𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝕲𝖎𝖋𝖙

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Sitting on the edge of the bed with tears filling his eye whilst gazing  down listening to his lover shout at him in fury,

"Why the heck are you so childish and clingy?!? Neither you do something good nor let me do my work properly."He yelled in fuming in rage.

"If Ji-an was here he would never-"

"Here you go again comparing me to your ex!"

"How many times shall I tell you. Jungkook I'm not him. I'm MY OWN PERSON STOP COMPARING MY EVERY DETAIL WITH HIM"Taehyung yelled at his boyfriend who was still fuming.

"Of courses you are not him. You are NOTHING compared to him."Jungkook spatted glaring at Taehyung who went pale hearing his lover's words."You really love him don't you" Taehyung whispered as he bit his lips trying to control his tears.

"Yes even if he left me, my love for him never stopped not even after I met you. If I had to choose you or him. I would happily choose him"Jungkook snarled in anger not caring if his words hurt Taehyung or not.

"I'm sorry but my heart had always been with him"Jungkook continued.

The moment Taehyung's world crash and his heart shattered into pieces. His heart hurt so much that he whimpered escaped his mouth. His body started burning as his vision blurred. This moment is now engraved in his brain and heart forever.

"I'm sorry........I'm sorry but I'm not him, I'm my own person. I'm sorry because I forced myself to you." Taehyung spoke,

It hurts knowing your lover won't love you back and compares you with his ex, telling you to be like them.

"I-i'm sorry" Jungkook hesitated staring at Taehyung who was sobbing miserably at this point."You don't have to say sorry Kookie. Your happiness comes first and he is your happiness, not me. I will sacrifice anything for you" 

Even if that means to let you go.

Taehyung wept.

"What about your happiness?"Jungkook questioned, tilting his head."My happiness is you, Kook. If you are happy, I will be happy" Taehyung replied wiping his tears harshly ere a small smile faltered on his face.

"Anyways now I know what to give you for your birthday tomorrow. So Let's settle this next time, I don't want you to be sad on your special day" Taehyung sang smiling but only he knows how much pain he is bearing behind his smile.

"O-kay Good night," Jungkook said and turned around planning to sleep in the guest room as always but Taehyung stopped him."Wait kook, can you please stay with me for tonight?"Taehyung asked with a small smile. Jungkook sighed and nodded.

Taehyung grinned widely as he laid on the bed along with Jungkook by his side. Without wasting any time, Taehung wrapped his arm around Jungkook and said, "Please stay like this just until tomorrow."

"Fine but only because I feel sorry for you"Jungkook buzzed making Taehyung smile in sadness."Good night I love you"Taehyung susurrated.

"Hmm goodnight..."


Jungkook's POV

I woke up sniffing the aroma of food. I rubbed my eyes yawning in laziness. I looked beside me and saw Taheyung was not there. I stretched my arms before heading towards the kitchen.

Taehyung was standing in front of him close to the sink, in an oversized t-shirt paired with some shorts. His hair is secured with a headband making him look ethereal.

Then Taehyung abruptly turned around with his cute boxy smile.

That smile

I felt my knee getting weak. Clutching the chair beside me, I covered myself from falling. That smile makes me weak.

He waddled his way towards me making me frozen in the place.

"Happy Birthday Kookie~" He whispered in my ears making me weak. He giggled and proceeded to do what he was doing. I quickly sat on the chair beside me, my knee gave up.

My heart is beating fast, my eyes never leaving his beautiful face.

What the hell is happening?

"By the way, I made your favourite food"He mentioned making me gulp,

Is this the gift he was talking about? To make me realize his worth and make me fall for him?

If it is then I think it is working perfectly.


Jungkook and Taeyyung celebrated his birthday, just the two of them. Jungkook enjoyed it a lot. It was something new and exciting for him. The time which he spent with Taehyung made him realize the brown-head male's worth. He had never been this happy, Taehyung made him happy.

They were back in their house chuckling at the incident occurring in their celebration.

"Okay....okie I almost forgot."Taehyung spoke stopping Jungkook from laughing."The gift I told you about is here."He smiled.

"Ohh where is it?"Jungkook asks with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Actually he is here,"

A short male opened the front door grabbing the other males attention successfully. Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was shocked.

His mouth was agape as his eyes were open wide.

Jungkook didn't expect his first love to be here.

"Happy Birthday Kookie. He is the gift I was talking about yesterday" Taehyuung chuckled gloomily.

"I wanted to make you happy so I brought him here as he is your h-happiness"Taehyung voice cracked a little bit.

"B-but w-why?"Jungkook stuttered looking at Taehyung."Because what's worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?"Taehyung said sadly smiling making Jungkook feel something in his heart.

"But Tae I love you"Jungkook finally confessed but Taehyung just brushed it off with a chuckle.

"But you love him more"

"I don't know what scares me more, that you will never start loving me or that I will never stop loving you"Taehyung sighed in grief as a tear fell from your left eye.

"So you are giving up on me that easily?" Jungkook asked.

"There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you have had enough"Taehyung mentioned making Jungkook look down in guilt and shame.

"Happy birthday my love and goodbye"

With that Taehyung left the place, Jungkook hesitated as he slightly turned towards Ji-an who was smiling.

"Go after him, he loves you a lot and I can see it in your eyes that you love him as well. Just go"Ji-an stated with a grin."Thank you Ji-an" Jungkook smiled.

"TAE WAIT" Jungkook shouted as he followed his lover. He won't let go of Taehyung easily, not after realized his true feelings towards him,

Taehyung was walking down the streets when someone yelled out his name. He huffed and turned around to bump with a hard chest. His arm wrapped around his waist and someone's face buried into his neck.

Smelling the scent Taehyung knew who it was.


"I love you so much Taehyung, Please stay I need you more than you think"



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