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TAEHYUNG!"Someone shouted loudly in Taehyung's ear."What the hell Jimin" Taehyung said covering his ears. Jimin just smiles innocently making Taehyung roll his eyes.

"Why did you do that?"Taehyung said pouting cutely."Because you were busy daydreaming about Jungkook and we have works to do."Jimin said with a smirk plastered on his face. Taehyung smacked Jimin's hand and said: "He is our CEO idiot".Jimin yelled in pain and glared at Taehyung.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Why don't you confess to him already?"Jimin suggested but Taehyung just shrugged off."I'm not courageous" Taehyung said in a monotonous voice."Bitch you literally went on a date with him for few- no actually many times."Jimin said rolling his eyes.

"It was just a friendly date," Taehyung said and Jimin gave him a "Are you kidding me hoe"face which Taehyung nodded in response."I don't know what to do with you" Jimin said done with his best friend's dumbness."Anyway let's get on to work" Taehyung said and both started working.

"I don't know what to do with you but I surely know what to do with Jungkook"Jimin smirks as he thinks about his plan."Why are you smirking idiot?"Taehyung asked as he looks at Jimin weirdly. Jimin immediately stop smirking and looked at Taehyung feeling a little nervous."Nothing"Jimin said. Taehyung looked at him suspiciously but shrugged it off.

Jimin sighed in relief and started working properly.

Time skip after work

Taehyung yawned loudly and stretched his arms. He checked the time."Oh is already 5" He said as he looked at Jimin who was collecting some files."Let's go home Jiminie" Taehyung said standing up and carrying his bag."Sorry Taehyung but I have some files which I need to give Mr Jeon urgently."Jimin said with an apologetic look on his face. Taehyung nodded in understanding."I will wait---No you can go home" Jimin said cutting Taehyung off."But Jiminie-"Taehyung protests but Jimin shooked his head as no.

"No Taehyung you already look tired. Go home and rest"Jimin said softly. Taehyung pouted but nodded anyway."Okay fine" Taehyung said. He hugged Jimin and walked out of the building.


Jimin's POV

Now that Taehyung has gone away. I will start my plan. Hehehe Be ready Jeon I'm coming for you. I smirked and walked towards Jungkook's office.

I knocked on the door loudly."Come in"I heard Mr Jeon Jungkook say. I opened the door and walked inside."Here is the file you were asking for Mr Jeon" I said slamming the file on his desk. He nodded and signalled me to go out.

I rolled my eyes and started my plan."Actually, Mr Jeon, I was here to ask leave for Taehyung."I said smiling evilly inside."Why are you here and not Mr Kim?"He asked."Oh, he went early and asked me to tell you."I said."Hmmm For how many days?"He asked as he put the file he was reading on the desk."For tomorrow only"I said."Why is he taking leave for?"He asked."He is going to meet his fiance tomorrow" I said sweetly smiling."He is what?!?"He shouting slamming his hand on the desk and standing up.

"He is getting married after a month," I said innocently lying."And you are telling me now? And he didn't even bother telling me."Jungkook said as his voice filled with disappointment and sadness."Well, you are not his friend nor his boyfriend. So why should he tell you" I said provoking him more."I'm his boss" He said gritting his teeth."Only boss."I said correcting him. I saw Jungkook's hand curling into a fist and his face getting red.

"Jimin I'm going somewhere important and you manage all these files."Jungkook said pointing at his table."I'm going now"Jungkook said in a deep voice as he stormed out of his office. As he went I burst into a burst of laughter."Oh my god"I shouted as I clutched my stomach. My plan worked I danced in victory.

I quickly called Taehyung which he immediately picked up."Hello, Jiminie everything okay?"He asked. I smiled at the softness his voice holds."Everything is okay and all I wanted to say is take care and be fine."I said and hung up the phone not waiting for his answer. Then my eyes landed on the pile of the file on Jeon's desk."Let's get started Park Jimin" I said to myself and started working.


Taehyung's POV

"Everything is okay and all I wanted to say is take care and be fine," Jimin said and hung up. I stared at the phone with an offended look."Did that fucker just hung up on me" I asked myself for the fifth time."But why did he say take care"I got confused but shrugged it off and started doing the task I was given to do.

After 30 minutes

I was correcting the file Jungkook gave me when I heard someone aggressively ringing the bell."Hmmm, I wonder who it is"I said to myself and ran towards the door."Calm your tits down bruhhh-"I said but stopped when I saw an angry Jeon breathing heavily.

I gulped in fear when I saw him glaring at me."I'm s-sorry I-"I stopped when Jungkook came inside and closed the door loudly."W-what h-happened?"I stuttered in fear."Why didn't you tell me?"Jungkook asked angrily."What did I not tell you?"I asked confusedly."That you are getting married"He said sadly."I'm what?!?"I shouted in shock.

"You are getting married, "Jungkook said and pinned me on the wall."With who?"I asked."How would I know? It's your fiance" Jungkook said with a furrow. "Wait I'm getting married and have a fiance?"I asked in total confusion."Yeah"Jungkook said and rolled his eyes. I freed my hand and pushed Jungkook aside."What are you doing?"Jungkook said in a deep voice but I ignored him and grabbed my phone which was on the table.

"Hello mom," I said on the phone."Hi, son what happened?"She said in a sweet voice."Why didn't you told me I was getting married?"I said in confusion."Wait you are getting married?"Mom asked me."That's what I'm asking, Am I?"I asked feeling annoyed."Tf of course not."Mom said."Oh great then bye"I said and hung up the phone.

"I'm not getting married. Who the fuck is spreading such false information about me.I ain't even that famous."I said feeling annoyed. I turned around to see Jungkook who was awkwardly scratching his head."Well Jimin told me you were asking for leave and you are going to get married" He said. I rolled my eyes."Well, I'm not"I said."That midget" I heard Jungkook murmured under his breath. I chuckled and asked him a question"Why were you so aggressive about that thing? Perhaps you were jealous?"

"Yeah I was jealous," He said sighing. Well, that was not supposed to be the answer but okay."And why is that?"I asked."Because you are mine" He said confidently."Says who?"I said and started walking away but I was pinned on the wall yet once again.

"I said it and I mean it"He whispered on my ears."All the dates we had were not friendly when I said you looked beautiful I meant it when I said you are cute I meant it. When I said you are precious I mean it. And when I said you are mine I meant it too"He confessed while staring deeply at my eyes. Then his grip on my loosened."I love you" He said and freeing my hand, pressed his forehead against mine."I love you too"I whispered softly earning a wide smile from Jungkook.

Then I saw Jungkook staring at my lips."Kiss me" I said. He didn't waste any time and pressed his lips against mine. He started moving his lips slowly and I started moving mine too. The feeling of his lips against mine was heavenly. It was a soft and short kiss yet full of love and passion.

After a few minutes, We broke the kiss. He smiled widely and pecked my lips."I love you" He said sweetly. I wrapped my and around his neck pulling him closer."I love you too My CEO" I said.

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