𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖙𝖊

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Hi guys! I'm KimTaehyung.I'm 22 years old and still single. It's hard to believe right? Like come on a beautiful and handsome boy like me is still single. But finally

Today I got a DATE...

Yes, So here is what happened. One of my friends told me to try this dating app as I kept nagging her about me not having anyone to date. Then I tried it and found myself a man
*Flipping non-existent long hair.*

And we have been talking for a while now. I haven't seen his face but it feels like he is a nice guy. So finally after a long time, we decided to meet in a cafe. So I'm superrrrrr excited to finally meet him. We have planned many times to meet but one of us always get busy with works. That's why I'm nervous but excited.

And now I'm going to get ready the date is in two hours.


So I'm Jeon Jungkook. And I'm single not a big deal right? but my friends make it seem like I will die if I don't get a partner. So after a long time, I downloaded an app because my friends nagging me constantly.

And I unexpectedly found a quit interesting guy. We have been talking for a while now and we decided to meet with each other. So when I told my friends about me finally having a date.

They started jumping, shouting and dancing like idiots.

So yeah that's it. Now I'm going to get ready.


Time skip after an hour.

Third Person POV

Taehyung was coming downstairs smiling widely."Ooo someone looks extremely happy today."Someone said coming from the kitchen."Mama" Taehyung said running towards her and giving her a hug."So baby are you going on a date?"Taehyung's mother asked and Taehyung nodded happily in response.

"I heard someone have a date today?"Taehyung's dad said coming towards them."Papa"Taehyung said running towards him and hugging him as well."So tiger going on a date?"Taehyung's father asked raising an eyebrow making Taehyung nervous as he nods."Yey finally eh"Taehyung's father teasing him."Papa"Taehyung whined making his mom and dad giggle at his cuteness.

"But seriously if your date tries to do something inappropriate then call me immediately. I will kill him on the spot."Taehyung's father said smirking dangerously."Yes, son, I will bring my pan to hit his head, some chilli flakes to put in his eyes."Taehyung's mother said high fiving her husband.

Taehyung laughed at his mother and father's silliness."Sure papa mama but I need to go now. I'm already late."Taehyung said panicking looking at his watch."Sure bay but be careful"Taehyung's mother said seriously."Okay bye."Taehyung said pecking his parent's cheek and running outside.


Taehyung's POV

Oh my gosh, I was breathing heavily cause I ran all the way to the cafe but I'm still late. Great!. With a sigh of disappointment, I went inside the cafe. As I went inside I found a man sitting at the corner. I thought that was my date so I went towards his table."Hi!"I said kind of startling him."Oh Hello! Please have a seat!"He said standing up and pulling a chair for me. What a gentleman! I smiled at him and sat down as he smiled back.

Jungkook's POV

I was sitting patiently on the table when a boy came and spoke totally startling me. When I looked at the boy I was shocked he was beautiful. I offered him to sit on the chair and he smiled at me sweetly and I smiled back."So how are you?"I said starting the conversation."I'm fine what about you?"He said."I'm fine now that you are here."I said flirting a little."Ooh, you are such a flirt."He said blushing a little.

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