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He muttered under his breath as he softly massage his temple.

Taehyung felt like his head was being hit with hammers. His head was throbbing in pain as his eyes became bloodshot. A furrow spread his forehead as he tried to minimize the aching as much as he could.

"Is it hurting a lot?" He heard a soft voice ringing in his ears. He looked beside him and saw his best friend Jimin greeting him with his soft smile.

Taehyunh nodded slightly not wanting to make the pain worse. He sighed as he leaned back resting his head on the wall. It was a good thing that he and Jimin decided to sit at the last bench.

Taehyung winced slightly as he heard his classmate starting to make noises. He wanted some peace but it looked like his classmate had another plan.

Jimin felt sad seeing his best friend in pain so he moved closer to Taehyung and tapped his shoulder.

Taehyung raised his eyebrows as talking would only hurt him. Without saying anything Jimin covered Taehyung's ear making him confused.

"SHUT YO ASS UP TAEHYUNG HAS A HEADACHE" Jimin shouted as he shut Taehyung's ear completely. Everyone in the class turned their head to look at the duo.

Jimin removed his hands and act like nothing happened whereas Taehyung glared at everyone making them shiver as his bloodshot eyes were not helping at all.

"Sorry" He heard some of his classmate's murmurs before the whole class went silent.


"This annoying bell" Taehyung whimpered as the bell rang loudly causing his head to throb again.

"That's it for today's class. I will see you tomorrow." The teacher said and went away. It was lunch break now.

On another day the students would shout and happily jump around at that time but as Taehyung was having a headache they decided to do work more peaceful.

"Will you be able to have lunch?" Jimin said to his best friend.

"No," Taehyung said but it came out a whisper.

"Hmmm go to your usual spot I will send someone there" Jimin smiled softly as he patted Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung nodded and slowly walked outside his classroom making his way to the school rooftop.

Jimin sighed looking at the figure of his soulmate disappearing. He checked his watch observing the time.

"It's almost time" He murmured under his breath.


Jimin was currently in the male locker room. It was empty as the students are currently in the cafeteria eating lunch.

"HELLO," Jimin shouted to the two males who were back facing him.

Both males turned around. One of the males grinned happily looking at Jimin while the other one furrowed in disappointment.

"Hi, baby," One of the males said as he engulfed Jimin in a hug. "Hey, Yoongi. I missed you" Jimin voiced out blushing at the affection.

"Heh, Where is my baby?" The other male asked pouting in confusion. The couple broke their hug looking at the sad bunny beside them.

"He has a headache. I told him to go to our spot. So Jungkook you can go there today." Jimin said still in Yoongi's grip.

"My poor baby," Jungkook said before he grabbed their lunch box and water.

As soon as Jungkook reached the rooftop he made sure to open the door as quietly as possible not wanting to hurt his baby's head.

He looked around and smiled seeing nobody but his lover there.

No one will be there anyways as Yoongi and Jungkook had spread rumours about the school rooftop being haunted, so no one dared to step a foot there.

Jungkook smiled as he approached the figure of a male who was peacefully sitting on one of the benches.

It's a hangout place for couples when they want some time for themselves.

Beautiful, Jungkook thought looking at the angel in front of him who looked eternal even if his hair his messed up with the breeze of wind.

"Baby" Jungkook called out grabbing the attention of his boyfriend.

Taehyung slowly turned his head as he saw Jungkook. He smiled slightly as he scooted a little bit giving Jungkook space to sit.

Jungkook sat beside him as he placed their lunch box and water on the ground.

"Is your head hurting a lot?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded in answer.

The older male patted his lap, Taehyung got the hint and immediately laid down placing his head on Jungkook's lap. Sliding his cold fingers in the younger male's temple Jungkook started massaging his head. Taehyung sighed in a bit of relief as Jungkook's cold finger worked like magic on his head.

"Feeling better?" Jungkook asked looking at Taehyung who was smiling slightly feeling a lot better. "I have medicine but let's eat first ,now sit up," Jungkook said.

Taehyung nodded as he sat up slowly with help of Jungkook. "Here" Jungkook said as he picked up the lunch box from ground and hand it to Taehyung.

Taehyung gratefully took it and opened it. His mouth water looking at the dish.

"Dumplings. It's your favorite right? " Jungkook said staring at his baby who was now smiling widely.

"Thank you" Taehyung whispered before digging in.Jungkook chuckled before started to eat his lunch as well.

"Here" Jungkook said as he gave medicine to Taehyung after they had their lunch. After indulging it, Jungkook slowly took his boyfriend into his embrace.

"If it is hurting a lot I will ask the principal for leave" Jungkook softy said as he caressed Taehyung's head.

Taehyung let out a soft no as he listen to his lover's heartbeat, it was calming and relaxing. "I wanna go hime with you" Taehyung managed to let out.

"Then should we just stay here for rest of the day?" Jungkook suggested. "It's fine to me but what about you? You will get in trouble" Taehyung pouted.

"Nah it's okay I wanna stay by your side" Jungkook cheekily said making Taehyung hit his chest lightly.

"I love you" Taehyung said snuggling into his lover's chest even more and hugging him back.

"I love you more" Jungkook planted a kiss on Taehyung's head before hugging his tightly not planning to let go so soon.


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