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This is a werewolf AU...

"Wake up honey"Taehyung's mother said in a sweet and cheerful voice waking Taehyung up."I'm up maa"Taehyung said in a raspy voice rubbing his eyes."Get ready and come down. I have prepared breakfast for you"Taehyung's mother said kissing his head and going down. Taehyung pouted and lazily went towards his bathroom.

After a few minutes.

Taehyung got out of the bathroom and wore his clothes. He hurriedly went down when he felt the sweet aroma of pancakes made by his mother filled his nostrils.

"Slow down Tae," Taehyung's mother said chuckling."Mama, It's smell so good"Taehyung said as his mouth-watering."Here"Taehyung's mother said placing the plate fill with pancakes with chocolate syrup on the top. Taehyung smiled widely at his mother and started eating his pancakes.

Taehyung's mother watched her only child fondly. Yes, Taehyung is her only child and he is an omega. She is always afraid of Taehyung's safety. Having a beautiful and perfect child is a blessing and a curse but she takes Taehyung as her blessing and happiness.

A blessing because Taehyung is a sweet, kind, humble; every quality a person can ask for. He can give birth to a baby.
A curse because omega is seen as a weak and pathetic class. Every alpha wants them but can't get them. They want omegas just for pleasure and fun. That is why an omega needs its mate to survive in this cruel world.

And that is Taehyung's mother fear, her child not having a mate till now. He has already turned 20 but he still hasn't found a mate.

"Mama, what are you thinking about?"Taehyung said snapping his mother out of her deep thoughts."Oh, I was thinking how beautiful you look today"Taehyung's mother said winking at Taehyung making him blush.

"Oh, I was thinking how beautiful you look today"Taehyung's mother said winking at Taehyung making him blush

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"Mama" Taehyung whined covering his face."You are so cute Tae" Taehyung's mother said pinching his cheeks."Maaaaa it hurts."Taehyung said rubbing his red cheeks and pouting angrily."Forgive mama Tae" Taehyung's mother said sadly."Aww come here, mama"Taehyung said hugging his mother. Taehyung's mother giggled and kiss his forehead."Okay now go to school"Taehyung's mother said pulling out of the hug and taking the plates to the sink."Okay, mama"Taehyung said running towards his mother and kissing her cheeks and running outside.

"This child, I hope he finds his mate soon."Taehyung's mother prayed hopefully.


Taehyung's POV

I was walking down the street admiring nature and I didn't even realize I was already in the school until someone shouted my name very loudly."KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!!!!!!!"Someone shouted gathering the attention of all the students in the college. All the students glared at the person for being so loud in the morning but he didn't care and ran towards me.

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