Chapter 32

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Warning: language, violence, death, etc.


I was on my hands and knees, staring up at the events unfolding before me. General David Cook and Jacob was with all of the Chosen, getting ready to start a damn war. My boyfriend had Nick Rye in a chokehold...

I knew I had to do something.

"Jacob! No!" I screamed as I clambered towards the pair. "NICK!"

As soon as Jacob heard my voice, he snapped his neck in my direction, Nick still in Jacob's inhumane, strong, ironlike hold. "Pup?" He questioned as he released the pilot, dashing over to me. Jacob lifted me up in his arms like I was as light as a feather and holding me like I was a teeny tiny infant... To him, I probably was. "I'm gonna get you someplace safe."

"What're you doing here?" I asked in amazement and confusion as the same time.

"No time to talk, kitten. I'm gonna get you to my truck and you're going to drive to the Veteran's Center. You'll be safe there. And don't leave until I get back." Jacob hurriedly took his truck key out of his pocket, leaving it in the palm of my hand. "Go. The resistance is calling in reinforcements as we speak."

"I can't leave you here, Jacob. I'm going to fight whether you like it or not. Put your fucking keys back in your pocket and let's do this shit. I need a damn gun." I growled, shoving his keys back into his back pocket.

"You can't even goddamn walk!" Jacob yelled, getting angry.

Bullets whizzed by the both of us and Jacob immediately pulled me behind him, dragging me behind a barricade.

"Looks like I'm not going anywhere, Jacob. Give me a motherfucking gun." I ordered, holding my hand out. "I was a Marksman in the army too, ya know." 

In an instant, he pulled out my handy dandy red revolver, not looking very happy, handing it to me.

I smiled, glad I didn't lose my precious baby when Eric captured me. "Hell yeah."

Jacob gripped my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "I better not lose you today."

"I better not lose you either." I smiled as I positioned my hand on his scarred cheek. "I'm proud to fight alongside you in battle."

Jacob let out a small laugh. "Stop mocking me."

"Whatever. You love it."

"No more lovey dovey shit. It's time to fight, soldier." He recited what he used to say to all of us back in the day.

In an instant, I peeked up from behind the barricade to see that a dozen resistance members and counting showed up parallel of our direction, trying to kill Jacob's soldiers. I seen one of Jacob's Chosen trying to knife Nick Rye and my heart dropped. As quick as I could, I darted just before the Chosen sliced Nick's throat opened, tackling the huge man to the ground. "Don't kill him. That's an order, soldier." I growled at the male as he nodded his head.

"Yes, ma'am." He bowed his head as he scurried off to fight someone else of the resistance.

I turned to Nick and seen that he had bruises on his throat from Jacob. Sitting beside him on the concrete, I rubbed his back in a soothing, platonic, and comforting way. "Go home, Nick. You need to be with Kim." I stated as I continued to rub his back.

"Thanks for saving me, Dep."

"You saved me. So, I had to save you. Get outta here. Take one of our trucks. I'm sure the keys are still in the ignitions."

Nick nodded as he ran toward one of our nearest trucks, got in, and put it in reverse, the tires squealing and leaving black skid marks on the road. He was making his way toward Fall's End, I'm assuming. I felt elated that the pilot made it out alive and safe.

I'm so stupid that I completely forgot that there was a war going on behind me as I limped to take cover behind one of our trucks. Whipping out my ruby red custom revolver, I made sure it was fully loaded and the hammer was cocked back, ready to fire away at anything that was a threat to me or my family. Screams and gunshots permeated the air all around me as I raised my revolver and aimed at a resistance member attacking one of Jacob's men. Squeezing the trigger, a loud gunshot rang out as the resistance member dropped dead in an instant, falling to the ground with a bloody hole in his head. The Chosen was extremely grateful and after thanking me, he carried on to fight against the resistance.

Worry started creeping in as I scanned the area for Jacob and/or General David Cook, but I didn't see them fucking anywhere. Holding onto the truck's gigantic wheel, I pulled myself up into my feet and then grasped the truck's bed to keep from falling to the concrete ground. My eyes surveyed the perimeter once more and General David Cook was finally in sight, but a rather strong and large resistance member was on top of him, punching him relentlessly; as fast as I could, I made my way to them, staggering in the process. Before I could get close to the pair, the male unholstered a humongous hunting knife, placing it against David's jugular. I cried out as I hurriedly pushed the giant off of the General, meanwhile twisting my ankle and crashing to the ground. I let out a howl from the agonizing pain in my ankle, clutching it in a feeble attempt to ease the pain... It was definitely broken or was fractured.

My revolver skidded across the ground, rendering me defenseless as the big man got back up from the ground quite fast, charging at me. He tackled me as my already hurt back slammed again the solid hard concrete; the enormous male began punching me in my left jaw repeatedly. After about ten punches to my jaw, he retrieved his gigantic knife and tried to ram it into my stomach, but I grasped his wrists, trying to keep the knife back. The sharp blade was about an inch from tearing into my stomach. After about twenty seconds or so, my arms were burning and getting tired because of how strong the man was, but I wasn't giving up. He pushed the knife closer to me, the dagger now about a centimeter away from stabbing me in my stomach.

After a minute or so, my arms completely gave out as the hunting knife drove into my stomach...

Thank you guys so so so much for reading!
I love you all☺️✨💓
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Stay safe out there 😷
-kittycatlukey :)

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