Chapter 40

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Warning: language, violence, etc.


I was sitting in the old Seed ranch with Kim, Carmina, and Sam, gathered around the fireplace.

"All right, guys. You know how to handle a gun... Especially you, Deputy." Kim winked at me as she stood up from her seat. "You and Carmina both know your way around this valley better than anybody."

"So?" Carmina asked her mom.

"So, sitting around moping isn't doing any good. Look, Rush was supposed to help us build someplace safe. Now it's up to us. There are brave people here, scattered around. We just have to find them." Kim stated, crossing her arms.

"Bring everyone together. Show them we can stand up to the Highwaymen... Mom, it's not going to be easy." Carmina anxiously said.

"I know, but it's our only choice." Kim told Carmina as she walked off.

Not long after that, Carmina followed Kim, leaving Sam and I sitting by ourselves on the couch. We were the only ones in the room as Cap scooted closer to me.

"So... What're you thinking?" Sam questioned incredulously.

"I just want to kill the fucking Twins already."

He chuckled. "Easier said than done."

"Yeah... I'm gonna go find Carmina and Kim. Talk to them. See what I can do to help 'round." I informed my friend as I raised up from my seat.

"Let me know if you need anything, Axl. And uh- thanks for saving me."

I nodded my head at him as I walked toward Carmina, but stopped dead in my tracks when I seen a piece of paper on one of the small tables in the room. I wasn't one to be nosey and snoop, but curiosity ate away at me...

Fuck it.

I snatched the piece of paper up from the table, reading the note:

'New Eden

This is what's left of Eden's Gate, and what Joseph grew from it once he left his bunker.

They've completely rejected everything to do with the modern world before the Collapse. Electricity, engines, generators, guns: it's all gone.

After the Collapse, Joseph gathered all his people and built a new compound up North. For the better part of a decade, we left each other alone while we rebuilt.

Now they only leave their compound at night to attack the Highwaymen. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear those masked fuckers are afraid of Joseph's people.'

Holy shit. If Joseph's alive, that must mean...


It's been seventeen fucking years. No damn way. Jacob would be sixty-one.

My mind kept saying that he was dead, trying to convince my heart otherwise... but deep down, way down deep in my heart... thinks he's still alive. That love I have for him will never die even after all these years; I won't accept his death until I see his fucking body. And I'm going to find it one way or another.

I was going to go on a warpath. For Jacob. And nothing nor no one will be able to stop me.

Laying the piece of paper back down on the table, I strutted over to Carmina. "Hey." I smiled at the teenager.

"Hi. So this is it. Home. Mom's right, the three of us, we can work together to build this place back up. Anytime you need a hand, give me a call. I'll come fight by your and Cap's side. He doesn't mind if I call Sam Cap, right? 'Captain of Security' just sounds, well, a little formal." Carmina chuckled.

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