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Smut ahead!!!!


This is my first time writing smut and if it cringey, I'm sorry.

This is my first time writing smut and if it cringey, I'm sorry

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Third Person's POV

Tae was in the bed squirming as he was horny. Jungkook was busying on his laptop doing his office work. Tae didn't want to disturb him but he really wanted Jungkook to fuck him hard.

So he walked outside of his room and went downstairs towards the living room completely naked."Kookie"He moaned grabbing Jungkook's attention.

"Fuck" He heard Jungkook whispered when he saw Tae's naked figure."What are you doing baby?"Jungkook asked as he closed the laptop and threw it away. He stood up and walked towards Tae slowly.

Tae started walking back until his back hit the wall. Jungkook's intense stare just made him whimpered even more. Jungkook's hands slid down the wall, stopping beside my hips. He gave Tae's hip a light squeeze making him moan lightly.

Then his grazed lower to Tae's lips. Tae parted his lip, without wasting any time Jungkook smashed his lips into Tae's. Tae moaned between the kiss in need.

Jungkook grabbed Tae's hip, he lifted Tae. Tae wrapped his legs around Jungkook's waist as Jungkook took them both upstairs. Jungkook walked inside their room still kissing Tae as he closed the door when a loud bang.

Jungkook's hands were moving down, his fingers skimming over Tae's skin, sending a rush of blood to every part of his body. And Tae's hands went down towards Jungkook's stomach which was hard, dipped, and rippled in all the right places.

Skin against skin. Jungkook hummed, brimming full of power. Tae ran his fingers down Jungkook's chest, to the button on his jeans."So beautiful," he murmured against Tae's swollen lips.

Jungkook then moved to Tae's neck, nibbling and sucking him. Tae moaned as he arched his back in pleasure. Jungkook's tongue licking Tae's nipple making it red and swollen. Tae gasped when he felt Jungkook's finger slowly rubbing his pink hole. Jungkook then traveled his tongue down to Tae's stomach giving it wet kisses. Jungkook then took Tae's whole shaft in his mouth making Tae moaned loudly.

Tae arched his back as Jungkook started bobbing his head up and down. His saliva coating Tae's dick. Tears started flowing down Tae's eyes when he felt Jungkook going faster.

Tae felt a familiar feeling building in his stomach."Jungkook I'm going to cum"Tae moaned. Jungkook hummed in response, Tae took it as a sign and cummed in Jungkoook's mouth. Jungkook swallowed his cum.

Tae whined in loss of feeling. Jungkook chuckled slowly and kissed Tae again. Jungkook pulled out from the kiss and started at the hot mess in front of him.

"Do you want me to fuck you, baby?"Jungkook whispered in a deep voice. Tae moaned in answer. Jungkook frowned and smack Tae's as making it jiggle."Words."Jungkook growled."Y-yes daddy, I want you to fuck me and fill me with your cum.I want you I want you to please."Tae said shamelessly."Such a whore for me, only me."Jungkook said possessively."Yes, daddy only for you" Tae moaned.

"I want your cock daddy"Tae pleaded. Jungkook pecked his lips before grabbing the lube near the bed. Jungkook opened the lube and squeeze it in his fingers. He then trailed his fingers from Tae's stomach to his hole. Tae shivered at the coldness of lube. Jungkook smirked and inserted his two fingers inside Tae's tight hole."Ahh~" Tae moaned in pain and pleasure.

"You like how my finger feels inside your hole. You like that haa?"Jungkook said as he started moving his fingers. Tae could only moan in answer. Jungkook started his finger inside out faster. Tae moaned loudly as tears started streaming down his face. Then Jungkook removed his fingers from Tae's hole. Tae whined but was excited as he knew he was going to get something bigger.

Jungkook then smeared some lube in his dick. Without wasting any time, he slammed his hard dick into Tae's hole. Tae shouted in pain and pleasure when he felt Jungkook's big dick inside him."Fuck baby you are so tight"Jungkook groaned at his tightness.

No matter how many times they fuck Tae will never get used to his boyfriend's unbelievable big dick."M-move"Tae moaned. Jungkook then slowly started moving his dick. After some slow thrust, Tae wanted more.

"F-faster" Tae moaned. Jungkook growled and mercilessly started slamming into Taehyung. Tae moaned in pleasure as Jungkook started going Deeper Faster and Harder.

"You like that? You like when I fuck you hard and deep."Jungkook said and he snapped his hips faster burying his balls deep inside."So wet, so tight for me just me" Jungkook whispered thrusting powerfully.

Then Jungkook moved his hands and started jerking Tae off."Ah-Ah~~Ahh D-addy" Tae stuttered in pleasure."Moan louder for me, baby, let everyone hear how good I make you feel."Jungkook grunted.

Tae moaned loudly as Jungkook started thrusting at an animalistic pace."Ahh-ahh"Tae whined in pleasure as Jungkook roughly jerked him off while thrusting deeper.

"Fuck baby~"Jungkook growled loudly."Jungkook I'm gonna-Ahh fuck-cu-cum" Tae groaned.

"Me too baby cum for daddy," Jungkook said. "I love you, "Tae said and with a loud moan, he cummed.Jungkook's heartbeat fastens so did his thrust as he whispered"I love you more kitten."

Tae's body shuddered as Jungkook kept thrusting as he was chasing his high as well. After a few powerful thrusts, Jungkook cummed inside Taehyung.

Tae moaned as warm cummed filled his hole. Jungkook pulled out and looked at Tae. Tae had his eyes closed as Jungkook's cum leaked through his hole. Jungkook smirked proudly and walked towards their bathroom.

He walked inside with a wet towel. He climbed out to bed and started cleaning Tae's stomach. As the wet towel touched Tae's hole, he whimpered."It's okay" Jungkook whispered as he carefully cleaned Taehyung and himself. Then he walked inside the bathroom and threw the cloth into the washing machine.

As he walked inside the bedroom."Kookie cuddle," Tae said tiredly reached out his hand. Jungkook cooed at his cuteness and laid next to Tae. He pecked Tae's forehead and whispered sweetly. "I love you"

"I love you too Kook"Tae whispered before both of them fell into a deep slumber.




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