wall.

I turned my head to look at her and laughed. "You cannot take a damn joke." My face was red and stung like hell, but I got a pretty good kick out of it.

"Fuck you, Rookie." She snarled at me.

"Take off our pants, then. I can show you a good time, darlin'."

"You're goddamn ridiculous." Tracey grumbled as she turned around, leaving the room, not without slamming the door first.

My left cheek was still stinging from the hit, but I couldn't care less.

Days Later—

I've been duct taped to this chair for God knows how long and no one at all has visited me or anything. My stomach has been growling for days and I was thirsty as hell. My mind began to wonder what the fuck the resistance is planning right now... I've yelled, screamed, tried to escape the duct tape that bound me to this chair and absolutely nothing worked. All of a sudden, my cell door slammed open, divulging the one and only, Nick Rye...

Seeing him almost made me cry tears of pure joy, but I quickly realized that he probably didn't view me as an ally anymore... More like a traitor...

He shut the door and glanced at me, looking devastated. "Dep... I think you know why you're here."

"Just kill me, Nick... I don't deserve to be living. Get it over with." I declared harshly, surveying my boots.

"But I'm not going to let them kill you... I brought you some food and water." He ambled over to me, handing me a Kit Kat bar and a bottle of Dasani water. "Sorry. This is the best I could sneak in here."

"Thank you, Nick." I smiled softly at the man in front of me. "Um... I'm tied up... I can't really... eat or drink it by myself."

"Oh! Okay... I'll just feed you myself." He chuckled as he crouched down in front of me, opening the candy bar's wrapper. "Open your mouth."

I opened my mouth, awaiting the chocolatey goodness. My stomach was beyond grateful as Nick allowed me to take a bite of it. Hurriedly, I chewed it and swallowed it, not fully tasting it.

Once I completely consumed the entire Kit Kat bar, he twisted open the water bottle's cap and raised it to my lips. The water soothed my aching, dry mouth and throat and drunk the whole 16.9 FL OZ bottle.

After all of that was over, he stuffed the candy wrapper and empty water bottle in his pants, hiding the evidence. Immediately, Nick pulled out a small pocket knife from his blue jeans and cut the duct tape around my wrists and ankles. Then, he put the tiny knife in my pocket.

"Shhh. I'm helping you out here, Deputy. I'm gonna sneak you outta here. Me bein' me, I came in here anyway even though I wasn't allowed to. I'm not leaving you here to die. Stay quiet. You got it?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah. I really appreciate this."

Do you think Nick will be able to help Axl escape the Hope County Jail or not?
Hope y'all are enjoying the story🥺✨
Love you guys🤍☺️
Stay safe out there😷
-kittycatlukey :)

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