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Please Ignore the Mistakes💀💀

"Taehyung this is a really important meeting. Are you prepared?"Jungkook asked his Secretary."Yes, Boss"Taehyung answered. Jungkook nodded in understanding and walked towards the meeting room with Taehyung by his side.

Today was an important day for Jungkook as his company and Min Company are going to sign a contract. He just hopes that Min Yoongi the owner of Min Company agrees with him.


"Do you remember everything I said?"Jungkook questioned. Taehyung rolled his eyes in annoyance."Yes yes yes. I already told you I remember everything but DO YOU remember everything you said?"Taehyung said feeling irritated as Jungkook kept repeating the same question.

Jungkook scratched his neck awkwardly and mumbled sorry to Taehyung. They stopped in front of the meeting room. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he saw Taehyyng glaring at him.

"Let's just go inside, "Jungkook said and opened the door. As they entered Yoongi greeted them."Good morning Mr Jeon" Yoongi said as he hugged Jungkook.

"Good Morning Mr Min" Jungkook said and hugged Yoongi back. They pulled out of the hug and Yoongi looked at Taehyung."What a beautiful secretary you have" Yoongi said.

He was about to hug Taehyung but Jungkook came in between them."Haha, Lets just started the meeting."Jungkook said gritting his teeth. Yoongi shrugged off and agreed.

As the meeting finished everyone present in the room clapped their hands."That's very impressive" Yoongi said standing up and clapping his hands. Jungkook smirked and nodded his head.

Rude, Taehyung thought."Well Now let's sign the contract"Yoongi said and snatched the pen from Taehyung's hand.

Everyone is rude today , Taehyung thought and unconsciously pouted a little. After they signed the contract, they hugged each other one more time."So we are business partners now."Jungkook said and Yoongi nodded.

All of sudden, Yoongi turned towards Taehyung, who they forgot was still there."Well, Taehyung right?"Yoongi asked with hesitation."Yeah"Taehyung said.

"I think that we should get to know each other more. So will you go on a date with me?"Yoongi asked walking closer to Taehyung. Taehyung looked at Yoongi as if he saw a giant spider.

"W-what?"Taehyung managed to say in a state of shock."You heard me."Yoongi said with seriousness.

Jungkook glared at Yoongi with anger. Then he looked at Taehyung who was hesitating to answer Yoongi. So Jungkook quickly pulled out his phone from his pocket and put it near his ear and started acting.

"Hello yes? Ohh you want to have a date tonight? Sure sure"Jungkook acted thinking Taehyung will reject Yoongi's offer and come with him instead but his plan went in vain when......

"Sure I will go on a date with you, "Taehyung said glaring at Jungkook. Jungkook face turned pale when Taehyung agreed on going."Two can play this game"
Taehyung thought and smiled sweetly.

"WTF I thought I was helping Taehyung but he just did the opposite of what I was thinking, "Jungkook thought and mentally slapped himself.

"I could have just told Min that Tae was busy with office work but NO I had to make a stupid plan. But.....wait.........My phone was totally off. Tae could have got a hint but 😞😞We both are stupid. Well, at least I tried to help"Jungkook thought as he sighed in disappointment.

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