Chapter 1

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Warning: language, violence, cult talk, etc.


~3 years later~

I was doing some research on the cult when my phone's screen started to get all staticky; a notification popped up saying 'SERVICE LOST.'

"Hey Rookie. Rookie!" Sheriff Whitehorse exclaimed as I looked up from my phone. "You're wasting your time. There's no signal out here."

I glanced at Cameron Burke, the Marshal; he was reading a document on the Seed's.

"Crossing over the Henbane now." Staci Pratt informed us as the statue of Joseph Seed came into view.

"Oh fuck, there he is." Deputy Hudson chimed in as our chopper drew closer to the enormous statue of the crazy cult leader, Joseph Seed.

"Crazy motherfucker." Pratt added.

"Jesus..." Sheriff Whitehorse muttered.

"Lord have mercy..." I whispered with wide eyes, not believing that was actually Joseph Seed, my old friend, Jacob Seed's brother; Jacob used to be sane, but he's not anymore. I have to keep telling myself that he is not the Jacob I was friends with in the army.

"We're officially in Peggie country." Hudson announced.

"How much longer?" The Marshal, Cameron Burke, asked.

"Just long enough for you to change your mind so we can turn this bird around." Whitehorse replied.

"You want me to ignore a federal warrant, Sheriff?" The Marshal questioned.

"No, sir. I want you to understand the reality of this situation. Joseph Seed, he's not a man to be fucked with." Sheriff Whitehorse answered. "We've had run-ins with him before and they haven't always gone our way. Just sometimes... sometimes, it's best to leave well enough alone."

"Yeah well, we have laws for a reason, Sheriff." The Marshal retorted.


"And Joseph Seed is gonna learn that." The Marshall asserted.

"Pratt, open a call with dispatch." Whitehorse ordered.

"Ten-four." Pratt responded.

"Whitehorse to Dispatch. Over."

"Go ahead, Earl."

"We're approaching the compound, Nancy. Over." Whitehorse uttered.

"Roger, Sheriff. Still planning to go through with this? Over." Nancy inquired.

"We are— unfortunately— still trying to talk some sense into our friend, the Marshal. Over."

"Alright... he's lucky I'm not there. If you get into any trouble, you just let me know. Over."

"Ten-four. Over and out."

"Maybe we shoulda brought Nancy along with us instead of the Probie. These Peggies wouldn't fuck with her." Pratt basically insulted me as he glanced over his shoulder and pointed at me.

"Oh fuck you, Pratt. I just started. I'll remember that when I-" I got cut off by Deputy Hudson.

"Pratt." Hudson threatened Pratt, glaring at him.

"Why do you keep calling them Peggies?" The Marshal asked Whitehorse incredulously.

"Project at Eden's Gate: P.E.G.— Peggies. It's what the locals call 'em." Whitehorse replied. "You know, they started off harmless enough a few years back, but now, they're armed to the teeth. They're looking for a fight."

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