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Hi! I'm Kim Taehyung. And I live with my boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. We have been dating for four years now and I love him very much. But nowadays he is very busy with his work. He gives work more attention than me.

So I have decided to prank him. It is called the "I'm moving out to Spain" prank which I saw many people do on their partner. So, basically, I planned to tell him I'm moving to Spain and we need to break up. And Jungkook is not in Seoul right now. He is in Daegu which is perfect because I have a lot of time to prepare as he is coming tomorrow only.

But to execute the plan I need someone's help. Hmmm, who can help me?

Aha, My soulmate PARK JIMIN.

Third Person's POV

"AYO BITCH!!!! WHATZZ UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP"Jimin said happily making Tae giggle."HEY BABE I'm good what bout chu??"Tae asked."I'm fabulous as always.SO how did you remember about your soulmate today?"Jimin asked feeling suspicious."What now I can't even call my cute little mochi" Tae said sadly.

"Aww, tete of course you can. Haha Now get straight to the point"Jimin said sternly."Fine, you got me there. I wanted some help. Will you help me??" Taehyung said nervously."Oh, gwad, of course, I will help you even if it means killing someone"Jimin said smirking.

"Uwu thank you Jimin but you don't need to kill someone for me. Simply, I wanted to prank Jungkook."Tae said and waited for a response but all he heard was silence."Hello, Jiminie you there?"Tae asked in concern.

"The number you have dialled is not in the mood to die. Please redial after some time"

"Jimin I know that is you stop acting, and listen to me, "Tae said rolling his eyes."No Tae I said I will kill for you not die for you. I have a life to live. I'm too young to die. I want to get married to Yoongi and see little Jimin and Yoongi running here and there."Jimin said fake crying."MY GOD calms your dramatic ass down. All I wanted is you to help me. You can't even do such a little thing for your soulmate" Tae said fake crying as well.

"K fine tell me what should I do?"Jimin said closing his eyes and mentally praying to God to send him heaven."All you need to do is buy me some ticket to Spain" Tae said rolling his eyes."That's it?"Jimin asked happily opening his eyes."Yes, stoopid"Tae replied.

"Well, that's easy. But what will I get in return?"Jimin asked impatiently."Ummm you can go to Hawaii with Yoongi-hyung."Tae mentioned lazily."WHAT?!?!!? REALLY?!?!?!?!?"Jimin said joyously."Yes yes really. But now go and the tickets."Tae said smiling."Okay okay bye, babe. I LoB YOu MUAH" Jimin said."I LoB yOu ToO Muah" Tae said back and hung up the call.

Tae was happy knowing that his soulmate was happy because Jimin always wanted to go to Hawaii with his lover."I'm sorry Kookie but I desperately want to spend time with you" Tae apologized beforehand though he knows Jungkook won't hear him. Then Tae laid down on his bed again and drifted to sleep.

After 1 hour~


Tae was sleeping peacefully until he heard the doorbell of his house ringing vigorously. Tae then sighed and lazily got off his bed. He walked downstairs rubbing his eyes and pouting." KIM TAEHYUNG OPEN UP."Someone said banging the door aggressively.

"WAIT I'M COMING," Taehyung said and ran to open the door."Hoe my gwad! Where were you?!? I thought I was going to die"Jimin said welcoming himself inside."How can you die just by waiting outside?"Tae said rolling his eyes and closing the door.

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