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Third Person's POV

Ever had a boyfriend who is cold and never shows affection? Who continuously run away when trying to do some skinship? Who never really spend time with you and never really shows care?

Can't relate? Well someone can.........

"Loveeee" A black haired male sang as he hugged his boyfriend who was busy taking his books.

"What do you want?" The male standing tall in front of the locker asked with a cold tone making the black-haired male a little sad.

"Youuuuuuu Taehyung~~" The male answered holding his cold lover's hand. "Yahh there are students here," Taehyung said yanking his hands away.

"But Jungkook wants Taetae's attention." The muscular man whined trying to hug his boyfriend.

"No, I have class now bye. Take care" Taehyung said as he hurriedly grabbed his books and ran away making Jungkook bite his lips in annoyance.

"Why does he always do that?!" Jungkook yelled to himself when a short yet angelic male came towards him.

"What happened kook?" The male asked with a concerned look.

"Your soulmate ran away again. Does he not love me or something?" Jungkook whispered pouting a little.

"No kook Tae loves you dearly," Jimin answered patting the sad boys head softly.

He knows Taehyung acts cold and shows he does never care but in reality, he loves Jungkook to the moon and back. Taehyung has never experienced being in love, he never really knew how this relationship shit works.

"Then am I making him uncomfortable with my actions?" Jungkook eyes widened thinking he made his boyfriend uneasy.

"Did he accepted my proposal out of pity?" The latter asked with sadness laced in his voice.

"No Koo-"

"Then why does he never shows that he cares? Why does he never try talking to me? Why does he give me cold shoulder whenever I want his attention towards me? I crave attention and affection hyung. I do. I hate when someone ignores me but when Taehyung does it not only it hurts me but also makes me insecure. Am I not good enough for him? Did he just accept my proposal so that I won't be humiliated in front of the students? He never cared did he?" Jungkook poured his heart out in front of Jimin who bit his lips trying to control his tears.

He was a sensitive person and seeing Jungkook crying in fear and sadness made him feel bad for the latter.

"Aww kookie" Jimin cried out before hugging the latter trying to comfort him but he knew Taehyung is the only one who can fix this broken fellas heart.

"Kook you know you are his first boyfriend right? He doesn't know how this relationship thing works. And I know that doesn't explain why he gives you cold shoulder but I'm not really in the place to tell you this." Jimin said before breaking the hug and cupping Jungkook's cheeks.

"Go and talk to him okay? Only a good talk can fix this relationship of yours. Don't care if he gives you a cold shoulder just talk to him." Jimin whispered trying to encourage the male but he just shooked his head.

"No hyung not now. I'm tired." Jungkook said removing Jimin's soft hands from his cheeks.

"I won't attend the class. I will be in the classroom which is going to be renovated. Bye hyung"

Jimin stared at the back of the boy who ran away. "You heard everything Taetae," Jimin said loudly.

"Come out now please" Jimin whispered but loud enough for the latter to hear.

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